An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dead Australian based Islamic Sociopath Yusuf Ali recruited to fight for Al Qaeda and its affiliate Jabh at al Nusra in Syria

How many of these Godless swine are embedded on Australian soil thanks to their co conspirators the  Australian Council of Trade Unions / GetUp funded, Australian Labor / Green Loon Co Party, and their six years of open borders "immigration policy" ?

Yusuf Ali, Australian man killed in Syria, had links to Al Qaeda, court documents allege

By Suzanne Dredge and Matt Wordsworth
January 16, 2014

A young Australian man killed with his wife in Syria last week was recruited to fight against the Assad regime, allegedly for Al Qaeda and its affiliate Jabh at al Nusra.

Yusuf Ali, 22, and his young wife Amira Ali died near Aleppo in northern Syria last weekend.

The ABC can reveal that court documents filed late last month allege Yusuf – born Tyler Casey – was in Syria to "engage in hostile activity", contrary to reports that the couple was in Syria for humanitarian reasons.

Pious Muslim Sociopath Amira Karroum "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''

In December, Sydney man Hamdi Al Qudsi was arrested and charged with assisting people travelling to Syria to fight in the long-running conflict.

He faces seven charges under the Crimes Act relating to foreign incursions and recruitments.

Between June and August last year, Al Qudsi is accused of helping Yusuf Ali enter Syria "with the intent to engage in a hostile activity, in particular engaging in armed hostilities".

The Australian Federal Police say Al Qudsi has links to the banned terrorist organisation Jabh at al Nusra, which is affiliated to Al Qaeda.

A source close to the dead couple has told the ABC that Yusuf Ali told friends he was going to fight alongside Al Qaeda before he left for Syria last year and would not be returning to Australia or the United States. 

Australian authorities and their US counterparts have interviewed family members and friends over the past few months.

A source has told the ABC that Yusuf Ali was born in the US and came to Australia as a young boy. His mother, Kristine Hunt, is originally from Adelaide but now lives in the US.

Yusuf was raised in Redcliffe, north of Brisbane, as a strict Christian with his mother and stepfather Michael Turnbull. His parents separated when he was 13, and mother and son returned to the US.

After spending a few years in Colorado Springs with his mother and new partner Randall Hunt, Yusuf returned to Australia when he was 17 and it is understood he converted to Islam around this time.

Kristine Hunt,seen here with her now dead son "Yusif Ali", I wonder what Kristine is up to in the USA

In November 2011, Yusuf moved to Sydney where he later met and married 22-year-old Amira Ali, who died with him last weekend.

Friends confirm that Yusuf was a quiet and gentle person who would have believed he was doing the "right thing" by leaving his wife and home to fight in Syria.

Posts to Yusuf Ali's Facebook page last year indicate a radical and extreme faith:

March 15, 2013
This life is will not last forever! Your family, your friends, your wealth, your business, the good times and the bad times, everything will come to an end. The life time you spent acquiring these things will not benefit you in the least but only your belief along with your record of deeds. How can one enjoy this world when he knows one day he will have to face his lord! May God give us understanding and the reality of life and death.

June 7, 2013
Being a coward will not lengthen your life, and being fearless will shorten it.

June 9, 2013 (via mobile)
Those who believe and do righteous actions will be promised paradise were they will dwell forever and there will not grieve nor will they fear on a day when terror will strike the heart of every soul.

However, a post to his wife on August 20 gives a chilling prediction of his fate:

To my beautiful wife may allah keep you stronge inshallah ill meet u again if not in this life next. I love you!

Yusuf Ali and his wife were reportedly killed by the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) at their home near Aleppo.

The FSA is engaged in a three-way fight for control of areas of Syria, fighting president Bashar al-Assad's forces on the one hand, and jihadist groups like Al Nusra on the other.

After the couple's deaths, Amira Ali's sister took to social media to write:

"They have been martyred. May Allah make the mujahideen victorious against FSA and Assad's regime."

Another post on Yusuf's Facebook page described him in glowing terms as a "soldier" and a "martyr".

Their deaths brought the number of Australians known to have been killed in Syria to seven.

'People feel compelled to act'
While it is difficult to estimate how many Australians have gone to fight in Syria, some estimates put the number at more than 100.

Ahmad Malas, a community worker in Sydney with the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA), says many people feel compelled to act after seeing atrocities committed in Syria.

"Even though they may not have a direct link to Syria in this specific case, for example, they may not have family and friends there, but because it's a Muslim land and the majority of people are Muslim, they will feel the need to actually go and support those people there," Mr Malas said.

"These are actually (a) minority in the community. However the majority in the community, the mainstream, condemn certain actions (like this) and do not talk about this publicly and frequently."

Mr Malas says the imams from Lakemba mosque take a balanced view and do not promote anyone from the Muslim community going to Syria and fighting.

"There are many programs that are being delivered at the moment within the LMA to tackle extreme views, if you like, views that youth might have as a result of their emotions and the energy they might have and then help address any possible issues that might come out of those extreme views and ideas."

Update : Sydney's Occupied Territories :Breaking News Headless male body found......

Sydney bridge death suspicious: police

January 16, 2014

The death of a man whose body was found under a bridge in a western Sydney park is being treated as suspicious and may be another targeted shooting murder.

"Severe head injures" were found on the body, which was discovered under the Duck River Bridge at Mona Park, Auburn by a local man during his morning walk on Thursday, police said.

The dead man is believed to be in his 20s.

No weapons have been found, but Superintendent Phil Rogerson said "there's quite a probability that a weapon has been used and no doubt a firearm."

Witnesses have reported hearing noises, but Supt Rogerson wouldn't confirm if these were gunshots.

"I can't say it's targeted," Sup Rogerson told reporters.

But the "lines of inquiry" police are taking means it is a possibility, he added.

The man hasn't been identified and no one has reported any missing family members.

Police are canvassing the area and forensic specialists will spend the next few days trawling for evidence in and around the popular park.

Divers will also be sent into the Duck River.

The body will be removed on Thursday afternoon and post-mortem results are expected on Friday

The Headless body of a male has been found by an early morning walker under a bridge in a park in the suburb of Auburn, located in Sydney's Occupied Territories.

The man who discovered  the body is undergoing medical treatment so disturbing is the crime scene.

Police attended the scene at around 6 am this morning (Thursday January 16 2014) sealed off the area and are continuing their investigations.

Dead Muslim Australian based Jihadist Amira Karroum an "abusive" "threatening" "vandal" "you don't know who I know" according to neighbours in unit complex.

Radical Muslim Amira was verbally abusive and vandalised her flat, say neighbours

Clwmentine Cuneo 
The Daily Telegraph
January 16,2014

NEIGHBOURS of private schoolgirl-turned-radical Muslim Amira Karroum, killed in Syria last week, claim they were forced to call police after she verbally abused them.

They said she also scrawled Arabic writing on her unit door referencing Osama bin Laden.

Karroum, 22, lived in an apartment in Liverpool (Bordering Sydney's Occupied Territories) for about six months until she met her husband Yusuf Ali, who was also killed in the war-ravaged city of Aleppo, and moved out late last year.

Residents in the unit complex said they repeatedly complained to the property manager because she left rubbish and furniture in common areas. At one stage the agent had to be contacted when Karroum's unit door was painted bright pink and vandalised with Islamic graffiti.

"It was the worst time I can remember ... every week there were problems and we would have to call the agent," the neighbour said.

"She was totally rude to other residents and abusive."

Pious Muslim Sociopath Amira Karroum "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''

The former Queensland Anglican schoolgirl lived at the unit when she moved from her Gold Coast home last year.

The neighbour claimed Karroum once threatened him, prompting him to call police.

"One time it was so bad I called the police to report it," the neighbour said.

"She was saying things like, 'you don't know who I know', and I was pretty concerned."

LJ Hooker Liverpool property manager David Yelda confirmed Karroum was a tenant in the Atkinson St building.

"I know there were complaints while she was there, but I'm not aware of the police being called," he said.

He said the front door to the unit was repainted once Karroum left, but he said it wasn't appropriate to comment further, considering Karroum had been killed.

The Liverpool unit is only a few streets away from a location she regularly "checked in" at on Facebook, dubbing it "Bin Laden's Cave".

The Department of Foreign Affairs would not comment on whether Karroum and Ali's bodies had been flown back to Australia, saying the department was "assisting the family.

What DO "Freedom Fighters" do in Syria ? well they are there simply to facilitate the will of "allah" as dictated in the Koran.
How many of these Godless swine are embedded on Australian soil thanks to their co conspirators the  Australian Council of Trade Unions / GetUp funded, Australian Labor / Green Loon Co Party, and their six years of open borders "immigration policy" ?

This video, is, for normal people revolting, one has to ask why any normal person would believe that this is, of all things a manifestation of a "Religion of Peace".

How do you teach children the art of beheading ? simply let them practice on baby chicks of course. By the way did I mention that Islam means Peace ?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Something to Think About

Rose Karroum aka."Mujahidah Lioness" claims her dead Jihadi sister Amira Karroum was a "soldier" (enemy combatant ?)

How many of these Koran inspired Sociopath's have been embedded into Australian society by the Labor Green Loon VOTE People SCAM over the past forty years in the name of Multiculturalism,Cultural Enrichment,Diversity,Harmony Day,Tolerance and the "All Cultures Religions Behaviours are Equal chant of the Progressives?

Rose Karroum writes Facebook tribute to sister Amira, killed in Syria alongside husband Yusaf Ali

Greg Stolz
Courier Mail
January 15,2014

AMIRA Karroum was a "soldier" (Enemy Combatant)who died with the man who "made her heart flutter", her sister says.

In a heartfelt tribute, Rose Karroum told their mother she had raised "a beautiful daughter" and should be proud.

Ms Karroum once likened a location in Sydney's southwest to "Osama Bin Laden's Cave"."Today I witnessed hijabi girls promoting democracy with their tee shirts and their stupid voting papers. Kuffars! May Allah guide these strangers.''
Five says earlier she posted: "Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (heaven) is my destination.''Amira Karroum September 7 2013
After the Muslim riots in Hyde Park in September, 2012, Karroum called for more violence, telling her Facebook followers: "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''"Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (heaven) is my destination.''

"Worst effing night. I'm proud of being a Muslim! 10 years of war in Afghanistan for two towers,'' she wrote on September 11, 2011. 

Rose, also a devout Muslim who calls herself "Mujahidah Lioness" on Facebook, took to the social networking site yesterday to try to console her distraught mum Honor Deane.

Rose, who lived with her sister in Sydney,(Sydney's Occupied Territories) told of the love Amira and husband Yusuf Ali shared.

"Amira said that she felt her heart flutter and Yusuf said that she was his destiny," Ms Karroum told her mother on Facebook.

"They were parted by something bigger than them but she always said to me that she would be with him again.(No you wont Jihadi, he will be enjoying the company of his new found 72 Virgins, or does the koran lie?)

"She was put through trials and hard times but she was a soldier (Enemy Combatant) and kept going.

Grieving mother tells of her pain

"She was an exceptional woman, a humanitarian, someone who put the needs of others before herself.

"U raised a beautiful daughter mum be proud."

Ms Deane responded: "Darling I raised you too . . . equally as proud rose."

Rose Karroum returned to the Gold Coast yesterday to be with her mother.

People were delivering flowers to Ms Deane yesterday but the sobbing mum said she was too upset to be interviewed.

"I'm sorry, I'm grieving my beautiful daughter,'' she said.

Below is just a little of what Honor Dean's "...... beautiful daughter " Amira and her pathetic grub of a "husband" support, I hope ASIO has their eye on the rest of these Islamic Insurgents resident on Australian soil.
Surely this is a case for immediate deportation to an Islamic Utopia of their choosing for the entire family and anyone else associated with them.

The fruit of the Islamic Sociopath 

The Latest Shocking Brutalization of Women in Syria

The Truth on the Encroachment of Global Islamism
January 13,2014

Not only Christians, but all women have been banned from sitting on chairs, seeing male gynecologists, smoking, and much more besides. All this from Islamist “freedom fighters” in Syria

Massacres, beheadings, rapes and the rest often take place whenever and wherever Islamic jihadis take over. Lesser known but often no less troubling, however, is the aftermath of occupation — the everyday “rules” and laws the jihadis enforce once they’re in charge.

Consider the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL) recent occupation of Raqqah, a city in northern Syria. First there was the overt violence. Among other acts of savagery, the jihadi organization attacked two churches – the Church of the Annunciation and the Church of Martyrs – broke their crosses, burned their Bibles, and raised the Islamic flag in triumph.

One video depicts a Muslim “freedom fighter” smashing a Virgin Mary statue to shouts of Islam’s war cry, “Allahu Akbar!”

Now consider the rules that organizations like ISIL enforce on those people living in the territories they occupy — that is, the inevitable “talibanization” of societies where Islamic supremacists hold sway.

A Syrian news clip recounts the following new laws ISIL promulgated in a statement it issued soon after taking over Raqqah:

Women are banned from sitting on chairs (as reported verbatim).
All women are obligated to wear Islamic attire, such as the niqab and burqa (which cover the entire body and face); sweaters, jeans, and makeup of any kind are strictly banned.

Female clothing is not to be displayed in shop windows, and only women are allowed to work there; if a man is found on the grounds the shop faces closure.

Women are banned from seeing male gynecologists (thus severely hampering their ability to see doctors, most of whom are men in Syria).

Smoking—cigarettes, water pipes, etc.—is banned.  Violators could face the death penalty; shops found selling cigarettes are to be burned to the ground.

All barbershops are to be closed down and men forbidden from having short hair, wearing modern hairstyles or using hair products; men are also forbidden from wearing low-waist jeans.

Anyone who uses the word “Daash” (an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in Arabic) will receive 70 whippings; the organization is to be referred to by its proper name.

The punishments are indeed severe: swindling taxi drivers face repercussions ranging from chopped hands to chopped heads; the reason cited is that their swindling may somehow interfere with a passenger’s worship (e.g., a Muslim seeking to go to mosque at the proper time).

Likewise, shop owners who do not shut down during prayer times must face the consequences.

All this is a reminder that, while the Islamic jihad may lead to brief, spectacular forms of terror — massacres, beheadings, rapes, bombed churches and the like — its aftermath and goal, purportedly the creation of a “perfect Islamic society,” is “spectacular” in its own way, especially for women, who become virtually invisible members of society.

Article courtesy of Raymond Ibrahim

Dead Australian Jihadi's "misinterpreted" Sheik Omar El Banna's "Syria is My Responsibility", he urged those watching to take action, telling them: "I was ready for jihad."

Sheik denies he led couple killed in Syria to take up radical cause

Ben McClellan,Clementine Cuno,Ashlee Mullany
The Daily Telegraph
January 15,2014

A SHEIK who worshipped with the husband of a young, radicalised Sydney woman who was killed in Syria last week told his followers an Islamic caliphate - or state - in the war-torn country would be "beautiful news".

Sheik Omar El Banna used a YouTube video to tell followers that if the Syrian regime fell, "Allah will ask what change did you bring about?"


Before breaking into Arabic in the 2012 speech titled "Syria is My Responsibility", he urged those watching to take action, telling them: "I was ready for jihad."

But he denied yesterday that it was a call to arms for young Muslims such as Amira Karroum, 22, and her husband, Yusuf Ali, who were killed in the rebel-held town of Aleppo on Saturday.

He said it had been misinterpreted and wasn't meant to motivate his followers to fight, adding he discouraged people from joining the war.

Federal police will investigate how Ms Karroum and Mr Ali got into Syria and if they were assisted.

Mr Ali has been linked to Sydney Muslim radical Hamdi Alqudsi, 39, who was charged late last year and accused of being "actively involved" in recruiting six men and facilitating their travel to Syria to fight with terrorist groups Jabhat Al Nusra and al-Qaeda affiliates.

A memorial was held for the couple on Monday night at Sheik El Banna's Masjid Al Noor mosque in Granville, where Ms Karroum's sister, Rose, also worships.

 Rose, (Pious Muslim ?) who returned to the Gold Coast to be with her grieving mother Honor Deane yesterday, has pledged on Facebook: "Until Victory or Shahadah."

Sheik El Banna had worshipped with Mr Ali at Auburn's Omar mosque and, although he last saw him 12 months ago, he was aware he had travelled to Syria and said he may have been fighting in the civil war.

"Yusuf was very quiet, very gentle, a good natured person. He wanted to go and help. The (Karroum) family is in a lot of pain," he said.

"We received information he had secured accommodation. We heard after she left that she was going to catch up with her husband ... They wanted to help and they knew it was a dangerous situation. "

Martyrdom gone bad ? No Virgins ? or does the koran lie?

Sheik El Banna said Mr Ali migrated from the US four years ago and he said, because the couple was killed by fellow Sunnis from the Free Syrian Army,(The FSA must have run out of Christians that day so they turned on their own) they couldn't necessarily be considered martyrs: "Martyrdom is something that no human can assess - only Allah can give this rank.

"I hear conflicting reports he was fighting, others say he was doing aid. I believe they were caught in a crossfire. It's not looked at as a wasteful death."

It emerged yesterday that Ms Karroum once likened a location in Sydney's southwest (Sydney's Occupied Territories) to "Osama Bin Laden's Cave".

She "checked in" on Facebook at the venue in Liverpool in September 2012, posting: "It's going off."

'My heart will never heal': grieving mother says of Amira Karroum Australia's home grown dead Jihadi

Pious Muslim Sociopath Amira Karroum "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''

Australian Based Muslim Jihadi's Amira Karroum and Yusuf Ali Killed in Syria.... NEXT!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

'My heart will never heal': grieving mother says of Amira Karroum Australia's home grown dead Jihadi

'My heart will never heal': grieving mother says of Amira's death

Greg Stolz 
The Daily Telegraph
January 14,2014  

THE mother of Amira Karroum, the former private schoolgirl turned Muslim jihadist, has said her heart "will never heal'' after learing of her daughter's death.

Replying to a condolence message from a Facebook friend who said "our children are not meant to go before us'', Honor Deane wrote: "My heart will never heal, I am distraught with grief but I am thankful for having her for 22 years.''

Approached at her home in Southport, on the Gold Coast, yesterday, a fragile-looking Ms Deane declined to comment.

A work colleague said: "The family doesn't know what happened (in Syria) and just want to be left alone to grieve.''

News of Karroum's death and that of her husband Yusuf Ali, comes as authorities in Australia continue to keep a close eye on young Muslims travelling to Syria to take part in the bitter civil war.

Beautiful little Girl above, free as God intended her to be, only to become a "slave of allah" and have her "husband" throw her safety to the wind at the hands of his fellow Islamic Sociopath's years later far away in some koran inspired cesspool.

Slave Master? now in Paradise with Seventy Two Virgins ?or does the koran Lie ?

Federal police and NSW Police last month arrested and charged seven men including a man alleged to have masterminded sending young men to the country.

It was alleged they gave information and money to enable them to get to Syria and also put them in contact with groups feared to be associated with terrorists.

ASIO has also revoked a number of passports of citizens, preventing them from travelling overseas, particularly the Middle East.

The head of the NSW Counter Terrorists Squad Peter Dein has said he is concerned with the radicalisation of young men travelling to Syria.

ASIO believes more than 100 Australians are fighting with the al-Nusra Front, which is linked to al-Qaeda.

At least four Australians are known to have been killed in fighting so far.

In a report to Parliament in 2012 ASIO warned Australians fighting in Syria may return to "engage in terrorism".

Is Putin the HOPE?

Why arm cannibal rebels in Syria, Putin asks

Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Alexei Anishchuk


June 17, 2013

Russian President Vladimir Putin, arriving in Britain ahead of an international summit set to be dominated by disagreement over the US decision to send weapons to Syria's rebels, said the West must not arm fighters who eat human flesh.

"One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras," Mr Putin said.

Olympic Terror: Russia Arrests 5 Jihadis — Bomb, Grenades, Ammo Seized

blog_post_imgLast week, Muslim supremacists bombed the heavily trafficked railway station in Stalingrad (Volgograd), followed by a homicide bus bombing in the same town. Two days ago, Olympic terror fears struck Russia again, as six bodies with gunshot wounds were found in bomb-rigged cars.READ 

"Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years."

No problem: Russia's President Vladimir Putin has denied Russia descriminates against homosexuals.

The incident Putin referred to was most likely that of a rebel commander filmed last month cutting into the torso of a dead soldier and biting into a piece of one of his 
After months of deliberations, Washington decided last week to send weapons to the rebels, declaring that Dr Assad's forces had crossed a "red line" by using nerve gas.

The move throws the superpower's weight behind the revolt and signals a potential turning point in global involvement in a two-year-old war that has already killed at least 93,000 people.

Still image of video of Khaled al-Hamad cutting heart and organs out of dead Syrian soldier.

It has also infuriated Russia, Cold War-era ally of Syria, which has sold arms to Dr Assad and used its veto at the UN Security Council to block resolutions against him.

Russia has dismissed the US evidence that Dr Assad's forces used nerve gas. The White House says President Barack Obama will try to lobby Mr Putin to drop his support for Dr Assad during this week's G8 summit hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron.

After meeting Mr Cameron in London, Mr Putin said Russia wanted to create the conditions for a resolution of the conflict.

Both sides have been accused of atrocities in the conflict. The United States and other countries that aid the rebels say one of the reasons for doing so is to support mainstream opposition groups and reduce the influence of extremists.

"Palestinean" Muslims seen above gorging themselves on the entrails and organs of butchered Israeli soldiers in order to attain the strength of their victims In traditional Bedouin Arab culture, the ultimate act of revenge in a blood feud involves the male members of the family ritually consuming the raw heart(s) and liver(s) of their enemy(s),after hacking the rest of the body to bits.

In Syria, rebels fought back on Sunday against forces of President Bashar al-Assad and his Lebanese Hezbollah allies near Aleppo, where Dr Assad has announced a campaign to recapture the rebel-held north after seizing a strategic town this month.

The US plan to arm the rebels also places new doubt over plans for an international peace conference called by Washington and Moscow, their first joint attempt in a year to try to seek a settlement.

After meeting Mr Putin, Britain's Mr Cameron said the divide between Russia and the West over Syria could be bridged, although they disagreed about who was at fault.

"What I take from our conversation today is that we can overcome these differences if we recognise that we share some fundamental aims: to end the conflict, to stop Syria breaking apart, to let the Syrian people decide who governs them and to take the fight to the extremists and defeat them."

Britain has not said whether it too will arm the rebels, but the issue is contentious even within Mr Cameron's Conservative-led government. Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister from his Liberal Democrat coalition partners, said: "We clearly don't think it's the right thing to do now, or else we would have done it."

Under its new posture, Washington has also said it will keep warplanes and Patriot surface-to-air missiles in Jordan, an ally whose territory it can use to help arm and train rebel fighters. Washington has 4500 troops in Jordan carrying out exercises.

Washington has not ruled out imposing a no-fly zone over parts of Syria, perhaps near the Jordanian border, although it has taken no decision yet to do so.

Jordan's King Abdullah rallied his own armed forces on Sunday, telling military cadets: "If the world does not help as it should, and if the matter becomes a danger to our country, we are able at any moment to take the measures to protect the country and the interests of our people."

Washington hopes its backing will restore rebel momentum after Dr Assad's forces seized the initiative by gaining the open support of Hezbollah, Lebanon's Iranian-backed Shi'ite militia, which sent thousands of seasoned fighters to aid Dr Assad.

Just a few months ago, Western countries believed Dr Assad's days were numbered. But with Hezbollah's support he was able to achieve a major victory this month in Qusair, a strategically located rebel-held town on a main route from Lebanon.

Since then, the government has announced major plans to seize the north, including Aleppo, Syria's biggest city and commercial centre, largely rebel-held for nearly a year. The United Nations says it fears for a bloodbath in the north.

Rebels say they are fighting back against government offensives in the north. An opposition operations room in northern Aleppo said fighters had destroyed an army tank and killed 20 troops at Marat al-Arteek, a town where opposition sources say rebels are holding back an armoured column sent to reinforce loyalists from isolated Shi'ite villages.

"Assad's forces and Hezbollah are trying to control northern rural Aleppo but they are being repelled and dealt heavy losses," Colonel Abdeljabbar al-Okeidi, a Free Syrian Army commander in Aleppo, told al-Arabiya Television.

He said Hezbollah had sent up to 2000 fighters to Aleppo and the surrounding areas, but expressed confidence the opposition would prevail.

"Aleppo and Qusair are different. In Qusair we were surrounded by villages that had been occupied by Hezbollah and by loyalist areas. We did not even have a place to take our wounded. In Aleppo, we have a strategic depth and logistical support and we are better organised," he said. "Aleppo will turn into the grave of these Hezbollah devils."

Battles were also fought inside Aleppo itself, where thousands of loyalist troops and militiamen reinforced by Hezbollah have been massing and attacking opposition-held parts of the city, driving rebel fighters back.

Opposition activists said the army was also airlifting troops behind rebel lines to Ifrin, in a Kurdish area, which would give access for a bigger sweep inside the city.

"For a week, the rebel forces have been generally on the retreat in Aleppo, but the tide has started turning in the last two days," said Abu Abdallah, an activist in the area.

Hezbollah's support for Assad, a follower of the minority Alawite offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, against mainly Sunni Muslim rebels has increased fears of sectarian violence spreading into neighbouring countries.

In Lebanon, security sources said gunmen had shot dead four Shi'ite Muslim men in an ambush in the Bekaa Valley close to the Syrian frontier. It was not clear who was behind the shooting.

Lebanon is still rebuilding from its own sectarian civil war, fought from 1975-1990. Fighting between Sunnis and Shi'ites was also behind most of the violence in Iraq in the decade after the U.S. invasion of 2003.


Game finally up for Union GetUp financed Labor Green Loons "Anthropogenic Global Warming" SCAM

Game finally up for carboncrats

Tom Switzer
January 14, 2014

It was promoted as the voyage to study the melting of ice sheets in the South Pole as well as to retrace Douglas Mawson's perilous expedition a century ago.

Yet the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, led by UNSW climatologist Chris Turney, has become a comedy goldmine.

The climate-change Cassandras are increasingly marginalised here and abroad 

In case you missed the story during your Christmas break, the researchers became trapped in ice so thick that Chinese rescue attempts could not reach the frozen ship

"It fell to Professor Turney's ship to play the role of our generation's Titanic," Canadian satirist Mark Steyn noted. "Unlike the original, this time round the chaps in the first-class staterooms were rooting for the iceberg."

And Parish-based writer Anne Jolis quipped: "Maybe the climate-change *researchers even raised a glass, if they had any liquor left. They certainly had enough ice."

Humour aside, events such as this indicate dark days for green enthusiasts.

Tony Abbott's likely repeal of the unpopular carbon tax this year reflects a global trend: the anti-carbon agenda is being subjected to the most intense scrutiny, and is found wanting.

The Kyoto treaty effectively expired a year ago. Prospects for a replacement are virtually zero. Rich nations are rejecting climate compensation for the developing world. Europe is in a coal frenzy. Germany, a former green trend-setter, is slashing unaffordable subsidies to the renewables industry. The European Parliament is losing confidence in the EU emissions trading scheme. No Asian nation has an emission trading scheme in operation. China's and India's net emissions are growing dramatically and governments, most recently Japan's, are abandoning earlier pledges to reduce their nations' carbon footprints. Even US Democrats, notwithstanding President Obama's direct action-style energy plan, won't pass modest carbon-pricing bills in the Congress. Add to this those debunked predictions (remember the vanishing Himalayan glaciers, disappearing North Polar ice cap?), and it is clear that Tim Flannery's moment has come and gone.

Meanwhile, 2013 marked the 15th year of flat-lined global surface temperatures, despite record levels of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere since 1998. And as the US shale "fracking" revolution shows, the most efficient way to cut emissions is not via command-and-control regulation but by allowing private drillers to expand natural gas production.

Of course, the environmental doomsayers remain apocalyptic. You try going on the ABC's Q&A and raise doubts about global-warming alarmism. You will still see the inner-city studio audience treating you not merely with hostility but with open-mouthed incredulity.

The climate-change Cassandras are increasingly marginalised here and abroad.

When they abuse, intimidate and victimise anyone with the temerity to criticise the fanaticism of their movement, the inclination of ordinary Australians is either to shrug their shoulders with a profound lack of interest or to grimace at this moral grandstanding.

Historians will probably look back at the years 2006-09 as the time when the climate hysteria reached its peak in Australia, when rational debate was at its most restricted and politicians at their most gullible.

These were the days of drought, unseasonal bushfires, An Inconvenient Truth, the Garnaut Report and, of course, Kevin Rudd's "greatest moral challenge".

Crikey, even Rupert Murdoch was "giving the planet the benefit of doubt".

Contrary to media stereotypes, many so-called sceptics - such as Abbott, John Howard, Maurice Newman and this writer - recognised that the rise in carbon dioxide as a result of the burning of fossil fuels led to moderate warming.

But because we questioned the doomsday scenarios and radical, costly government-directed plans to decarbonise the economy, we were denounced as "deniers".

Those days are over.

Thanks to Abbott's forceful critique of Labor's ETS/carbon tax, and the persistent failure of the carboncrats to reach legally binding global agreements, Australians have risen up against this madness.

At last, there is recognition not just that there are at least two sides to every story, but that when sophisticates seek to shut down debate, it amounts to an attack on the public interest.

That is why the anti-carbon zealots have become so defensive. The game is up.

The idea of climate mitigation - carbon taxes, cap and trade, channelling taxpayer subsidies to wind and solar power - destroyed the leaderships not only of Malcolm Turnbull in 2009 and Rudd in 2010, but also of Julia Gillard and Rudd (again) last year.

And although the Coalition's approval ratings have declined since the election, polls also show that opposition to the carbon tax remains high.

Last year's Lowy Institute survey said that only 40 per cent (down from nearly 70 per cent in 2006) think climate change is serious and requires action.

And yet, despite this changing (political) climate, Opposition leader Bill Shorten still opposes the repeal of the carbon tax.

If Labor's divorce from the Greens is genuine, he should support the PM's legislation, lest he meet the same fate as his fellow deniers and become a laughing stock.

Tom Switzer is editor of The Spectator Australia. Peter Hartcher is on leave.

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