I post the following post in the interests of HUMANITY. To not acknowledge and remember the following and similar acts of inhumanity committed by the Nazi's and others, against the Jewish people,then and now,is,in my opinion,an acknowledgement of the success of the collective Humanist lie, that has manifested the Socialist's "New Man",aka.the United Nations 21st Century, Godless savage who
Publisher: Ridge posted at Sunday, 09 November 2008 00:59:21
Barack Obama could worsen crisis: likened to Smoot Hawley by Rupert Murdoch
Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis': Rupert Murdoch Glenda Korporaal The Australian November 01, 2008 NEWS Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has warned that Barack Obama could worsen the world financial crisis if he is elected US president next week and implements protectionist policies. In an interview with The Weekend Australian before delivering the first of six Boyer lectures on ABC
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 23:20:16
Can Rudd stem the rise of fortress America Piers Akerman News.com.au Saturday, November 08, 2008 Without wishing to be too harsh on Barack Obama’s self-satisfied supporters, there are valid reasons Australians must watch this pilgrim’s progress with concern. In particular, it would be valuable for those who swooned in front of their flat-screen televisions and partisan blog sites toPublisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 23:14:55
The Trillion-Dollar Bank Shakedown That Bodes Ill for Cities City Journal Home. Howard Husock The Community Reinvestment Act funnels billions to left-wing activists, while threatening to destabilize lower-middle-class neighborhoods. Winter 2000 The Clinton administration has turned the Community Reinvestment Act, a once-obscure and lightly enforced banking regulation law, into one of the most
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 22:40:45
UNPRECEDENTED AND SECRETIVE (The Obama team's secretive K Street Project.) The American Prowler FreeRepublic.com 11/07/08 Lost amid all of the jubilation of the Obama victory was the announcement by the Obama transition team that it had set up a separate transition program beyond the one that is paid for by the American taxpayer. Called the "Obama/Biden Transition Project," it is a 501(c)4
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 21:22:48
North Carolina Teacher Caught on Tape Teaching Pro-Obama Lessons. Video shows North Carolina elementary school teacher harshly questioning a student in class for supporting John McCain By Maxim Lott FOXNews.com Friday, November 07, 2008 The election may be over, but more allegations of political bias in public schools are surfacing. A North Carolina superintendent said Friday that he was "
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 20:48:07
Australians fell hook line and sinker for the "Need for change" mantra (code for Communism.. oops sorry Socialism) in November 2007, the UN and its Australian lick spittle lackie, Dear Leader Lu Kewan aka Kevin Rudd are starting to tighten the chains around Australians necks, the CENSORSHIP of the internet was one they were hoping Australians would not notice.
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 16:46:05
Is Joe the Plumber Barack Obama's "“Civilian National Security Force” first victim ? I don't think so, In my opinion the Socialist's just wanted to make a public example of their despised aspirational middle / working class, so emboldened are they by their own cheer squad, the MSM, they simply could not help themselves. I can just imagine the party officials discussing how to screw Joe
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 01:36:20
Marxism's / Islam's mad dogs let off the leash. See Atlas Shrugs for story re above picture
Publisher: Ridge posted at Saturday, 08 November 2008 01:34:32
Snakes Bad Wallabies Good? Wallabies Bad Snakes Good? Green LOONS take note, Nature at work.
Publisher: Ridge posted at Friday, 07 November 2008 17:05:37
Beyonce loves Barry
Beyonce loves Barry
Publisher: Ridge posted at Friday, 07 November 2008 10:36:36
Kenyans rejoice, following the election of their relative and fellow Kenyan Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, to the office of President of the United States of America, "change we can believe in" "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to
Publisher: Ridge posted at Wednesday, 05 November 2008 23:50:24
"......Based on Obama’s record, voting for change, solely for change’s sake, is an affront to commonsense and a victory for stupidity." What else has Obama got? Piers Akerman News.com.au Monday, November 03, 2008 at 11:19pm BARACK Obama’s predicted victory in the US presidential election is more likely to usher in a bleaker future for the globe, not the bright new dawn his optimistic
Publisher: Ridge posted at Tuesday, 04 November 2008 21:47:38
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
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