Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
Growing mass strike contradicts Obama/Rudd “recovery” spin
This week’s proclamations of economic recovery, from U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, President Barack Obama, and Kevin Rudd, amount to spitting into the wind of the exploding mass strike revolt in the U.S. and elsewhere, that is being driven by the worsening economic collapse.
On 14th September, President Obama told Wall Street, “we can be confident that the storms of the past two years are beginning to break … the growing stability resulting from these interventions means we’re beginning to return to normalcy.”
In reality, a new storm is brewing. The President’s approval is, according to American columnists, plummeting at the greatest rate of any U.S. President in history. Over the month of August, tens of thousands of Americans turned out each day to protest his new health care rationing plan at town hall meetings. This increased last weekend to 10 or 20 thousand attending individual rallies, then several hundred thousand who turned up at a Washington march on 12th September.
Lyndon LaRouche, the world’s most accurate economic forecaster, who is warning of a mid-October economic breakdown, identifies this growing revolt as a true “mass strike”, like that of 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. Not long prior to that historic event, East German Secretary General of the Communist Party, Erich Honecker, declared that the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) would last a thousand years. But the people’s movement succeeded in bringing down the Berlin Wall in less than six weeks. (Click here to view a 7-minute video on this subject).
Mr LaRouche warned President Obama this week to beware of walking in the footsteps of Honecker, who was completely out of touch with reality.
Other world leaders, like Kevin Rudd, who have rammed “recovery talk” down the throats of the masses will face the same fate if they fail to speak the truth and propose real solutions as the economic breakdown crisis escalates over the months of September and October.
Ultimately, if they wish to survive, politically, even physically, they will be forced to turn to the real economic recovery plans of LaRouche and the CEC:
- Bankruptcy reorganisation, through the Homeowners and Bank Protection Bill;
- Replacing the globalised monetary system with a new credit system, based on a new national bank;
- Large-scale infrastructure development, to meet current and future water, power and transportation needs.
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