An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sydney's Occupied Territories,Michael Darwiche,Muslim Criminal's brother arrested and denied bail

Michael (?) Darwiche
Arrested and denied bail.

Muslim Criminals supporters " They will never break us"

Darwiche denied 'vengeance', and bail

The Daily Telegraph

March 20, 2009 05:30pm

A SYDNEY man accused of planning to avenge the shooting murder of his brother has been denied bail, despite pleading for release to help care for his dead sibling's children.

Michael Darwiche, 40, sat quietly in the dock of Bankstown Local Court on Friday as his barrister argued for bail on eight firearms charges.

Darwiche is the brother of Abdul Darwiche, shot dead in a hail of bullets in front of his children near a Sydney service station last Saturday.

Since the killing, there has been speculation a long-standing gang feud between the Darwiches and the rival Razzak and Fahda families would be reignited.

Darwiche was arrested about 9pm (AEDT) on Thursday at Bankstown.

"At 9pm yesterday the defendant was the passenger in the front seat of a motor vehicle driving along Salvia Avenue in Bankstown,'' barrister Michael Coroneos told the court.

The blue BMW was subsequently searched by police, with Darwiche claiming he and the driver, Michael Darwick (Michael Darwick), were on their way to a McDonald's restaurant.

However, underneath the rear passenger seat of the BMW, police allegedly found a Glock 23 pistol and an amount of ammunition, a street directory, and the names and addresses of the Fahda family.

"There is nothing to suggest that he (Michael Darwiche) had knowledge of the existence of the firearm when he got in the front passenger seat,'' Mr Coroneos said.

He insisted the police case relied wholly on speculation.

"There is nothing that can be placed before this court that this person has done anything to ... present a danger to the community,'' he added.

Mr Coroneos argued his client, a director of a construction company, should be granted bail to continue his business and financially support his wife and five children, as well as the children of his murdered brother.

Sergeant Wayne Druery admitted much of the evidence was speculative but asked Magistrate Paul Falzon to consider the protection of the community and refuse bail.

"This defendant comes before you not on one matter in which there is no presumption in favour of bail, but two,'' Sgt Druery said to Mr Falzon.

"It is true that we are still waiting on scientific evidence, but we say at this stage that there is strong circumstantial evidence.''

Mr Falzon noted Darwiche's strong community ties and willingness to provide surety in excess of $800,000 and surrender his passport, but denied bail.

Darwiche is due to face Sydney Central Local Court on May 14 by audio visual link.

He and his co-accused face eight charges, including unlicensed possession of an unregistered firearm and being armed with intent to commit an indictable offence.

Darwiche, 36, did not apply for bail and is due before Sydney's Central Local Court next Friday.

Sydney's Occupied Territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tenth Australian killed in Afghanistan

Kevin Rudd: Keep Afghanistan troops or risk terrorism in Australia

By Max Blenkin, Defence Correspondent
The Daily Telegraph
March 20, 2009 05:15pm

AUSTRALIA must stay the course in Afghanistan or risk terrorist attacks on our own shores, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said today.

His warning followed news that a second Australian soldier had died in the strife-torn country this week. The unnamed soldier, a explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialist, died instantly as he tried to defuse a Taliban improvised explosive device (IED).

His death followed that of Corporal Mathew (Mathew) Hopkins, shot dead by insurgents in a firefight on Monday.
The latest fatality takes Australia's death toll in Afghanistan to 10 since 2002. In a parliamentary tribute, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull described EOD technicians as among the bravest of the brave.

They walked straight into danger zones to clear the way of mines, roadside bombs and other suspect devices strewn by terrorists in
their path, he said. Few details of the latest incident have been revealed. Defence head Angus Houston said Australian soldiers were involved in route clearance at an unspecified location when the IED was detected. In the course of dealing with the device, there was an explosion. "It is believed that the soldier, who was a specialist EOD technician, was killed instantly," Air Chief Marshal Houston told reporters. Mr Rudd said it had been a sad week for all Australians with the loss of two proud and respected soldiers.

Terrorists who killed more than 100 Australians in major attacks since 2000 found sanctuary in Afghanistan and the border regions
with Pakistan, he said. "We cannot allow Afghanistan to yet again become another safe haven for terrorists who then present a threat to the security of people everywhere, including Australians at home and abroad. "The implications of this would extend well beyond Afghanistan itself to our wider region and possibly to our own shores."

Mr Turnbull said the EOD technician gave his life trying to protect the lives of others. The technicians were chosen for their calm, skill, mental discipline and, above all, nerves of steel. "They are part of a dedicated, courageous and selfless group that say to their comrades in arm 'keep your heads down and let me clear a safe way for you'," he said.

Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon again cautioned that rising casualties came at the expense of public support. "It is true that the longer you are in a campaign and the more people you lose, the more difficult it is to maintain the support of your local population," he said. IEDs, often deployed as roadside bombs, pose a significant risk to coalition troops and have claimed the lives of four of the nine Australian soldiers killed since October 2007. Other soldiers have been wounded. In November 2007, bomb disposal expert Sergeant Michael Lyddiard lost an eye and an arm in the explosion of an IED he was seeking to disarm. Another roadside bomb blast in September 2007 killed an explosive detection dog and injured his handler.

Is Kevin "I have never been a Socialist" 07 Rudd, the first Western Socialist political party leader to perhaps understand, just a little, the threat of Islam, or as the Islamic appeaser in Chief, Obama demands be described as "man caused disaster" facilitators ?
If so, I hope he is able to impart his understanding of the Islamic / "man caused disaster" facilitators threat to civilization how I wish Rudd's reported concern for our security were genuine.
Australia's Kevin "I have never been a Socialist" 07 Rudd, PM is many things, however, above all he is a shameless liar, who has even invoked the death of his father to legitimise / excuse his membership of Australia's largest Socialist Marxist funded political party, the Australia Labor Party, of which he is now the leader, his appalling slander and character assassination of those who tried to save his fathers life will go down in Australian political history as one of Labor's lowest efforts to gain office at any cost.

I agree with Rudd and his remarks "AUSTRALIA must stay the course in Afghanistan or risk terrorist attacks on our own shores" Why then does he and his party have an open borders illegal immigration policy into Australia?
I mean if you believed that the Taliban / Islamic Terrorism, aka "man caused disasters" in Afghanistan were a threat to Australia and Australian's, why would you at the same time have an open borders illegal refugee policy that allows anyone who flies by plane from Afghanistan to Islamic "man made disaster" supporter, Indonesia, then boards "refugee boats" and is then intercepted in Australian waters by the Royal Australian Navy or Australian Customs forces, not turned back but under orders of the Rudd Socialist Government, escorted to Christmas Island then under Rudd's International Socialist "humane" refugee assessment program granted residence after answering "NO" to the question of "are you a terrorist",to Taliban and Islamic Terrorism supporters aka "man caused disasters"

If Rudd was so concerned about the security of Australia and Australian's he would direct his immigration department to refuse ALL Islamic immigration into Australia, and carefully vet those Muslims already living in Australia with a view to deporting those we are able to do so.
I am sure it is amusing to the Australian Labor Party and their Islamic Multicultural / Cultural Diversity fifth column seeing Australians been shot and blown to pieces in Iraq and Afghanistan while their "refugee" policy allows the killers / potential killers and supporters of those who want to kill Australians into Australia.

Labor and their Marxist financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, (ACTU) have always been supporters of any force that wants to destroy Australia and it's people, from destroying military equipment and supplies to our troops in WW2 to their monetary and moral support of the North Vietnamese,Vietcong, in the Vietnam war under the guise of the "Peace Movement"

I would ask Rudd what his policy on Iran is? given Iran is a major sponsor / facilitator of Islamic Terrorism aka "man caused disasters" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If the west does lose the war against Islamic Terrorism, aka "man caused disasters" it will not be because of a lack of courage or ability on the part of those whose job it is to fight it,it will be as was the case in the Vietnam War, due to the anti west fifth column existing within the borders of the west who use the rights,freedoms and privelges, that only exist in NON Muslim, NON International Socialist Judeo / Christian Western Democracies they demand be destroyed in the name of world wide "peace, tolerance and diversity".

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Islamic youth group deny Hamas Taliban ties

Lakemba mosque rebel youth group say Taliban, Hamas links false

By Rhys Haynes
The Daily Telegraph
March 20, 2009 02:00pm

A REBEL youth group outside Sydney's Lakemba mosque have distributed a leaflet saying claims they are linked with the Taliban or Hamas are false and dangerous.

The leaflet, headlined 'The Important Announcement to the Muslim community from the youth and the brothers of Lakemba mosque', states: "During last Friday's sermon we were accused of being extremists who are 'brainwashed' supporting the Taliban.

"This is a very dangerous accusation because it puts innocent people in danger of being arrested for these serious terrorist charges and immediately imprisoned."

The leaflet also describes the need to "clarify some points to the community and especially for the Fathers and Mothers".

Armed detectives are patrolling the streets surrounding the mosque where today's sermon has begun.

The sermon has been shrouded with controversy after tensions within the Muslim community escalated when Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly's claimed some of the young men that oppose him are terrorists.

At last week's sermon, aired on Muslim radio, he also said: "We should call (Taliban leader) Muallah Omar and declare that we have Taliban in Lakemba."

He added: "I feel there are hidden fingers that are controlling our naive sons."

Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly has also been caught up in an act of vandalism last week - minutes before reporting it to police.

Muslim youths believe the sheik staged the vandalism - when he kicked in a door to an office - to frame them and gain public support before he was unwittingly caught on security footage.

In turn Sheik Hilaly, who denies the allegations, believes he has been set up.

See ANV video post March 18 09 Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly, trashes Mosque then calls Police to find culprit.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ACORN :The Obama army ready to strike

ACORN The Obama Army ready to strike at America's heart.

Pelosi telling Americans what Obama's illegal immigrant policy REALLY IS

Pelosi enunciates Obama's Hope & Change that Americans can believe in.

Muslim Drug Dealers Killer urged to surrender

Surrender for your own good, Muslim leaders urge Blackie Fahda

The Daily Telegraph

March 19, 2009 12:00am

SAFER in custody than out is the message Muslim leaders have for the family of Mohammed "Blackie" Fahda, wanted for questioning over the murder of drug kingpin Abdul Darwiche.

Fahda - a younger brother of Ahmad Fahda, who was shot dead at a Punchbowl service station six years ago - cannot be found.

Two associates of the Darwiche family are serving life sentences for Fahda's murder.

It is believed police have spent this week checking homes and associates linked to Fahda.

Muslim community leaders told The Daily Telegraph they had agreed to approach the brothers' father Abdul to urge him to get his son to contact police. They say his life is at dire risk from some people in the community who may want to take the law into their own hands.

One Muslim community leader, who did not wish to be named, said it was well known in the community that Fahda was the one being sought for questioning by Strike Force Solomon.

"People will try to make contact with his father to present him to the police station because then things will calm down," he said.

Police yesterday said, while they were concerned about possible retribution, they had no proof of anyone threatening vengeance for Darwiche's murder or of anyone being kidnapped to disclose Fahda's whereabouts.

Sydney's Occupied Territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Corporal Mathew Hopkins.

Corporal Mathew Hopkins

Fallen Digger Corporal Mathew Hopkins a proud new dad - widow

By Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
March 18, 2009 04:37pm

A SOLDIER killed in Afghanistan on Monday has been named as 21-year-old Corporal Mathew Hopkins, married with a young son.

Corporal Mathew Hopkins spent just four days with his new son Alex before duty called him back to Afghanistan and an untimely death at the hands of Taliban insurgents.

His devastated wife Victoria paid a brief tribute to her 21-year-old husband who died in a hail of enemy bullets during an ambush in Afghanistan on Monday.

He was on his second tour of duty in southern Afghanistan.

"Mat had the most important job - he was a father to our son Alex, my husband and my best friend," she said.

"He was excited about becoming a daddy. He only got to spend four days with our son when he was born before he had to go back overseas. I'm so glad that Mat got to meet his son and experience fatherhood."

The section commander was on patrol with a joint Australian-Afghan National Army patrol when it was ambushed by about 20 enemy fighters near the village of Kakarak about 12km north of the base at Tarin Kowt.

The young soldier from the Darwin based 7th Battalion was a member of an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team (OMLT) charged with training local troops.

He was treated by patrol medics for severe gunshot wounds and evacuated to the Tarin Kowt field hospital.

Defence chief Angus Houston said he was pronounced "dead on arrival", but Defence revised that assessment saying he "died shortly after arriving at the hospital".

Air Chief Marshal Houston said that the Defence organisation would do everything it could to support the Hopkins family as they dealt with their terrible loss.

"Mathew was a fine, professional and courageous soldier," ACM Houston said.

"He died while serving his nation and his sacrifice should never be forgotten. This loss is felt heavily by the wider Defence Community. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his mates and colleagues.''

Corporal Hopkins was the ninth Australian to die in Afgahnistan since 2002.

More than 60 diggers have been wounded.

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly, trashes Mosque then calls Police to find culprit.

The "Uncovered Meat" " Muslim Holy man" has been caught out big time,see if you can see where,on the video, he has been missinterpreted I cannot wait to hear Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly's apologist in chief, Keyasr Trad explain away the actions of this piece of shit, oops sorry "bacteria "

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sydney: Cronulla, Sharks Stalk Ocean Race Swimmers

Better than the "Cronulla Riots" in "Daarnce", a frigging SHARK!!!!!
appears mid way through the annual
Cronulla / SHARK Island ocean Swim.

Is Sydney Killer Shark and School Fish Capital of the WORLD?

Sharks, Fish, Sharks and more bloody Fish,
then more Bloody Big Sharks!!!!!
See what happens when you elect Socialist's!!!

Three Meter Bull Shark captured 600meters from Sydney Opera House

Sydney's Occupied territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Islams Finest On Parade in Sydney's
Occupied Territories
Drug boss executed

Les Kennedy, Eamonn Duff and Manuel Mitternacht
March 15, 2009

THE head of one of Sydney's most powerful drug dealing crime syndicates was shot dead in a drive-by shooting at a busy intersection yesterday, sparking police fears the brazen killing in front of pedestrians would reignite a gang war.

As police called for calm among members of Sydney's Middle Eastern community last night the dead man was named as Abdul Qadier Darwiche, 37, of Condell Park, whose younger brother Adnan "Eddie" Darwiche, of Lakemba, is serving life for double murder.

Police said Darwiche died in a hail of at least six gunshots fired into his moving vehicle by gunmen in a silver four-wheel-drive as he was driving along Miller Road, Bass Hill, near the intersection of Liverpool Road, at 3.45pm.

The Peace Loving Relatives and their Friends at the Murder scene,note the the numerous assault Police incidents as Police investigate the murder(video includes history of mayhem created by these scum)

Within seconds his vehicle careered off the road and into a park, crashing into a gum tree with Darwiche dead behind the wheel. Police would not say if a weapon was found inside his car, a black Triton utility, but confirmed the attack followed an argument with a group of men in a nearby street.

In September 2007 police publicly identified Abdul Darwiche as the head of a "criminal syndicate" when Detective Inspector Michael Ryan told the Administrative Decisions Tribunal that Darwiche's family controlled drug networks in the city's south-west.

Inspector Ryan named the head of the family syndicate as Abdul Darwiche, who in 2006 was found not guilty of the attempted murder of Farouk "Frank" Razzak, alleged to have headed a rival clan.

It was the first time police publicly named someone as the head of a family-based Middle Eastern crime syndicate. Abdul Darwiche strongly denied the allegations at the time, saying the police claims were based on unfounded rumour and speculation, and said police had a personal vendetta against him.

The allegations, in which police also alleged Abdul Darwiche carried a gun down the back of his pants, came to light when he appealed to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal after the Tow Truck Authority refused his application for a tow truck licence on the grounds that he was not of good character.

Inspector Ryan told the tribunal a former associate of Abdul Darwiche had informed police that he sold cannabis and amphetamines for him "from 1996 onwards".

Adnan Darwiche was sentenced to life imprisonment in November 2006 for a double murder committed with three others during a bloody inter-family drug feud in Sydney's south-west that was investigated by the forerunner to the Middle Eastern Crime Squad, Task Force Gain.

The taskforce was set up in 2003 to end a bloody series of drive-by shootings involving the Darwiche and Razzak families.

Adnan Darwiche is serving natural life jail terms in the Supermax high security jail in Goulburn for murdering Ziad Razzak and young mother Mervat Nemra.

Ms Nemra was an innocent bystander whose home Ziad Razzak was using as a safe house while being hunted by rival drug dealers.

The Funeral at Lakemba Mosque,attended by the victims fellow members of
" The Religion of Peace"

Both were killed when Adnan Darwiche and three others fired more than 100 bullets from Russian military AK-47 assault rifles and an M1 machine-gun into the Greenacre house where the two were sleeping.

Adnan Darwiche's Supreme Court trial in 2006 was told that that the dispute between him and another relative Bilal Razzak erupted in 2001 over drug-dealing boundaries and a broken marriage between Darwiche's sister, Khadige, and Ali Abdul-Razzak.

In August, 2003 Ali Abdul-Razzak was shot dead by three unidentified gunmen as he walked from prayers at the Lakemba Mosque. His killers have not been found.

Police who rushed to the scene of yesterday's shooting were quick to say that the shooting had not stemmed from road rage, saying Abdul Darwiche appeared to have been deliberately targeted by a gunman in a silver coloured Honda CRV four-wheel-drive vehicle. Detectives from the Middle Eastern Crime Squad joined Homicide investigators and Bankstown police in the investigation last night.

The shooting was seen by a number of customers, staff and children in a small shopping centre and service station bordering the intersection. They were in the nearby kebab shop, Subway and chemist shop and United service station.

Police cordoned off the park where the dead man's vehicle came to a halt and placed a tarpaulin over the vehicle to protect clues for crime scene investigators as the body lay slumped inside.

Darwin, Australia.Human remains found in Black Jungle Swamp.

Human remains found near site where girl, 11, feared taken by crocodile in Northern Territory

By Tara Ravens
March 16, 2009 07:35pm

HUMAN remains have been found in a flooded creek near where an 11-year-old girl is believed to have been taken by a crocodile in rural Darwin.
An elite 10-man search squad, armed with rifles for their own protection, made the grisly find after more than 12 hours methodically trawling Black Jungle Swamp.

Superintendent Michael Murphy said the remains, believed to be body parts, would be subject to DNA testing for identification.

"No specifics will be given in relation to the trauma or the type of evidence located out of respect for the family," he said, adding that he could not "begin to understand the emotions they are encountering".

The child had been playing with her seven-year-old sister and two friends, aged 10 and 12, when she disappeared in the suburb of

Lambells Lagoon about 5.30pm (CST) yesterday.

Supt Murphy said the children told officers they had seen the tail and the mouth of a crocodil "splash the surface" moments before the girl disappeared.

"They are very upset, as you could understand," he said.

"This is very hard-hitting for the local community and it's hard-hitting for the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia - the loss of a young girl is a very tragic event."

Poor visibility and fast flowing water forced police to abandon their search last night. It resumed with the aid of a helicopter and four park rangers at first light today.

The highly trained and heavily armed police squad scoured a 2km water channel, braving water up to shoulder height before taking their search to the surrounding flood plain.

Despite the dense vegetation and murky water, police discovered a pair of board shorts about 70m downstream from where the missing girl was swimming.

A few hours later they found human remains 450m from the site, Supt Murphy said. The crime scene has now been closed and NT police are preparing a file for the coroner.

Local Michael Dobrobitch, who lives off the red dirt road that runs to the swamp, said it was unusual for saltwater crocodiles to come so far inland.

"(But) if they are breeding or hungry, and they can pick up a scent in the creek, or they get caught coming through the current, then the salties will venture into the freshwater," he said.

Mr Dobrobitch said kids were known to swim in the waterway, despite the fact it is a closed park with permits only usually granted for scientific studies.

"If you come from the town you'd be more scared of the grass and snakes and dingoes and crocodiles ... but being bush children it's just second nature to go into the bush and into the creek," Mr Dobrobitch said.

The girl is the second young crocodile victim this year.

In February, five-year-old Jeremy Doble died in the far north Queensland Daintree River after he followed his dog into the river where his parents run a tour company.

Last September, 62-year-old Vietnam veteran Arthur Booker died while checking crab pots at a campsite on the Endeavour River near Cooktown.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Global Warming.. oops Sorry "Climate Change" Kevin Rudd

Goulburn's eco-friendly Rudd made to pay for our polluting PM

By Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
March 14, 2009 12:00am

KEVIN Rudd of Goulburn has one of the smallest carbon footprints in Australia.

Down the road, Kevin Rudd of The Lodge, Canberra, has a giant carbon monster print.

But it will be Mr Rudd and his energy-wise Goulburn family - who use water-saving taps, collect shower water for the garden, have insulated their home and make sure they switch off lights when they leave a room - who will pay.

The Federal Government's emission trading scheme, which has been called into question as the economy deteriorates, could cost families as much as $200 a year in higher energy bills.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has been busy earning the nickname Kevin "Carbon" Rudd.

His private jet belched more than 3100 tonnes of carbon, or 225 times the yearly emissions of the average Australian household, into

the atmosphere as he flittered around the world in his first year in office. The Lodge, where open log fires were burning as late as last year, and his Sydney home, Kirribilli House, spewed 272 tonnes of carbon.

"I don't see why we should have to pay (more for electricity), we don't have the sort of money," Mr Rudd of Goulburn said. "We will have no choice. I suppose in the long run if it is to help the carbon emissions, we will be happy."

For a sustainable future, experts have calculated every person on Earth would need to reduce their carbon emissions to an average two tonnes each. On that score, Mr Rudd would account for more than 1500 average people, according to The Daily Telegraph's study of just the Prime Minister's international flights during his first year in office.

It was estimated last year that the Government's carbon reduction scheme would add 1 per cent to the cost of living in Australia.

"I think $200 is a very modest estimate and as for Kevin Rudd's enormous carbon emissions, it is really typical of do as I say, not as I do," the Australian Family Association's John Morrissey said.

Liberal Senator Michael Ronaldson labelled Mr Rudd "Carbon Kev". "Mr Rudd is not a climate change sceptic, he is a climate change hypocrite," he said.

A spokesman for Mr Rudd listed measures the Government was taking to reduce Australia's overall carbon footprint, including the trading scheme.

Please Please Spare me this CRAP !!!!!!! ............Well that was my instantaneous reaction to this pap piece... then I thought that if the MSM is daring to publish such a story, maybe the Green Hoax aka Global Warming .. ooops sorry aaaheem hang on I will get it right in a minute
Climate Change... HOAX have been exposed a little more than they already have.

The loons that propose the Global Warming Hoax are the same loons that stated that the earth was going into an Ice Age back in the 1970's, these same loons were just hoping that people like me had forgotten what they said back then more importantly they had hoped that people like me had not kept records of what they said back then.

Loons where are you ? come out Loons, Loons, Loons, yooooo hoooooo are you there Loons?
Al are you there? Kevin 07, Barack Hussein are you there?
Look forward to discussing what went wrong with your Ice Age theory by 1980.. I am sure you have a good explanation's to why you got it so WRONG then, and why you have it so RIGHT now and into the year 2050,How did you get it so wrong over TEN years (as far as I know we have not had an ice age between 1970 and 1980 and not even as I write this are there any signs of an Ice Age) but are able to predict exactly what the temperature and sea level will be in the year 2050?

Australia: Labor's Green Loons training for "direct action and civil disobedience"

Greens protesters promoting rising tide of crime

EXCLUSIVE by Joe Hildebrand
The Daily Telegraph
March 14, 2009 12:00am

PEOPLE are being urged to break into shops, "disable" four wheel drives and throw pies at people by an extreme environmental group being promoted by the NSW Greens.

The group Rising Tide is planning a blockade of the world's biggest coal port in Newcastle, for which Greens MP Lee Rhiannon has held a "direct action and civil disobedience" workshop to prepare protesters.

Rising Tide claims the protest will be legal and peaceful, however it also warned participants "there can be no guarantee against arrest".

Ms Rhiannon - who will attend the blockade with her staff - yesterday praised Rising Tide but said she was unaware of its support of vandalism and did not condone it.

Rising Tide said people concerned about climate change should also "shut down" petrol stations and blockade power plants.

The suggestions are contained in a list of 64 "actions" posted on the group's website.

A spokeswoman for Rising Tide stood by the list, saying the actions were "trivial" compared to the threat of climate change.

Many of the suggestions are benign but some are clearly illegal and potentially dangerous.

They include:

* DISABLE a 4WD. (Letting the tyres down is one way - and doesn't leave you open to "malicious damage" charges, because it doesn't

damage the vehicle);

* THROW a pie at chief spin doctor at the NSW Minerals Council;

* SHUT down petrol stations;

* SUBVERTISE - distort the messages on adverts for climate criminals;

* PAINT bike lanes on the road;

* START a campaign against air flights; and

* BLOCKADE or occupy a power station."

Rising Tide spokeswoman Georgina Woods said the group stood by the suggestions, saying they were "on the scale of things, a little bit of inconvenience".

"Our group is non-violent but we feel we're facing a wide unprecedented challenge and a little bit of civil disobedience as an expression of community frustration," she said.

Green activist Lisette Salkavich, who distributed an email urging people to get involved in the Rising Tide blockade, said that while she had not done it herself damaging property could be morally justified in some circumstances and climate change was an urgent threat.

International Socialism, Kevin 07 Rudd, let loose via the Greens /Environmental movement, the Lunatics are running the International Socialist Asylum
Come on Kevin 07 Come clean.

Thank You

A special Thank YOU
To all the existing and NEW United States , Canadian, British and New Zealand Readers
of Aussie News & Views.
Great to have you on board

Yes I know there are many many other readers from many many other countries
I am as equally appreciative of your patronage of Aussie News & Views as well.
Just hang in there until I get the stats for you and I will acknowledge you here on ANV.

You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory

“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed;
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.

“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”

Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8

So what part of the above does the average "Joe Schmuck" not understand ?
What exactly is so F***ing hard to comprehend regarding the above statement?
Is it the " or is it the ,? the rest is easy, even I understand the " and the , So how about we get moving on the rest of the statement, I will reproduce it without the " and the ,

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.

There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.

There ya go, I got rid of those " and the ,
does Winston Churchill's speech make sense NOW?
I mean, does the Fact that American (not Sudanese, Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Somalian,Saudi Arabian but as well as) women and girls are having their HEADS hacked off,stabbed & beaten to death by members of the "Religion of Peace" aka. Islam, motivate you to at least think that the message and mantra of the United Nations the US Democrats and their cabal of Leftists organizations is a lie?

Would Community Organizer in Chief
Barack Hussein Obama
Please make it known just what side of the Islamic "Jihad" he is on.
So far he has has shown that he is on the side of appeasement aka. Islam.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Why do "Infidel" women marry Muslim men ? Marnie Pearce might be able, one day to tell us.

Marnie Pearce, mother of two, jailed over a cup of tea

The Daily Telegraph
March 13, 2009 07:36am

A BRITISH mother of two is being held in jail after being found guilty of adultery - for having a cup of tea with a male friend.

Marnie Pearce, 40, had separated from her Egyptian husband Ihab El-Labban when he burst into her Dubai home and found her drinking tea with another man.

Mr El-Labban now has custody of their two children - Ziad, 4, and Laith, 7 - and former classroom assistant Ms Pearce fears she may never see them again because she will be deported as soon as she is released.

Amnesty International says Ms Pearce, who has lived in Dubai for 15 years, is "a prisoner of conscience".

Mr El-Labban made the claim of adultery - which is a crime in the strict Muslim country - during a custody battle over the boys.

Ms Pearce, who denies a physical relationship with the man, went on the run with the boys but eventually gave herself up and handed the sobbing children over before her case was heard and she was sentenced.

"She should be immediately and unconditionally released," Amnesty's UK representative Tim Hancock said.

"The rights of these two young children are in serious danger of being forgotten in the dispute between their parents. The boys should be allowed to express their own opinion on what should happen to them."

One appeal was dismissed, although a court did agree to reduce her original six-month sentence to three months.

A verdict on her most recent appeal is expected by March 16.

What do you think?

What do I think? I think if I have to see another story of a Woman from the civilized world who chose to marry a follower of the "Religion of Peace" telling us that it all went hay wire I will have to say , yet again, well what the F**k did you think was going to happen?
Did she think she was going to live happily ever after?
Did she think there was such a thing as "Islamic barbarism light", or "Islamic sociopaths Inc.home edition" ?
Did she think the Koran was an invention of right wing extremists who wrote it to make the followers of the Religion of Peace look bad ?

If all of the above was the case it would would make me think she was uninformed, and if that was the case, well, I ask why was she uninformed, but I guess not every woman in the civilized world is aware of the Islamic menace, and I have the utmost sympathy for her, and wish her well and hope she gets her freedom, and HER children back as soon as possible, however there is a piece of me that says maybe she is one of those "enlightened liberal western" apologists for Islam, and maybe was determined to prove the "fallacy" of Islam NOT been a "Religion of Peace", if this
Marnie Pearce is of the latter, then I hope she survives her time in the Religion of Peace's Jails and hope she is able to remember the faces of her children, for she has reaped what she has sown, by marrying a member of Sociopaths Inc. aka the 'Religion of Peace"
And don't ya just love the Muslim controlled, Irene Khan, Amnesty Internationals Tim Hancock's, confected outrage "She should be immediately and unconditionally released," these are the same mob of useless arse clowns who spend the majority of their time lecturing the civilized world on morals and human rights whilst demanding the civilized world RESPECT and tolerate the barbarism and savagery of the cult of the Islamic third world and every other piece of useless third world SHIT that they are getting a stipend from in exchange for engratiating the status of said despot on the world stage.

I am sick of this shit how about YOU ????? I gotta get me a Fuckin Rifle, I can get a horse pretty quick, I just need a Rifle and a pet Croc, maybe a few Roo's and a Mookie Monster an Aussie Dog and I am outa here.

It's the Koran Stupid!!!!
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
It's no wonder there are a billion mentally deranged Sociopaths running around loose in the world,
If you told even a 1/4 of them to read the Koran
why would you be surprised at 911
What the F**k would you expect?

The "Holy" Koran has it all.

If I advocated the teachings of the Koran on this web site under the name of Catholicism or Judaism, Hinduism take your pick, this site would be shut down within 5 minutes.
Yet under the guise of ISLAM
I could say whatever I wanted to say about anyone.

The United Nations Rabid Mad Dog,
Let off the leash to do
International Socialism's dirty work.

Perth Western Australia : Police Officer Matt Butcher attacked by thugs.

From Perth Western Australia: Gee its so good we have so many women in the Police Force, I mean they are always there just when you need them, when the shit hits the fan you can always count on a bystander doing their job for them, whilst they invoke Australia's new age Policing tactics of "non violent conflict resolution " against a group of thugs who should have had the crap beaten or shot out of them long before Officer Matt Butcher had his head smashed into the pavement.
I have at this point no knowledge of Officer Matt Butcher's condition, I just hope he is ok and that his Female assistant (sparkler) did not damage her nails or suffer any lasting emotional damage after witnessing the incident that would require long term rehabilitation.
Go the "affirmative action, new age,non violent conflict resolution tactics" adopted by Australian Police Forces..... yeah right... How's ya head Matt?

The Western Australian Police force is the same Police force where male Police officers threatened strike action a few years ago following the Socilaist WA Governments edict that the WA Police force would have to be made up of at least 25% Female Police officers, why the threat of strike action? watch the video.

Australian Federal and State governments, should get it through their THICK Socialist "caring and sharing" SKULLS,that it's a Police FORCE not a branch of their public relations department where all cultures,behavours,values are equal.

OK OK OK STOP PRESS!!!!!!!!! It gets worse watch the video below and then what I have to show / tell you will knock your socks off, especially any US Police Officers I am just waiting for the info to come on line, ok, got it it's on.

Only in Australia,or any other Socialist Governed Country could, what you are about to see be described as an "Alleged Assault" against Police officers,
Officer Matt Butcher in particular.

Now believe THIS

These sacks of Shit found NOT Guilty of assaulting these Police Officers should be WHERE?
What should have happened to them, if the jury had of seen the same video you just saw saw them DO to Matt Butcher?

Within minutes of the attack upon Officer Matt Butcher he found himself Partially PARALYSED & partially BLIND, if the thugs you just saw attacking him did not cause his injuries who did?
The video offers NO indication that paralysis was and sight impairment was pre existing.
Come on you new age "critical thinkers" on the jury could you offer any explanation as to how Officer Butcher was one minute fully sighted and suffered no paralysis and the next minute
did ?

Latest: Kevin " I have never been a Socialist" Rudd shows up as the arsonist dressed as a Fireman, offering the socialist double speak.
Assault case shows 'police need support'
March 13, 2009, 12:29 pm

A jury's verdict in an assault case has highlighted the need for communities to rally behind their police, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says.

Mr Rudd said on Friday he had been shocked after arriving in Perth to see a newspaper report of a jury's decision to clear three men of any involvement in a pub brawl.

Perth policeman Matthew Butcher was left paralysed and with brain damage and sight impairment after he was knocked unconscious by a headbutt during a fracas outside the Joondalup Old Baily Tavern in February last year.

A jury on Thursday found Robert McLeod, 56, and his sons Barry McLeod, 29 and Scott McLeod, 35, not guilty on all counts of assaulting Constable Butcher.

Barry McLeod was alleged to have endangered the life of Constable Butcher by felling him with what prosecutors described as a "flying headbutt".

In the only guilty verdict against the men, Scott McLeod was found to have made threats to kill a civilian who recorded the incident on his mobile phone.

Family, friends and colleagues of Const Butcher say they are in a state of disbelief over the verdicts.

Mr Rudd said he was shocked by the front-page report of the jury verdict in the West Australian newspaper.

"I had to read it twice," he told Fairfax Radio Network.

He said while he was unfamiliar with details of the event, it was "a wake-up call" for communities to support their police force.

"Every police commissioner I've spoken to in the eastern states has told me how hard things are getting, and in the central business districts in particular," he said.

"What we have here is a wake-up call for people to rally behind police.

"They are doing a first-class job in the community and I think it's absolutely important we use this event as a focal point to rally behind our police."

He said police put themselves "in the front line every day, in very dangerous and difficult circumstances".

"Most (of these incidents) are never reported," Mr Rudd said.

"I think it's high time the community just got behind the police in absolutely everything they do.

"It's time we had a new attitude of respect for the police because they are dealing with the problems of violence, domestic violence and alcohol-induced violence of binge drinking."

He was a long-standing supporter of the jury system, but that "errors occurred from time to time in the administration of justice".

"That's not a comment I make in reference to any particular case," he said."

"... but we need to focus again on this extraordinary event, and use it to focus on what we can do more to protect our police on the beat."

Costco to open in Australia.

US giant Costco takes on Coles, Woolies with first Australian store at Docklands

By Kellee Nolan
March 13, 2009 01:36pm

SUPERMARKET giants Coles and Woolworths will have have a new kid on the block to go up against later this year with cut-price international grocery warehouse Costco set to open in Melbourne.

Costco will open its first Australian outlet at Melbourne's central Docklands precinct in July, offering everything from greenhouses to diamond rings and fresh strawberries to toilet paper, at discount prices to both wholesale and retail customers.

The store will create 225 new full-time and part-time jobs which Victorian Industry and Trade Minister Martin Pakula said was a "statement of confidence" in Victoria's economy.

The US-based Costco also planned to open a store in Sydney, and was looking "all over" the city for a suitable site, Costco Australian manager Patrick Noone said today.

The $60 million Melbourne store will be Australia's first, joining a stable of 535 Costco outlets across the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Following the inroads made by no-frills grocery chain Aldi in Australia, Costco warehouses will offer wholesale prices to small and medium enterprises and also allow retail consumers to buy goods at wholesale prices, for an annual $60 membership fee.

Commenting on the new central Melbourne Costco site, Mr Noone said he hoped people would travel "a long way" to shop there.

"We think they will take to it like ducks to water," he said.

Australian Retailers Association executive director Richard Evans said consumers would take some time to come around to the Costco way of shopping, but the wholesaler was a welcome addition to the retailing mix.

"Australian consumers are very set in the their ways, it's very difficult to get them to change their style of shopping," Mr Evans said.

"Retailing is very competitive but the more competition, the better it is for consumers."

Last year the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) ran an inquiry into the competitiveness of grocery prices in Australia, amid public concern over a perceived stranglehold on the market between Coles and Woolworths.

In its July 2008 report, it found price competition between Coles and Woolworths was limited by high barriers to entry for new competitors combined with limited incentive for Coles and Woolworths to compete aggressively.

But it found Aldi had been a "vigorous price competitor", forcing Coles and Woolworths to lower prices on many products.

Docklands retail and restaurant owners, still reeling from the closure of the heat-buckled Southern Star Observation Wheel, welcomed the announcement, saying it would attract people and bring good flow-on business.
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Australia: Discrimination AGAINST white Males to be legalised

While you were sleeping.

Labor's "Fresh Thinking" and "Time for Change"

Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged

Susie O'Brien
Herald Sun
December 09, 2008 12:00am

DISCRIMINATION against dominant white males will soon be encouraged in a bid to boost the status of women, the disabled and cultural and religious minorities.

Such positive discrimination -- treating people differently in order to obtain equality for marginalised groups - is set to be legalised under planned changes to the Equal Opportunity Act foreshadowed last week by state Attorney-General Rob Hulls.

The laws are also expected to protect the rights of people with criminal records to get a job, as long as their past misdeeds are irrelevant to work being sought.

Equal Opportunity Commission CEO Dr Helen Szoke said males had "been the big success story in business and goods and services".

"Clearly, they will have their position changed because they will be competing in a different way with these people who have been traditionally marginalised," she said.

"Let's open it up so everyone can have a fair go."

Victoria's peak business body expressed concern yesterday about the need for the proposed laws, and questioned if they would undermine the right of companies to make legitimate business decisions.

At present, individuals or bodies wanting to single out any race or gender for special treatment must gain an exemption from VCAT.

Companies and public bodies accused of discrimination can only be held to account after a complaint has been made.

But the proposed changes go much further, allowing the commission to inquire into discrimination, seize documents and search and enter premises after attempts to bring about change have failed.

Businesses and individuals would be required to change their ways even if a complaint had not been received.

Action could be taken where an unlawful act was "likely to occur", not just in cases where discrimination has taken place.

The commission would also have real teeth to enforce its rulings via VCAT and, as a last resort, in the courts.

The changes, shown in a Department of Justice report by former public advocate Julian Gardner, would also:

EDUCATE people so they know their rights.

GIVE more protection to people with disabilities, requiring companies and public entities to reasonably accommodate their needs.

GRANT the homeless and people who act as volunteers better protection from discrimination.

Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry workplace general manager David Gregory said business supported the objectives of equal opportunity legislation.

"But I am concerned and curious about whether these changes mean the commission can second-guess the legitimate business decisions of individual businesses," he said.

The first raft of changes to the Equal Opportunity Act were introduced into Parliament last week.

The Victorian Labor Party & VCAT's "finest hour" was when their Sharia Law inspired Star Chamber persecuted two evangelical Pastors
Danny Nalliah and Daniel Scot.
Cases like these show why the Left / International Socialists / United Nations work so closely with, and facilitate the imposition of Islam via Islamic Terrorism, they have a rabid mad dog they are able to let off the chain to do their dirty work, all the while excusing their mad dogs behavior by demanding tolerance and understanding of such barbarism, under the threat of legal sanction been imposed upon their mad dogs victims.

Australia has never had so many laws against it's citizens freedom of speech, all at the hands of the Australian Labor Party and their various cabals of leftist sub branches eg the various environmental / human / animal rights organizations.

Just like Obama and the US Democrats, their Australian Comrades led by Kevin 07 Rudd, did promise "Change" and "Fresh Thinking"

The most high-profile case in Australia is that involving Daniel Scot, Danny Nalliah and Catch the Fire Ministries. When they ran a seminar on Islam in 2002, the Islamic Council of Victoria made a complaint against them under Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

Five years later, in June 2007, the case was finally resolved. We have documented this case fully on our News pages. Click here to read more about this important case.

Use the tabs at the left to view particular cases or countries.

Author: Jenny Stokes | Modified: 28 July 2008

Muslim bigots impose blasphemy laws on Victoria

Gerard Jackson
Monday 19 December 2005

At the behest of Muslim bigots and multiculturalist fanatics the Bracks Government suspended free speech in Victoria by imposing a blasphemy law dressed up as an anti-vilification law. This has given Islamo-fascists a freehand to attack critics of Islam.

In a ruthless attempt to intimidate critics Muslim fanatics reported two pastors to Diane Sisely, the Equal Opportunity Commission boss, for criticising the Koran. This enemy of free speech and her fellow Stalinoids on the commission then launched proceedings against the pastors for exercising their fundamental and inalienable right to free speech. So far these pastors have had to pony up more than $100,000 to defend themselves against Bracks’ obscene blasphemy law and these lefty zealots.

However, circumstantial evidence suggests that members of the Equal Opportunity Commission entered into a conspiracy to prosecute these pastors in order to intimidate potential critics of Islam into remaining silent.

Diane Sisely hired May Helou, a Muslim bigot, to help her identify people criticising Islam. True to form, this Muslim Torquemada quickly swung into action. Helou incited several Muslim converts to attend a seminar on jihad that had been organised by a Melbourne Pentecostal church. As a result three Muslims attended. About 250 Christians were present.

Pastor Danny Nalliah and Pastor Daniel Scot addressed the crowd. Pastor Daniel Scot, who had been sentenced to death in Pakistan for his Christian beliefs, accurately cited passages from the Koran and the Hadith, pointing out that these had been used by fanatical clerics to justify jihad against the West, lying for Islam, murdering apostates, raping female prisoners, etc. (Tell me, little Miss Sisely, do these passages make the Koran hate speech?)

The Pastors’ response to this barbarism was that Christians should pray and that Muslims “should be loved”. (This just goes to show how viciously intolerant these Christians really are). Well, this was just too much for our freedom-loving Muslim converts. Seething with trumped-up indignation, these monuments to the unquestionable benefits of multiculturalism complained, surprise, surprise, to May Helou who immediately brought the EOC down on the heads of our oh so dangerous Pastors. As a member of the commission this Muslim bigot even got to sit in judgment on its religious victims. (Talk about acting as judge, jury and executioner).

There is no doubt in my mind that some members of the commission conspired with May Helou to engage in the religious persecution of these Christian critics of Islam.

Given the nature of the evidence there should be an immediate and independent investigation of Sisely and Helou. As the EOC has been compromised by religious bigotry and its obvious contempt for Australian values, it should be abolished.

Under Bracks’ blasphemy law these victims of Muslim intolerance were ordered by the Orwellian Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to publicly apologise and humiliate themselves by spending $23,000 on ads. Furthermore, the Tribunal’s commissars ordered the pastors to submit to a form of re-education. They bravely refused to kowtow to these intellectual thugs.

The disgusting Stalinoid behaviour of Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal perfectly mirrors the behaviour of communist parties. Those who dissent from the party line are ordered to attend a meeting of party members where they are then humiliated and verbally abused. This continues until the victims submit*. Fortunately for Victorians, though they don’t know it yet, these pastors are determined to see that justice is done and the fundamental rights of Victorians are restored.

The riots in Sydney are revealing what happens when Australians get sick of a minority trying to impose, with the tacit agreement of cowardly politicians and half-witted multiculturalists, its reactionary Muslim beliefs on them

How does the slimy Mr Bracks view the riots that were incited by Lebanese Muslim thuggery? “Similar violence against ethnic minorities could occur [here]” (The Age, Attacks possible here, 12 December). Now you have it, Muslim thugs provoke riots and the lying Bracks smears the locals as racists.

Although it is something of mystery why Bracks is determined to impose a blasphemy law that favours Muslim bigots, what is not a mystery is the man’s contempt for the truth. Last September this mountebank met with several bishops. He looked them in straight in the eye and promised to make his blasphemy law less onerous. The lying creep then went about subverting our liberty by further strengthening this vicious law.

As a member of the Liberal Party I am outraged that Robert Doyle has supported Bracks’ anti-free speech laws. There are those of us in the Party who are sick of his moral cowardice and his lack of principles. We are also sick of Michael Kroger’s political string-pulling. Thanks to this power mad Brahmin the Party has been lumbered with the likes of Boyle, Sheezel and Helen Kroger.

Rumour has it that Kroger’s number is up. In the meantime the Party’s real liberals, liberal in the classical sense of the word, need to take a stand. Now Brookes has never bothered with religious matters, but when a bunch of theocrats, irrespective of their religion, succeed in limiting our freedoms then it is time to act.

It genuinely grieves me to have to do this because the Muslims I have known and worked with have always been decent to me and never raised the question of religious beliefs. But Bracks’ vile laws and the totalitarian behaviour of EOC and VCAT officials have left me with no alternative. So here goes:

The Koran is crap and Mohammed was a child-molestering, thieving, lying, murderous sadistic misogynist who couldn’t even spell his own name. How anyone with half a brain could be taken in by this loathsome thug beats me.

Now the law is the law, Bracks: So prosecute me. If you haven’t got the guts get the conspiring Diane Sisely and May Helou to send in their religious police. But if you think for one moment that a man like me would politely stand by and allow your two-faced commissars or some Vishinski-like judge to lecture me on tolerance and freedom, then you really are stupid.

While leftwing journalists and slimy politicians like Bracks and NSW Premier Morris Iemma smear Australians as racists, I should like to draw attention to what Professor von Mises had to say on the clash of values, which is what this is really all about:

In an Australia governed according to [classical] liberal principles, what difficulties could arise from the fact that in some parts of the continent Japanese and in other parts Englishmen were in the majority? (Liberalism: A Socio- Economic Exposition, Sheed-McMeel, 1978. Originally published as Liberalismus, Jena: G. Fischer, 1927).

But the treacherous likes of Sisely, Bracks and the bigoted Helou despise classical liberal values, preferring instead the heavy hand of the police state. These people and their admirers have clearly demonstrated their tyrannical inclinations, revealing once and for all that they are not to be trusted with any degree of political power.

*This is how the Hollywood branch of the Communist Party of the United States disciplined writers, producers and actors who challenged the party line. See Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley’s Hollywood Party, Prima Publishing, 1998. Also the God that Failed, Columbia

Press 2001, reveals just how vicious this mentality is. Mao’s Red Guards took this procedure of public confession, guilt and humiliation to its logical and gruesome conclusion. Mao: The Unknown Story, Jung Chang and John Halliday, Jonathan Cape London,


Gerard Jackson is Brookes’ economics editor

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