A great day for all Australians,celebrating 220 years of Civilization.
The Day however was marred by the usual “Conga Line of Socialist Suck Holes” and professional “Aboriginie’s” and Professional Multiculturalist’s spewing their hate filled bile denouncing Australia and it’s people,including Rudd’s “Australian (Hater) of the Year”, Professor somebody or other,who could not refrain from enunciating his social / political objectives.
Whilst Australia’s Dear Leader,Comrade Rudd went through the motions of saying what he thought Australians wanted to hear his Brothers Son was doing the hard yards for the Australian Labor Party down in Melbourne,denouncing Australia as a Racist Nation primarilary because of recent attacks upon Indian Nationals in Melbourne,….. what a dumb shit Van Thanh Rudd is, or are he and his Uncle,Dear Leader, Comrade Rudd aka. Lu Kewan just not that good at timing their political stunts?
Like Van Thanh Rudd’s copy and paste “artistry” his and his Uncle’s Holy Grail, Multiculturalism, “only Australians are racists” exploded in their face today as Multiculturalism’s DEAD ROTTING CORPSE was yet again Dragged out and Gutted in front of Australian’s, exposed as Labor’s and their main stream media apologists Hoax, that it has always been,Colinization by Stealth, Labor’s hatred of Australia and Australian’s can be best utilized via their Multicultural Policies,”Anyone but an Australian”
Comrade Rudd’s Grubby little Nephew’s YouTube site
“Victorian Police have arrested 8 ASIANS for the BASHING of two Indian Students”
So who are the Racist’s here? the Indian citizen victims or their Asian assailants?
Forgive me for asking, I am only an Australian, and as every Politically correct Multiculturalist can tell you, I am by definition of the Kevin 07 “I have never been a socialist” Rudd Labor Socialist Labor Government,A racist, and as such am not entitled to a voice in Australia.
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