No wonder Hussein Obama gave this creep the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Professor Richard Wilkins, "......Let me tell you what Mary Robinson, the former Irish President, said these guidelines are based upon.
According to her, the norms enunciated in these guidelines are "consistent with fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms". Note the similar language to the ICC.
Although the guidelines acknowledge that the norms they set out may be controversial, they nevertheless insist that the norms are "based on existing and fundamental human rights standards" (page 24, Paragraph 36).
And according to Mary Robinson again, they do nothing more than "encourage law and law reform which will bring national HIV-related laws into conformity with international and regional human rights standards".
She concludes by noting that her numerous recommendations are "consistent with traditional and customary international law". Again, the rulings on crimes against humanity are designed to ensure that customary human rights are recognised, and that fundamental human rights are not denied.
What are the fundamental rights that Mary Robinson says all nations must recognise?
One, they include the repeal of all laws condemning homosexual sodomy.
Two, the legalisation of same-sex marriages.
Three, mandatory and graphic sexual training for children. She has three paragraphs on the last of these.
She says the training has to include instruction, beginning when the child's at the age of 10, on how to engage in sexual intercourse with members of the same sex. Since this will of necessity be graphic, she says, "such materials should be exempted from pornography and obscenity laws".
Way to go Mary!!!!
Four, she says that all laws regulating prostitution must be eliminated. Prostitution, in short, must be legalised.
Well hey after all it is a “victimless crime” isn’t it?
Five, she says that the age of consent for all sexual activities should be lowered to 14.
NAMBLA AND Australia’s Dennis Fergusson would support that along with many many teachers federation members in Australia who like to sample a bit of what their students have to offer.
Finally, and most troublingly, she says: "There must be creation of penalties for anyone who vilifies individuals engaged in same-sex relationships." In short, it's not enough simply to normalise, in one fell swoop, all of international law related to homosexuality. We have to provide penalties.
What are the penalties she's talking about? Might it be the International Criminal Court? Turn to the guidelines on page 14, which emphasise the need for "the sensitisation of judicial branches of governments, both nationally and internationally." She suggests we need to "provide judicial education and the development of judicial materials".
Your Attorney-General states that it's absurd and outrageous to claim that the International Criminal Court will be used for political ends. Let me just give you, again, a little information from the Statute itself.
The ICC gives the prosecutor broad political power to bring prosecutions. Under the Statute, prosecutions are not initiated by States" Parties. They are, on the contrary, initiated by the prosecutor. And they may be initiated by anonymous complaints made by NGOs and others.
Furthermore, Article 44 allows the prosecutor to accept "any ... offer" of "gratis personnel offered by States' Parties, intergovernmental organisations or non-governmental organisations".
Gratis personnel are personnel paid for by third parties, yet they are performing the work of the court.
One can expect - and my experience tells me that it will undoubtedly be true - that most of these "gratis personnel" will be supplied by well-funded international NGOs who are hostile to religion and traditional values. An independent prosecutor who is free from any executive control is fearsome enough.
An independent prosecutor whose office is staffed by individuals with ideological axes to grind is positively frightening."
Full text of speech by Richard Wilkins, Professor of Law at Brigham Young University in the United States, was recently in Australia to warn of the threat to domestic legal and political systems posed by the International Criminal Court.
Available HERE
Something About Mary: Durban, and 10 More
Hussein Obama has a habit of appointing and or honouring some really really sick F**ks, hold on to your hat and read the following.
Ascension of Evil: Obama's Fist F**king "Safe School Czar" Kevin Jennings
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