An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Labor Green Loons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor Green Loons. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Their ABC "No healthy democracy should have a state media this dominant"

ABC can't keep its big advantage over private media

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
November 20, 2013

THE Abbott Government has wanted to dodge the fight it must have with the ABC. It can't afford the blood right now. It needs to establish its power and trust. And there's Malcolm Turnbull, of course, the ABC favourite who stands guard as Communications Minister.

But for how much longer can the Government let the ABC run amok? I don't just mean that the taxpayer-funded ABC has become even more stridently partisan since the election. Not satisfied with having Leftists helm every one its main current affairs shows, it's now screening slabs of comfort food for Labor viewers traumatised by the election result, from an hour of Julia Gillard being "interviewed'' by worshipper Anne Summers to four hours of Paul Keating being adored by Kerry O'Brien. Just as concerning is how the ABC is metastasising, using our $1.1 billion a year to strangle private media outlets and stifle diversity.

No healthy democracy should have a state media this dominant, with the ABC sprawling over four national TV channels and four radio networks, and now an online newspaper that gives free the kind of news and views that dying Fairfax newspapers must sell to survive. And, of course, there's the taxpayer-funded SBS and taxpayer-funded Conversation.

This week showed the danger the ABC now poses to diversity. In May, Peter Fray, former editor-in-chief of the Sydney Morning Herald, started PolitiFact Australia, a website that checked the truth of what politicians said. But while he was hiring staff, the Gillard Labor government gave the ABC a $10 million top-up, in part to create a Fact Check unit of its own in direct competition not just with PolitiFact but Fairfax's own "Fact Checker".

No surprise this week PolitiFact said it had cut its staff from seven full-timers to just three part-timers and even they would be gone unless some moneybags showed up.

Said Fray: "We don't have the budget the ABC does and taxpayers' funding."

So how much longer will the Government let the ABC destroy free enterprise - and the culture that supports it?

The Overpaid Labor Green Loon propagandists of "Their ABC"

The Overpaid Labor Green Loon propagandists of "Their ABC"

Leaked document shows ABC stars' salaries

Jenni Ryall
The Daily Telegraph
November 20,2013

Their ABC "No healthy democracy should have a state media this dominant"

A SALARY document detailing the annual pay of dozens of ABC staffers reveals Lateline host Tony Jones is the public broadcaster's highest-paid presenter.

The revealing documents have been published in The Australian.

The ABC has launched an investigation into the leaking of the confidential payroll details of its top broadcasters and journalists.

"This hurts the ABC and it hurts the ABC's ability to attract and maintain talent," said ABC managing director Mark Scott.

Lateline host Tony Jones is the public broadcaster's highest-paid presenter on $355,789 a year.

Juanita Phillips, weeknight presenter of ABC News in NSW and evening presenter for ABC News 24, earns $316,454.

7.30 presenter Leigh Sales is paid $280,400 a year.

Quentin Dempster, who has been employed by the ABC for 20 years and currently hosts NSW 7.30, makes $291,505.

Top earner in radio, Sydney Drive presenter Richard Glover comes in at $290,000.

Not far behind in radio, Melbourne Mornings presenter Jon Faine earns $285,249. He recently signed a new contract for $300,000.

"I'm not embarrassed. I'm annoyed," he said of the salary information being released.

Insiders presenter Barrie Cassidy earns $243,478.

ABCTV Breakfast host Virginia Trioli earns $235,664, while her co-host Michael Rowland is lagging behind by $84,000, earning just $151,006.

Former Media Watch presenter Jonathon Holmes, who opposed the release of ABC salary information, was earning $187,380. Paul Barry replaced him in July.

Former political editor Chris Uhlmann earns $255,400 a year.

 Radio National's Breakfast host Fran Kelly is on $255,000.

ABC's online political editor Annabel Crabb is on $217,426.

Mr Scott said he was very concerned about the release of such private information.

Mr Scott's basic pay is recorded in the documents at $678,940, but with bonuses it is listed in the ABC's latest annual report as $773,787.

"I think everyone would expect that payroll information should be confidential. It shouldn't leak," he told ABC Radio in Melbourne on Wednesday.

"I'm very concerned about that and an investigation has been launched this morning into how that information could have got out."

Mr Scott said it wasn't in the public interest to release the ABC's payroll information, as a Senate estimates hearing had previously decided.

For the full list of salaries, click here.

The leaked documents show erratic pay rates for their biggest stars and will no doubt lead to demands for an increase in wage from employees who seek to sort perceived inequities.

Read more on The Australian.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Q. Why was Kevin Rudd aka.Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Crying ? ....Has he been taken into "Care" by Labor Green Loon Head Office?

Lu Kewen Campaigning in Labor Green Loons Head Office in 2007 

Kevin 07 "Life Ruler of Australia and all of the 

known "C02 Free Universe" 2007

Kevin September 7 , 2013, Taken "Into Care" in a "kindly manner" by Labor Green Loon's carers sent from Head Office in Beijing under the Caring supervision of his successor, the Australian Govenor Generals Son In Law,former Union Official, Comrade, William (call me Bill)  Shorten, left of picture

The Very Strange Mr Rudd…aka. Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07

Friday, November 01, 2013

Wind Farms, Labor Green Loons Monuments to Climate Insanity

Building a monument to climate insanity

The Daily Telegraph
October 31,2013

I STILL have a dream. Of that one day when we start pulling down the utterly useless, landscape-blighting, bird-killing, people-punishing wind farms.

We’ll leave a few, some stripped of their turbines, some left with a blade to turn lazily and even more uselessly in the occasional breeze; all, like fragments of the Berlin Wall, as a reminder of the time when insanity engulfed the intellectual and policy making elites.
The Climate Change Authority’s 177 pages of sheer drivel, released yesterday, comes close to ranking as the high-water mark of this insanity.

The authority was not content with just doubling down on the climate stupidity, it tripled down in its draft report.
Thanks to Julia Gillard and Bob Brown — endorsed so memorably by that in-chamber kiss from the squibber, Kevin Rudd — Australia is legally committed to cutting emissions of carbon dioxide by 5 per cent by 2020.
Well, the authority says we’ve got to shoot for at least 15 per cent; and it left little doubt that it really wants 25 per cent.

That’s hardly surprising given the troika of professorial climate hysterics, Clive Hamilton, David Karoly and John Quiggin, at the authority’s core. It’s surprising they didn’t persuade their fellow members to shoot for something more tangible — like closing down all our real power stations by 2020.

The authority’s central argument for bigger carbon dioxide emission cuts was that “evidence is also mounting’’ that several other comparable countries were preparing to reduce emissions even more aggressively by 2020.
This was followed by the usual “what will they think of us” bleat that a 5 per cent target would leave Australia lagging.

Greg Sheridan, in The Australian, shredded that claim two weeks ago, as far as action via an emissions trading scheme is concerned.
Of the 195 members in the UN Framework Convention on Climate, only 34 had anything resembling an ETS and 27 of those were in the European Union.
Japan had effectively abandoned its ETS plans, Sheridan wrote. South Korea had one but was going to issue all permits free. Some of the biggest emitters, like Indonesia and India, subsidised carbon fuels.

Yes, the US has an impressive target. But it does not have either a carbon tax or an ETS and never will.
But it comes back to the carbon elephant in the room: China, which buys a lot of coal and iron ore from us and turns that into steel, a little bit of power and a lot of carbon dioxide.
The report claimed China was trying harder to reduce emissions. And that it was “investing heavily in renewable energy projects, closing inefficient coal power plants’’.

The first is simply untrue. As the fine print notes, China aims to cut only carbon dioxide emission intensity — not emissions per se — by cutting emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45 per cent by 2020. That might sound impressive, but given China’s growth, its 2020 emissions will be significantly higher than today’s.
The other claim is a deliberate constructive lie. It is replacing old coal-fired power stations — to reduce real pollution, the dirty bits of grit that really do kill people — with modern plants that pump out as much carbon dioxide, cleanly.

The report proposes wilful pain on all Australians and serious damage to the economy. It could well have been written by Bob Brown and Christine Milne. It certainly channels all their fantasies.

Christine Milne

Environmental Scientist and Campaigner David Suzuki performs a bellyflop

Terry McCrann
Hearld Sun
September 25,2013 

Heating God, David Suziki

IMAGINE an economist, so respected, so informed, with such a seemingly razor-sharp mind - at least, that is, to the ABC - that the TV network bestows on them the privilege and exposure generally reserved only for prime ministers, opposition leaders and globally significant figures like Bill Gates.

That is, a full hour to be questioned, all on their own, to share their ABC-perceived wisdom and unique insights, on the ABC’s Q & A program. The first question to this economist asks him or her to comment on the significance for the economy of the government’s big budget deficits.

To elicit the response: what deficits? What is the source for your claim, that there’ve been deficits? To which the somewhat startled questioner might respond: well, the government’s official budget papers.

That is waved away by the esteemed economist with; I don’t know what some raving shock-jock has managed to calculate. Do you think a hopefully even slightly embarrassed Tony Jones would be forced to 'do a Kerry'. To abruptly terminate the program due to 'technical difficulties'. For if an economist literally didn’t know the budget in Australia has been in deficit in recent years, why on earth would you consider anything else she or he had to say, had the slightest value.

Well, exactly that happened, in real life - well, OK, ABC-life- on Q & A on Monday night. Canadian self-promoter and all-round blowhard, David Suzuki - albeit, described by the ABC as "Renowned Environmental Scientist and Campaigner" - had been given the full-hour.

In due deference to his secular sainthood, the program was titled: "An audience with David Suzuki". The first question up, asked him to comment on the pause in global warming since 1998.

"Yeah, well, I don’t know why you are saying that," was Suzuki’s response. When the questioner, explained that it was based on all the datasets that measured global temperatures, identifying them by name, Suzuki’s puzzled response was: "sorry, yeah, what is the reference?"

After they were spelt out; datasets that are recognised, accepted and used even by the UN’s climate campaigning IPCC; Suzuki again: "well, there may be a climate sceptic down in Huntsville, Alabama, who has taken the data and come to that conclusion".

At which point host Jones, should have interjected, that if Suzuki didn’t know that global temperatures had been broadly steady since 1998, what on earth was the point of continuing 'the audience'. Sure, we can have a discussion about why temperatures had been steady since 1998.

The IPPC, is going to do exactly, desperately. that in its big report that starts to be dribbled out tomorrow.

Desperate doesn’t even begin, incidentally, to describe the frightening position, that the IPCC and all the tens - nay, hundreds - of thousands of people around the world, who ride the great global warming gravy train, from one extravagant luxury conference to the next extravagant conference each year, face. For if the globe has stopped warming, how can you keep discussing, at great personal benefit and comfort, well,  "global warming.’’

Suzuki is himself a perfect example- charging $30,000 for one-hour speeches to university students. Plus $11,000 in 'expenses'. It’s a good thing he just does it "to save the planet".

Why, if he was after personal reward, he’d have to charge serious money. No wonder, he’s come out here; given almost unlimited access to wall-to-wall fawning, even ululating coverage on `your ABC.’ To warn against the threat posed by prime minister Abbott’s intent to abolish the  carbon tax poses to his wellbeing.

Err, that is to say, to his `well-being’ as a member of gaia, that is, of course. The timing of his visit, though, is exquisite, with the abolition of the Climate Commission, and the Suzukilike laughably fatuous claims made for it and its work. It’s now ex-chairman Tim Flannery - I wonder if he was envious to discover that Suzuki only had to give six speeches adding to all of six hours effort to pocket as much as the $180,00 he had been paid a year as chairman? - claimed the CC had "stuck to the facts."

That it had been the source of "authoritative, independent and accurate information on climate change".

Oh yeah, Tim, excuse me while I dry-retch. For all the CC has done is pour out global warming propaganda and hysterical overblown disaster nonsense. Under inflammatory, meaningless titles such as: "The Angry Summer." And report after report that included the words: the "Critical Decade." Designed to convey facts?

Designed to promote hysteria. Suzuki’s appearance on Monday night was exquisitely came straight after a classic, biased ABC Media Watch `Gotcha’ on some media misreporting on exactly the subject that floored Suzuki; the warming pause. In the normal pompous Media Watch way, leftist warmist believer Paul Barry was all over the trees - the fact that The Australian and Britain’s Daily Mail had overstated the fall in the pace of long-run global temperature rise. And completely missed the inconvenient wood.

That even the correct figure Barry pompously alluded to occurred as a consequence of the fact that global temperature had all but stopped going up for what is now 15 years. It was inadvertently the perfect night. Barry’s blinkered bias merged with, as my colleague Andrew Bolt put it on his blog more fully exorciating Suzuki, the Canadian blowhard’s pig ignorance on the global warming issue.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Fear for your Wife " Australia's new Conservative Abbott Federal Government cuts Labor Green Loon Islamic Colonization of Australia by 70% in five weeks of taking office.

The previous Labor Green Loon Independent Co Party Marxist Government has yet to tell Australians why it was a good idea to import over Fifty Thousand predominantly single Male Muslims age 16 to 28 into Australia in the 6 years of the Rudd / Gillard / Rudd, Union, Get Up Funded Labor Green Loon Independent Co Party Government.

Insurgency facilitators and supporters protest outside Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's electoral office 

We stop the circus to stop the boats

Scott Morrison 
The Daily Telegraph
October 29 ,2013

IN just over five weeks of Operation Sovereign Borders, fewer than 600 people have turned up on 10 boats. Under the previous government this would occur in just five days. There has been a difference from day one. The current rate of arrivals represents an immediate 70 per cent decline, but we are not claiming anything at this stage and there is still a long way to go.

We will continue to apply maximum pressure to confront the inevitable surge from people smugglers in the weeks ahead, especially leading into the monsoon season.

Stopping the boats is a battle, and no one measure is enough to defeat the criminal people smugglers who have had the upper hand for the past five years.

This battle is being fought using the full arsenal of measures as part of a whole-of-government operation, led by Lieutenant General Angus Campbell. This new approach has had its critics. Chief among their concerns is not the results, but our language and how information is released to the media.

The position we have taken on removing operationally sensitive information from public dissemination was flagged before the election and is a function of running a military-led border security operation. It is not business as usual, and that is the point.

Such a policy is not uncommon for these types of operations, as our military commander has pointed out. When we first announced Operation Sovereign Borders, many critics scoffed at our decision to cast operations in this military-led context, but clearly failed to appreciate the implications of such an approach.

We are simply following through with what we promised we would do.

We are not going to reveal the posture of our border protection assets at sea, by revealing the time, place and intercepting vessel as the previous government did. Nor are we going to run a shipping news service for smugglers to use government information as proof of voyages for payment or to provide intelligence reports on client nationalities.

Within the detention network we are not going to publicise individual self-harm incidents. Such publicity only provides an incentive for this behaviour. Nor are we going to provide open access to centres for media as not only does this raise false hopes among detainees who believe media coverage of their plight will change the outcome of their case, but also can encourage non-compliant behaviour within the centres that can make a difficult job even harder for those who work there.

Access to centres for relevant independent agencies will continue as it did under the previous government to ensure transparency of operations.

We are also not going to give credibility to unsubstantiated claims constantly put up by advocacy groups through the media to undermine the government's tough policy position.

If serious and substantiated allegations are raised then we will deal with them.

I think this peace loving pricks (above) aspirations for Gang Rape of "Aussie Pigs and Sluts" aka. Australian women, girls and children with his fellow Labor Green Loon facilitated 'Asylum Seekers" are now all but over, following the sealing of Australia's borders by the Conservative Abbott Liberal Government. 
The suggestion we are not fronting the media is also false. The schedule of regular press conferences is more frequent than anything conducted by any of my Labor predecessors in the role. Every illegal boat arrival has been and will be reported and specific events have been addressed both at the weekly media conferences and separate statements where they have been warranted.

Finally, our language calls it as we see it. We are not going to soften our language to condone illegal entry to Australia by boat. We want to stop this practice not socialise it. We do not share the angst of the previous government on this issue that led to their endless double-mindedness and policy paralysis that underpinned the people smuggling trade.

The amount of media interviews by Labor immigration ministers did not make up for their unprecedented border protection failures. As a consequence my focus is on the people being smuggled, their smugglers, our mission and the partners we are working with to achieve our goal.

That is where my focus will remain until the boats are stopped.

Scott Morrison is the federal Immigration Minister

Monday, October 28, 2013

Australia's ablaze with climate ARSE Clowns

Australia's ablaze with climate clowns

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
October 28, 2013 

AUSTRALIA is a deeply puzzling land, especially to foreign media types. Even basic geography is sometimes a cause of bewilderment. For example, in 2011 Britain's Daily Mail tried to depict the extent of that year's Queensland floods with a helpful map of eastern Australia. This isn't a particularly difficult cartographic assignment, but the Mail managed to get it wrong, inventing the brand new state of Capricornia to Queensland's north.

The current NSW fires have prompted similar blunders. Last week the US television network NBC ran a graphic intended to show the range of the fires. They turned out to be far more extensive than anyone in Australia was aware.

NBC may have sourced their information from a Geoscience Australia monitoring site that lists hazard reduction burns and other non-threatening fires along with the massive conflagrations throughout NSW. The result was a graphic showing almost the entire northwest of Australia covered with flames. Darwin hasn't seen the likes of this since the Japanese bombing in World War II. Poor Capricornia copped it again as well. So did arid desert areas, which apparently now feature rare combustible dirt.

Elementary geographic and factual errors are one thing. It gets worse when ignorant outsiders lecture us about our own country. Former US vice-president turned global warming millionaire Al Gore barged in on local affairs last week, courtesy of the ABC.

"The Australian Prime Minister has said in the last couple of hours that bushfires are a function of life in Australia and nothing to do with climate change," presenter Annabel Crabb asked. "What do you make of those remarks?"

"Well, it's not my place to get involved in your politics," Gore replied, before doing exactly that.

"It reminds me of politicians here in the US who got a lot of support from the tobacco companies and who argued to the public that there was absolutely no connection between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer," Gore said. "And for 40 years the tobacco companies were able to persuade pliant politicians within their grip to tell the public what they wanted them to tell them."

Gore should know. He was one of those pliant politicians, accepting campaign contributions from tobacco companies even after his older sister died of lung cancer. If you could burn hypocrisy, Al Gore would be the planet's single largest energy source.

Time magazine's Brooklyn-based Bryan Walsh also took aim at Abbott in a subtle piece headlined "Climate Change Affects Australia's Epic Wildfires - No Matter What Prime Minister Says."

Oddly, Australian leftists lap this stuff up. Show them a non-interfering British royal and they scream about independence and a republic. The same types usually wail about US cultural domination of Australian. Show them a couple of climate clowns from Brooklyn and Nashville, on the other hand, and they can't wait to put a link up on Twitter.

Anyway, the grand authority of Walsh's Time piece was slightly undermined by a few subsequent corrections. "An earlier version of this article misstated that New South Wales is in south-western Australia. It is in south-eastern Australia," read one of them.

This was followed by another: "An earlier version of this article misstated the name of a former Prime Minister of Australia. She is Julia Gillard, not Gilliard."

So Walsh doesn't know anything about Australian politics or even where the fires were, but he sure knows what caused them. He's able to work that out from New York. For a more accurate view, let's turn to former CSIRO bushfire researcher David Packham, who described the supposed link between fires and climate change as "absolute nonsense".

"If there is any global warming, the global warming is so slow and so small that the bushfire event is totally overrun by the fuel state," Packham continued. But what would he know? He's only an Australian who happens to have studied bush fires for more than 50 years. Warmies prefer their climate advice to be global.

Australia's Green (ALP) Loon Leader Christine Milne

One Million Australian Native Animals sacrificed on the Green Loons alter of Environmentalism & Junk Science.

Links added to thi sarticle by ANV

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Connie Hedegaard, IPCC Climate change LOON claims they are right even if they are wrong.

EU policy on climate change is right even if science was wrong, says commissioner Connie Hedegaard
Regardless of whether or not scientists are wrong on global warming, the European Union is pursuing the correct energy policies even if they lead to higher prices, Europe’s climate commissioner has said.

"Let's say that science, some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?."

IPCC's LOON in Residence Connie Hedegaard

Connie Hedegaard's comments come as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is expected to admit that previous scientific predictions for global warming and the effects of carbon emissions have been proved to be inaccurate.
In an interview with the Telegraph, Europe's most senior climate change  official argued that the current policies are the correct ones because a growing world population will put pressure on energy supplies regardless of the rate of global warming.
"I personally have a very pragmatic view.
"Say that 30 years from now, science came back and said, 'wow, we were mistaken then now we have some new information so we think it is something else'. In a world with nine billion people, even 10 billion at the middle of this century, where literally billions of global citizens will still have to get out of poverty and enter the consuming middle classes, don't you think that anyway it makes a lot of sense to get more energy and resource efficient," she said.
"Let's say that science, some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?."

The Danish commissioner also rejected public complaints over increases in electricity prices to subsidise renewable energies, such as wind farms, as unrealistic because, she said, increased competition over diminishing energy resources such as oil and gas will lead to higher bills.
"I believe that in a world with still more people, wanting still more growth for good reasons, the demand for energy, raw materials and resources will increase and so, over time so, over time, will the prices," she said.
"I think we have to realise that in the world of the 21st century for us to have the cheapest possible energy is not the answer."
Mrs Hedegaard, and the European Commission, have not changed their position that the science that is currently used to justify EU climate change policy is "over 90 per cent" certain that global warming exists and that it is manmade.
However, EU and other policymakers are worried that the IPCC's forthcoming admission, expected on Sep 27, that previous forecasts are wrong will damage the legitimacy of climate change policies, such as levies and fuel taxes on consumers to fund renewable energy.
Leaked IPCC reports, reviewing forecasts made in 2007, have called into question how much climate change has taken place by concluding that, even with a doubling of carbon emissions from 1990 levels, the global temperature has risen little or more slowly than predicted over the last 10-20 years.
In the process of defending controversial policies, the EU has often linked extreme weather events to global warming after the IPCC said six years ago that it was more than 50 per cent sure that hurricanes, flooding and droughts were being caused by manmade global warming. That figure is expected to be revised down to less than a 21 per cent certainty that natural disasters are caused by climate change.
Bjorn Lomborg, a professor at the Copenhagen business school and the author of Cool it, a book arguing that too much climate change policy is based on scaremongering, accused the commissioner of being "both callous and wrong".
"EU climate policies have directly increased energy costs and caused more energy poverty - 300,000 households in Germany lost their power last year because they couldn't pay the bills, and millions are energy poor in the UK. EU climate policies will cost £174 billion annually by 2020, the EU commissioner seems to suggest wasting £174 billion is no problem," he said.

"To the extent the EU climate policies have affected the world, it has made energy more costly, reduced growth and consigned more people to poverty."
As part of measures aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 20 per cent below the levels of 1990 by the end of decade, the EU has agreed a binding target requiring that 20 per cent of energy must come from renewable sources, such as wind power, by 2020.
The Government's own estimates of meeting the EU target are a cost increase of 33 per cent to the average electricity price paid by households in 2020.  New EU levies on carbon emissions from industry are estimated to cost the British economy £700 million, a bill that is passed on to the consumer via higher prices.
Nigel Farage, the leader of Ukip, called on both the EU and Britain to scrap policies that have been based on scientific predictions that have proved to be wrong.
"As facts change, so must policy. The EU must change course and in the UK the Climate Change act must be thrown on the scrap heap of mistaken ideas," he said.
"A higher world population means we should stop subsidising inefficient and expensive wind turbines and instead make better use of fracking, nuclear energy and tidal power."

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Marxiist's now demanding even more money to "fix" the problems they have created in our schools ------The Gonski illusion

The Gonski illusion

Miranda Devine –
Daily Telegraph
Tuesday, April 02, 2013 (7:52pm)

THE most despicable thing about the “I give a Gonski” ads on TV is their dishonest use of a young boy struggling to read. This struggle is a tragedy going on in our classrooms every day.

As many as 30 per cent of Australian children leave school functionally illiterate. Children of normal intelligence can’t read because their teachers have not been taught the most effective way to teach them - which is systematic, explicit phonics instruction, linking the letters in our alphabet to sounds.

If these children are unlucky enough to come from a home where their parents can’t overcome the schooling deficit, they are doomed to illiteracy and consigned to the margins.

The militant left-wing Australian Education Union that pays for the ads offers a self-serving lie for a solution. It pretends that more money will magically fix the problems.

“If public schools don’t get urgent funding more of our kids will get left behind,” intones the narrator, exhorting parents to “give a gonski”.

The noun in that catchphrase refers to businessman David Gonski, whose report into school funding has become a magic wand of mythical proportions. It recommended the federal government spend $6.5 billion a year extra on smaller classes and more specialist 

Julia Gillard, who wants to be known as the “education prime minister”, will finalise funding with the states on April 19, at the Council of Australian Governments meeting, trying to create the illusion of Gonski billions, despite the fact the government is broke.

But the fact is that more money does not equal better education. It’s how you spend the money that counts.

Australia increased spending on schools by more than 40 per cent last decade and the results are a disgrace . The reading skills of our Year 4 students are the worst of every English-speaking country tested in the first Progress in 

International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) last year of 325,000 students. One quarter of our students couldn’t even manage to read at the basic minimum standard for their age group.

These are children whose entire school life has been under the Labor government, which promised an education revolution and instead provided some overpriced school halls and laptop computers.

The revolution needed is not in bricks and silicon chips. What’s needed is the destruction of the progressive education ideology that has held sway at teacher training institutions for more than 40 years.

The man who you might genetically design for that brutal job is Christopher Pyne, who is likely to become the federal minister for education after the next election, if the polls are any indication. Unlike most of his predecessors, Pyne is unlikely to be bullied or 
hoodwinked by the education establishment into accepting its most destructive intellectual fads.

For Pyne, 45, the reading wars - between phonics advocates and whole language devotees - is deeply personal.

His father, Dr Remington Pyne, was an eye surgeon who took a special interest in dyslexia when Christopher’s oldest brother was diagnosed with reading problems - and helped found SPELD, a non-profit group to help people with learning difficulties.

Pyne also has four children of his own at school in Adelaide, from kindergarten to Year 7. His 12-year-old twins, Eleanor and Barnaby, are dyslexic , and he says his life experience has “given me a particular insight into education”.

He says Gonski has been a “distraction from the real debate which is the quality of education (which is) determined by the quality of teachers, parental engagement, a robust curriculum and decisions being made as locally as possible by principals and leadership teams”.

On teacher quality he says: “We need to recognise that teacher training in the last 10 or 20 years not been what the market tells us we need… There’s been a battle in education departments and universities since the 1970s about the direction of education, and one side has been winning.”

That winner is, “the progressive side that rejects traditional teaching methods and a traditional curriculum. Student-centred learning is part of that and an acceptance of lowest common denominator outcomes, a specific rejection of excellence and a view schools are not about knowledge but about skills, which I think is poisonous. Students have to be about knowledge first and skills second”.

“This is a very hard row to hoe in Australia because most educators today have been trained in this progressive approach to education and nobody wants to disagree.”

As a model for the rest of the country, he points to Western Australia, where the Barnett government has given schools the option to take control of their budgets. Principals now have the power to choose the best teachers and spend their money the way that suits 

“This is anathema to anyone who wants central control of education ... my intention, should I be fortunate enough to become education minister, will be to radically alter the way we think about education in Australia, to place competition, the individual and 
self-reliance at the centre of our education system,” he says.

To do any good, Pyne will have to nuke the progressive education establishment. But if anyone has the courage and cunning to win that war, it’s him.

UPDATE: In comments, below, teacher-librarian Sandra claims that “at no time have I ever come across a teacher who has not included phonics as part of their Reading program in any Primary school in which I have taught.”

This is one of the most insidious developments of the so-called reading wars - the incorporation of incidental phonics as a sop to shut up the critics. It has led well-meaning teachers down the wrong path.

The evidence-based research on reading shows that “including” some token phonics instruction in what is essentially a whole language program is not optimal. What is needed, as found by the National inquiry into the teaching of literacy ,chaired by the eminent late Professor Ken Rowe, is: “[early] systematic, direct and explicit phonics instruction so that children master the essential alphabetic code-breaking skills required for foundational reading proficiency.” Systematic. Direct. Explicit. Not incidental.

(I was a member of the inquiry committee.)

Miranda Devine 
Wed 03 Apr 13 (02:21pm)

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Labors Green Loon Sen. Sarah Hanson Young, Gets Ripped a New Arse Hole by Ray Hadley

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young won't say sorry to Ray Hadley

Simon Black 
The Daily Telegraph
March 02, 2013 12:00AM

GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has refused to apologise for an attack against broadcaster Ray Hadley on the ABC's Lateline program - despite the show's presenter Tony Jones defending Hadley yesterday.

Tony Jones and Sen. Sarah Hanson Young on "Their ABC" Lateline.

Ms Hanson-Young accused Hadley of a "horrid" display of "irresponsibility" in his commentary on asylum seekers during her appearance on Lateline on Thursday night.

"Hadley ... went on air saying these people are doing these bad things," Ms Hanson-Young said.

"These people obviously referring to the entire community of asylum seekers on bridging visas rather than understanding that this was one particular incident."

The "incident" she referred to was the sexual assault of a Macquarie University student, allegedly by a Sri Lankan refugee.

Hadley angrily refuted Ms Hanson-Young's claims on his program yesterday.

"Never, in any stage, did I say these people are doing these bad things," he said. "(Ms Hanson-Young) you lied to Tony Jones last night, you lied to the audience of the ABC."

Hadley said rather than "demonising" asylum seekers, he was responsible for removing a group of them from squalid living conditions in a disused office."I'm the one that identified the sort of conditions these people are being housed in and hopefully they won't be housed in them any further," he said.

Yesterday, Jones told The Daily Telegraph he had reviewed the material and found "no evidence of (Hadley) making racist remarks" during an on-air interview with opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison. He also commended Hadley and his team's investigation, stating they "did conduct good journalism in exposing the slum-like conditions asylum seekers on bridging visas are forced to endure".

But Jones said he still had concerns and stressed the broadcaster had a responsibility not to use a single case of sexual abuse to exaggerate the threat posed by asylum seekers in the community.

"To do that would risk demonising the very people he said he's trying to help," he said.

Hadley yesterday demanded an apology from Ms Hanson-Young, who refused to provide it.

"The person who needs to apologise is Ray Hadley," she said. "People are responding to his comments on radio even just this morning, saying that the only good refugee is a dead one."

A spokesperson for Ms Hanson-Young later said the comment about dead refugees was not said on air, but was emailed to the senator's office. He was not able to provide detail on how Ms Hanson-Young had linked the email to Hadley's show.

Macquarie University Sexual assault: Labor HIDES Illegal's throughout Australian community

Asylum Seeker Attack :The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government has placed 80 illegal immigrant males next door to teenage female students. WHY?

Suspect arrested despite Macquarie Uni. Sex Assault attempted cover up?..........

Sri Lankan asylum seeker Daxchan Selvarajah in custody over Macquarie University sex assault

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