An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, February 13, 2016

THE leaders of an Islamic sect that supported female genital mutilation have banned the practice in Australia after a ­Supreme Court trial ruled the custom illegal.

Islamic leaders ban genital mutilation after court ruling

The Sunday Telegraph
February 14 2016

Multicultural Sydney: Auburn genital mutilation: Guilty women, sheik fail to show remorse or speak out says judge

THE leaders of an Islamic sect that supported female genital mutilation have banned the practice in Australia after a ­Supreme Court trial ruled the custom illegal.

Trustees of the Dawoodi Bohra Shia Muslim community issued an edict last week ­ordering its followers not to perform the ritual known as “khafd” or “khatna”, either in Australia or overseas.

The order follows the conviction of a mother, a retired nurse and a spiritual leader, who were prosecuted in ­Australia’s first female genital mutilation trial on two sisters last year.

In both cases, the girls’ ­clitorises were cut with a silver tool, but medical examinations were inconclusive about what types of injuries had been caused.

The trio were found guilty of mutilating the two sisters and are yet to be sentenced.

A meeting was held in ­Auburn on Monday about the practice and on Tuesday a ­letter signed by 12 trustees of the Dawoodi Bohra community, a small religious order, told followers to abide by the law of the land.

The letter cited the convictions handed down by the ­Supreme Court and said, consequently, the practice of “khafd” was illegal.

“All parents and guardians are hereby directed in the strictest terms not to carry out khafd under any circumstances,” the letter said.

It also directed people not to take any child or other ­person outside Australia for the same purpose.

Lawyer John Sutton, representing the Dawoodi Bohra sect, said the move to ban the cultural practice was an ­unequivocal signal that the community wanted to adhere to Australian laws.

Even though medical ­examinations of the two ­victims in the court case were unable to prove conclusively what took place, he said the resolution was clear.

Multicultural Australia: ISLAMIC State fighter Khaled Sharrouf is still alive and making threatening calls to people in Sydney over ­attempts by the NSW Crime Commission to seize his house.

Australian jihadist thought to be dead alleged to have made threatening calls over property

Yoni Bashan
The Sunday Telegraph
February 14 2016

Tribute indicates IS thug Khaled Sharrouf is dead

How Elomar and Sharrouf met their fate

Muslim leader’s condolences to bereaved families

ISLAMIC State fighter Khaled Sharrouf is still alive and making threatening calls to people in Sydney over ­attempts by the NSW Crime Commission to seize his house.

Law enforcement officials have uncovered ­numerous contacts from the terrorist, who had ­reportedly been killed in Syria, including a death threat made last month by­­­ ­­­­­­a person claiming to be Sharrouf to a person in Sydney.

The threat related to ongoing legal proceedings led by the NSW Crime Commission, which is attempting to seize a house bought for Sharrouf before he left Australia.

Authorities believe the house in western Sydney was purchased by murdered standover man Joe ­Antoun and others linked to him.

While the house is not in Sharrouf’s name, the commission is suing its legal owner, a relative of Antoun’s, using Criminal Assets ­Recovery legislation. They want to seize the house because of its links to Sharrouf.
A law enforcement official said Sharrouf has no paper link to the house but remains attached to the property and doesn’t want to lose it.

“Sharrouf thinks it’s his,” the ­official said, adding there had been several suspected contacts from him suggesting he wasn’t dead. “He wants to foster an image he’s dead.”

A second law enforcement official said that since the initial reports of Sharrouf’s death last year there had been information coming through suggesting he was still alive, though without a public presence in Syria it was difficult for Australian authorities to verify the intelligence.

Antoun was gunned down on the doorstep of his Strathfield home in December 2013 over an unrelated matter.

The revelations come as questions continue to be posed over the fate of Sharrouf’s children, all of whom are Australian passport holders, and whether they can be brought back to Australia after ­reports emerged last week that Sharrouf’s wife Tara Nettleton, who took the children to Syria, died from complications with appendicitis.

She had been the main point of contact for negotiating the children’s return to Australia, a third law enforcement source said.

The official said federal authorities fell out of touch with Ms Nettleton around September last year and believe she may have died around that time.

Her mother Karen was last week photographed leaving her home with a tattoo on her arm suggesting the date of death was September 11.

Part of the reason Tara died, the official said, was because she wasn’t given priority treatment at a hospital over injured ISIS men.

Robert Van Aalst, a family friend and lawyer to the Nettleton family, declined to be interviewed but said the family was told in January that Sharrouf was dead.

He declined to say who provided the information.

Another lawyer acting for the Nettleton family, Charles Waterstreet, said he had been told the same but didn’t necessarily believe it.

“Khaled’s fate is unverifiable,” Mr Waterstreet said yesterday.

“The family were told he’s dead but knowing how unreliable everything is, whether he’s dead or not I wouldn’t know, but nothing would surprise me.”

Mr Waterstreet is assisting Karen Nettleton in appealing to ­foreign governments and non-government organisations to lead a mission to repatriate the Sharrouf children.

He said the children — Sharrouf has two sons and three daughters: Zaynab, 14, now a mother of a baby herself, Hoda, 13, Abdullah, 11, Zarqawi, 10, and Humzeh, 5 — were currently living alone in a house somewhere in the country and had no access to food or cash.

The girls were also unable to walk around and seek assistance without a male minder and about $2000 had been wired to them but hadn’t yet been claimed.

He said the children had held off telling Karen about Tara’s death because they didn’t want to upset her.

Despite the illegalities involved in wiring money — it is an offence to send money to terrorist organisations or their sympathisers — the authorities had been sympathetic to the family’s attempts, Mr Waterstreet said.

While there were no firm ­attempts afoot to bring the children home, he said efforts to locate and extract the children were ongoing.

In the past Sharrouf has boasted about his deceptive tactics on social media, including his ability to slip through customs and fly “first class” out of the country.

References have also been made to feigning mental illness during his court proceedings between 2007 and 2009 on charges of conspiring to commit an act of terrorism.

Two psychologists ruled he was unfit to stand trial and one claimed Sharrouf was “unlikely to become involved in a further ­offence”.

On sentencing, the judge took into account Sharrouf’s “drug-induced psychosis” and “chronic schizophrenia”. He was released a month after his sentence was handed down because of time already served.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Diversity Down Under: Cultural Enrichment Ambassadors and Gang Rapists return to Australia

Ashwin Kumar, Waleed Latif and Dylan Djohan are the names of scum which Australians must never forget.

Statement from DFAT:

"Until the recent finalisation of their case, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provided consular assistance to three Australian men in Croatia, in line with the Consular Services Charter."

Multiculturalism Down Under : Migrant birthrates are changing Australia, Mark Steyn.

Migrant birthrates are changing Australia: Average birthrate below replacement level

Clarissa Bye
The Daily Telegraph
February 12, 2016 

IT’S the biggest story of our times, but political correctness has stifled debate so badly that politicians are too afraid to even talk about it.

According to visiting ­Canadian author and free-speech advocate Mark Steyn, low birth rates have put Western societies into a “demographic death spiral”.

And he warns it’s impossible to rely on immigration to fill the gap without completely changing our culture.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph before his Australian tour next week, Mr Steyn said politicians were underestimating how quickly societies can change.

“Normally for a population transformation you need a Black Death, the Plague or a world war,” he said. “But in this case we are having it without any of that. That’s why it’s the most fascinating question of our times.”

Australia’s average birthrate of 1.79 is below replacement level. And while Mr Steyn gives Malcolm Turnbull brownie points for understanding the implications of declining birthrates — they once shared a session passing notes back and forth about the issue — he is pessimistic about the PM’s will to reverse the trend. “We don’t have a language to talk about this without ­accusations of racism and sexism coming up,” he said.

“Western societies are basically importing a new population to be the children you couldn’t be bothered having yourselves.”

Mr Steyn said the cultural changes that come with Muslim migration should be acknowledged and discussed.

Women giving birth in Australia but born in ­Lebanon have an average of 4.03 children. For Syrian mums the figure is 3.38 and for Pakistani women it’s 3.02. For Australian-born women the figure is just 1.86.

Amal Chafic of Illawong is a modern Muslim mum with five children aged five to 12 and a large extended family as her two brothers each have four children. “I come from a big family of five and so does my husband Anas, who had six in his family,” she said.

In Oatley, mother-of-two Kylie McCathie, 39, said many of her peers were starting their families late after putting their careers first.

“When I lived in Surry Hills everyone in the mothers’ group was over 30 with their first child,” she said.

Mr Steyn’s visit coincides with Australia’s population hitting 24 million next week.

To mark the milestone, ­social research firm ­McCrindle has released a “fertility map” of Sydney’s birthrates by suburb showing the city’s Muslim population is leading the charge.

Many of the most fertile suburbs are in our migrant clusters, such as Lakemba, Auburn, Guildford, Punchbowl and Bankstown — popular with families of ­Middle Eastern background.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Multicultural Sydney: Auburn genital mutilation: Guilty women, sheik fail to show remorse or speak out says judge

Auburn genital mutilation: Guilty women, sheik fail to show remorse or speak out says judge

The Daily Telegraph
February 5 2016

"Justice Peter Johnson raised concerns that the three accused had not rejected the practise of female genital mutilation called “khatna,” which is traditionally performed on seven-year-old girls."

A SUPREME Court Justice has questioned the remorse of two women convicted of female genital mutilation, saying they have not said if they now reject the practice or will speak out against the procedure which is a tradition in their small Muslim sect.

A midwife, Kubra Magennis, 72, and a 39-year-old mother of four girls (known as A2 during the court proceedings) were convicted by a jury of mutilating the clitorises of the younger woman’s two eldest daughters in November last year, becoming the first people in Australia to be successfully prosecuted for female genital mutilation.

They face a maximum penalty of seven years jail.

At the sentencing hearing Justice Johnson criticised a psychological report tendered by A2 and Vaziri’s defence barrister Robert Sutherland SC saying it focused on the mother and not the impact of the crime she committed against her daughters.

“It is largely a report on what the impact on the family is if the mother goes to jail, no one has asked her (the eldest daughter) as a victim of crime what her attitude is towards the crime.”

Crown Prosecutor Nannette Williams asked that a suppression order on the name of the midwife, initially only known as KM, be lifted which was opposed by her defence barrister Stuart Bouveng on the ground the “frail” woman’s safety was at risk.

The judge later lifted the suppression order, allowing the midwife’s name to be publicised.

Magennis and her husband tendered affidavits that they had been harassed and received threatening phone calls over the past three years.

The religious leader of their Shia Muslim sect, Dawoodi Bohra, Sheik Shabbir Mohammedbhai Vaziri, was found guilty of being an accessory after the fact to the procedure.

At a sentencing hearing today, Justice Peter Johnson raised concerns that the three accused had not rejected the practise of female genital mutilation called “khatna,” which is traditionally performed on seven-year-old girls.

“I am not sure that I have seen any of these accused saying they reject all practises of that sort … and they do take action in the Dawoodi Bohra community to speak out against that,” Justice Johnson said

During the eight-and-a-half week trial the jury heard A2 had arranged for Magennis to perform the procedure called “khatna” on her daughters on two different occasions in Wollongong and Baulkham Hills in Sydney’s north west between October 2009 and August 2012.

The injuries consisted of a nick or cut to the girls’ clitorises.

When police began investigating the practice Vaziri told community members to tell detectives that they did not practise female genital mutilation.

The tiny Auburn-based sect came to police attention in 2012 after they received a tip-off from a reformist Dawoodi Bohra member that the orthodox followers practised female genital mutilation.

The hearing continues.

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