'Bits of burka' found at bomb site
From correspondents in Kabul
From: AFP
September 19, 2009 11:27PM
TWO children were killed when a suicide attacker believed to have been a woman blew herself up in a crowded area of western Herat city this morning, a senior police official said.
A 10-year-old boy and a girl aged seven were killed in the attack. Another young girl, a woman and an elderly man were wounded in the attack, said Ikramuddin Yarwar, police commander in western Afghanistan.
He said pieces of blue cloth that looked like they had been part of a burka, the all-covering article of clothing worn by many Afghan women, had been scattered around the site of the blast.
"Some pieces of burka were seen at the site, so we are investigating if the attack was committed by a woman," he said.
In other violence, the interior ministry said gunmen opened fire in a mosque in Jawzjan province on Friday, killing five men and wounding another two.
Six men had been arrested in relation to the incident, the ministry said in a statement.
Afghanistan is battling a resurgent Taliban that has expanded its footprint across the country in recent months.
An apparent campaign of suicide bombings has targeted military installations and personnel, most recently in Kabul on Thursday when an enormous car bomb blew up in Kabul, killing six Italian soldiers and 10 civilians.
Islam the most malignant force on earth known to mankind... Islam, Satan’s most destructive manifestation on Earth, why do the Judeo Christian Western resident Left’s “Beautiful People” fawn over and apologise for it so? are they so affected by their use of illegal mind altering substances, that they see the mindless destruction of children as a necessary price for others to pay for their aligience to, and the objectives of,Islam aka.”The Religion of Peace”?
So what is new? It amazes me how the US is just now, after Bombay, the 200 dead children in the Russian school, 9/11, Madrid, London, the over 500,000 killed, raped, maimed, decapitated, mutilated in Darfur, Iraq and the millions killed by their own, Afghanistan, Egypt all the countries throughout the world that America is just now connecting the dots of Islam and Horror. That people like Frank Gaffney, who knows farewell what Islam is and why, is just now slipping the language of truth about Islam and it's true agenda into the news.
I have been home from this war for 5 years now. I have been disgusted by the lack of true information to the public about Islam. I truly realize how much they have to learn to get to the place I am and have been for so long. It is like they are in kindergarten and this US president, harummph I gag on his name, is the direct decendent of this motely crew called Islam.
Netanyahu spoke at the UN today and he was powerful. He was right on. Islam is not just a threat to Israel but to all of us. Holland has finally come to its' senses, many European countries are waking-up from their lethargy, now it is America who needs to have water thrown into her sleeping eyes.
We have recently found a group of Al Queda planning to hit NY again, good grief, the news is speaking of it as if it is a surprise. With the weak stance on Terror this Obatty has I am certain America will be hit again.
This numbnil:
Gave his first speech as POTUS to the Middle East. Praising his Mussie roots, this after threatening law suits during the race to anyone who mentioned his roots or name.
Wrote a letter of apology to Iran. Iran who named us the Great Satan and vowed our demise.
Lifted Sanctions on Iran. Now everyone in a brewhaha over Iran and nobody mentioning this dimwit is at the bottom of it.
Lifted Sanctions on Syria. They are building a Chemical Weapons plant.
Closing Gitmo, sending the Schmucks to Island paradise where they fish and live free. OY VEY perhaps I am on the wrong side.
Stopped the trials on the Gitmo Schmoos. But alas a judge has had enough and has told Obatty crap or remove your bloody arse from the pot.
Forgave the Mastermind of the USS Cole.
Threatened Israel and had the nerve to tell the Gazians, you see folks there is no such thing as Palestine, look it up, figment of Ararats imagination after he lost the 6 Day War, legitimized them, or so he thought, but there are those of us who know better, that the 200,000 Jews living in Settlements on their some of their Holiest sites would be removed and the land given to them. LOLOOL Pigs arn't flying yet.
Changed the Field Manuel, now we play pattycake, can I please you little Terrorist Scum.
Trying to itimidate and to undo the CIA, who by the way have already been looked into after 9/11.
HR 1388, HR 645, HR 45, HR 1966 Section 881, HR 778, HR 773, the Ammunition Accredibility Act and Healthcare Reform plus taking over our car companies, running our execs, taking over education, all his Czars,so much more going on over here across the pond and none of it good for Americans and all of it good for our enemies. PUKE
Everytime I think this horrendous lanky piece of Mussie background has done all the damage he can possibly do he hits us again. As you all know we are fighting. We are called Soft Terrorists, mobs, gangs, monsters by this twit and his twitting twerps.
May something happen throughout the world sooner than later to bring this pus filled, garbage to task and a boot to the head.
I would tell you how I really feel but gotta go.
Cpt Tiger
its the law of nature that evil forces boycott the truth . so keep abusing Islam and u will se in the end that what is true and what is fake.
if someone occupies america and some americans resist the invader they would be called as "Freedom Fighters". so y "taliban" and " Al-Qaida" are terrorist
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