I have had first hand experience with Psychiatrist's in the Supreme Court of NSW, in a case that lasted in excess of eight years.
These "experts" are,in far too many cases, self appointed activists,social change merchants / agents, who will write reports conducive to whatever outcome they deem suitable to the case and their progressive social agenda.
In my case the "social change progressive" was outed in the witness box under cross examination by my Barrister, who elicited admissions, among many others of
Barrister XXXXXX
Question :
'is it true that at the time of writing and completing this report relied upon by the defendant, sworn and written by you and submitted to the court as an affidavit you had yet to meet or interview XXXXX, the subject of this report contained in the affidavit' ? "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX
Answer : Yes
There was much much more damning testimony under oath, however it is too difficult to write here without revealing identities of plaintiff deponents.
I have not and at this time will not seek a lifting of a 'Closed Court" order so as to enable public access to the NSW Supreme Court proceedings initiated by myself.
The defendants "Expert Psychiarist" shortly after this admission under oath of the Supreme Court of NSW, was the Camera Hogging Boastful Star Witness,informant,of an Australian National Current Affairs program, alleging all sorts of "wrongs" against the NSW Health Commission regarding the funding and other "goings on" of an XXXXXX program for youths and children. Viewers of the story were outraged, and rightly so, after listening to the expert allegations of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXXX .
Approximately a week later the subjects of the caring and sharing Dr XXXXXXX damning allegations were answered one by one by the NSW Health Commission on the same National Current Affairs program.
During the refutations of the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX by the NSW Health Commissions representative, it was revealed that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX bank account was in fact the real victim of the due diligence of the NSW Health Commission and that the "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "victims" were in fact better off, free of the input,caring and sharing of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "
The allegations of "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXXX "were refuted by the representative in their entirety, the National Current Affairs program accepted those refutations as been the truth.
At the time of my commencing proceedings as a plaintiff in my matter the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" was well known in legal circles as "Liar for Hire" Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr XXXXX aka. Liar for Hire, was an inhabitant of what is known a "Red Square" a part of Sydney's XXXXXX Street Professional, Medical and Legal Hub.
During the course of my litigation (over 8 years in the Supreme Court of NSW) I was threatened / intimidated by the "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" repeated use of whoever the Supreme Court Judge listed to hear my matter was,first name been used over and over during the course of our discussions and suggestions that J.XXXXXX and that "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" and J.XXXXXX had by coincidence recently attended a BBQ at the home of another J. XXXXX who had heard interlocutory proceedings in my litigation.
This intimidation was not confined to "Expert Psychiarist Dr XXXXX" it was on one occasion used by the head of the XXXXXX mediation / counselling service.
I was told that my action had no merit in THEIR opinion regardless of my sworn testimony under oath and that same testimony surviving cross examination by NSW Government appointed and tax payer funded lawyers, and as such should not be considered by the Supreme Court of NSW, and that I should reconsider the errors of my ways.
The various Judges of the Supreme Court of NSW who heard from the first day of hearing my various motions accepted my evidence and that of the NSW Supreme Court appointed expert witness and others who gave testimony on my behalf, not only in the first instance in a Court of a different jurisdiction, but in the first and subsequent hearings of 18 or was it 21? appearances over 8 plus years in the NSW Supreme Court.
Despite my never having a Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW ruling against me,I was forced to appear in the Supreme Court of NSW Court no less than eighteen (maybe 21) times because of Progressive Activist Caring and Sharing Expert Psychiarist's and Social Justice Activists Experts and Hangers On like Dr XXXXX.
The Supreme Court of NSW is, in my opinion and based on my experience, an honest up front joint, no judge or staff member I had dealings with left me with anything to be desired.
The problems I had with Justice in NSW was with the self appointed hangers on,the "Social Justice" Bludgers (Pimps) and Parasites, the XXXXX Collective Co Operative, the 'We know what's best for you" Tax payer funded Bludgers, the "Clergy" NSW Legal Aid "Progressive" Gate Keepers, and their assorted tax dollar drip feeding hangers on, ever willing to fight the good fight on behalf of "the revolution" all funded by the NSW Tax Payer.
The Defendant in my case,was fully funded by the NSW State Government and its numerous tax payer funded, collective co operative, affirmative action, social justice, equality now, all cultures beliefs religions actions behaviours are equal,Blah Blah Blah Blah Departments.
I was blessed by been represented by a man who is no longer with us, he was a fighter he had been dealt the shit end of the stick at age 14 and despite this refused to give up on life he went on to become a successful Lawyer despite having too many clients like me who could more often than not pay him for his services.
He is no longer with us, he passed away, way to soon,as a consequence of the events that befell him at age 14.
He smoked he swore he had a beautiful wife and three children and at times was a total befuddlement to me, but mostly he was a source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom, along with the four Barristers that he engaged on my behalf, two of whom went on to become Judges of the NSW Supreme Court and another an Australian Federal Court Judge.
Thankfully for me I am still with us, ok ok enough of your applause.
My advice (for what its worth) for anyone up against an "Expert Psychiarist" like the NSW Government Funded Dr XXXXXXX, ask yourself how important is the success of your case?
What is the worst outcome if you do not succeed ?
In Australia its best to NOT rely on Police or deal with the Legal System unless you have no alternative, Australia,despite its Justice public relations bull shit spin, for the average Anglo Saxon White Male / Female Heterosexual Employed Australian, I would never recommend engaging the Legal system, unless you are arrested stay away from it, it is NOT a Justice system it is a SOCIAL Justice system, a Progressive Left Ideological System and as such should be avoided at all costs unless compelled to do so.
In my case it was a life,that, like all lives could only be lived once, I was the ONLY one, who, if prepared to fight with everything available to me ,that,that life had the best opportunity available to LIVE as all AUSTRALIANS have a GOD GIVEN right to do so,in spite of the carers and sharers and social justice PIMPS demands.
THAT LIFE WON ..........He / She is living a Life in spite of the PROVEN Wicked Vicious Deliberate Lies and Fabrications of the Progressive Social Justice, Collective Co Operative, All Cultures Beliefs are Equal Taxpayer Funded "Expert Psychiarist" Dr XXXXXXX and His / Her / Its Social Justice Groupies down at Legal Aid.
FOUND AT http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/psychologists-reports-on-criminals-are-too-similar-judge-claims/story-fni0cx4q-1226783407314
Psychologists' reports on criminals are too similar Judge claims
Exclusive The Sunday Telegraph
December 15,2013
A JUDGE has criticised one of the state's prominent psychologists saying his reports on criminals are "virtually identical" with no explanation to back up his conclusions.
District Court Judge Peter Berman SC made the stinging assessment of Dr John Jacmon's "ability to assist the court" on multiple occasions when the psychologist submitted reports detailing the mental afflictions suffered by crooks being sentenced in his court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph no other judges had a problem with his work and that many offenders he dealt with suffered from the same condition.
He said he wouldn't be changing his methods "just because one judge finds a problem".
The doctor has written reports for offenders sentenced by Judge Berman including a cocaine courier, two kidnappers and an appeal by Simon Munroe who killed a 15-year-old by injecting her with heroin.
Psychologists are often hired by lawyers to give evidence of subjective features, including mental conditions, to help explain a criminal's behaviour.
The report may impact the severity of the criminal's sentence or could see them recommended for medical treatment instead of jail.
According to Judge Berman, Dr Jacmon's reports are mostly identical in saying the offenders suffered from "impaired judgment" because they didn't consider the consequences of their actions.
On October 4, Judge Berman told a hearing: "Almost every report of his I have ever read suggests that 'the offender's actions ... indicated markedly diminished capacity for judgment because there appeared to be little thought given to the consequences'.
"The second problem with Dr Jacmon's report is that there is little or no explanation as to how he has drawn conclusions," the judge told the court.
Dr Jacmon told The Sunday Telegraph his reports averaged "30-40 pages" and his findings were all backed by evidence.
He said several conditions were common to many offenders.
"If a person has got the same disorder (as someone else) I can't say that in any other way - If they've got depression, they've got depression," he said. "It's probably because (Judge Berman) sees a lot of my reports - I'm very popular around town.
"I've had no other problems from other judges ... you can't please everyone," he said.
Prominent psychologist Tim Watson-Munro said it was likely the judge was matching the expectations of the community by setting a high bar for what mitigating factors should be accepted when sentencing criminals.
"We are in a time when the community is very cynical about sentencing," he said.
On December 10, 2010, Judge Berman opened the possibility of being disqualified from hearing a sentencing because he was critical of Dr Jacmon's reports.
He told the court: "every single" report by Dr Jacmon said the offenders' actions featured "impaired judgment" with "little thought given to the consequences".
"One wonders how Dr Jacmon would treat any offending behaviour by an individual ... where there is a risk of being detected," he told another hearing in November 2008.
"Dr Jacmon seems to be saying that anyone who commits a crime has impaired judgment because they might get caught," he told a September 2009 hearing for two kidnappers.
"I do not accept that opinion at all. Many offenders adopt a completely rational thought process."
In a 2008 case where Simon Munroe killed a teen girl with heroin, Dr Jacmon submitted Munroe took drugs to ease the stress from being sexually assaulted.
Judge Berman told the court the doctor's submission had no relevance given Munroe was being sentenced for killing a 15-year-old girl with heroin, not drug supply.
Judge Berman declined to comment.
A blog revealing the horrors of Islam,International Socialism,the misery these two evils are inflicting upon the free the world,and those it has already enslaved,along with various articles revealing the attacks from within upon the western Judeo Christian ethic by those we entrusted to preserve it. Videos and Pictures of many varied subjects from around the world, along with some jokes of mine and any funny ones you want to send me.
An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.
Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”
--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!
When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.
Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sydney's Occupied Terrirtories Labor Green Loon VOTE People, Sarkhel Rokhzayi granted BAIL and Let Out On A Street Near You
Let Out On A Street Near You
Yoni Bashan State Political Reporter
The Sunday Telegraph Pg. 33
December 15,2013
A RARE Supreme Court appeal will be launched by the Director of Public Prosecutions after a man accused of supplying guns used by the Brothers For Life gang in an attempted murder was granted bail.
The Sunday Telegraph can reveal the DPP is seeking the urgent appeal after Sarkhel Rokhzayi, 22, a Brothers For Life (BFL) associate, was given bail on Wednesday.
Rokhzayi is accused of supplying a sawn-off shotgun and revolver to three members of BFL — Jamil Qaumi, 21, Mobin Merzaei, 22, and Wahed Karimi, 18 — who then allegedly used the weapons to ambush three gang rivals at West Terrace, Bankstown, on November 8.
Despite the court hearing of a previous conviction for assault and facing 15 charges ranging from being an accessory before the fact, possessing prohibited weapons and supplying prohibited weapons, which carry a presumption against bail, Rokhzayi was allowed to go free.
The decision prompted outrage among police who had only weeks earlier been praised by the NSW Government for their work taking down the BFL gang. After the matter was raised by The Sunday Telegraph, Attorney General Greg Smith announced an urgent appeal would be lodged against the bail decision in the Supreme Court.
“The DPP opposed bail in this case and will be seeking an urgent review of the decision by the Supreme Court,” Mr Smith said.
“Under the new Bail Act, the protection of the community will be a primary concern for the granting of bail.”
The development has also been welcomed by Premier Barry O’Farrell, who said the decision to grant bail was questionable. “I welcome the decision of the DPP to appeal this decision,” the Premier told The Sunday Telegraph.
“The community rightly expects judges and magistrates to support police who do an outstanding job arresting and laying charges against thugs involved in gang activity. Decisions like this show why our reforms to the bail system are needed.”
The arrest of Rokhzayi came 40 minutes after shots were fired at Bankstown’s Chokolatta cafe, injuring three members of the BFL gang.
The shooting was allegedly prompted by an internal feud between the gang’s Blacktown and Bankstown chapters.
The arrests of Merzaei, Karimi and Rokhzayi occurred when the firearms were allegedly being returned to Rokhzayi home in Parramatta. The court heard Rokhzayi, a Granville TAFE student, had migrated to Australia with his family seven years ago and his father had been a police officer in Northern Iraq.
He was released granted bail, the court heard, due to his community ties and limited criminal history.
Yoni Bashan State Political Reporter
The Sunday Telegraph Pg. 33
December 15,2013
A RARE Supreme Court appeal will be launched by the Director of Public Prosecutions after a man accused of supplying guns used by the Brothers For Life gang in an attempted murder was granted bail.
The Sunday Telegraph can reveal the DPP is seeking the urgent appeal after Sarkhel Rokhzayi, 22, a Brothers For Life (BFL) associate, was given bail on Wednesday.
Rokhzayi is accused of supplying a sawn-off shotgun and revolver to three members of BFL — Jamil Qaumi, 21, Mobin Merzaei, 22, and Wahed Karimi, 18 — who then allegedly used the weapons to ambush three gang rivals at West Terrace, Bankstown, on November 8.
Despite the court hearing of a previous conviction for assault and facing 15 charges ranging from being an accessory before the fact, possessing prohibited weapons and supplying prohibited weapons, which carry a presumption against bail, Rokhzayi was allowed to go free.
The decision prompted outrage among police who had only weeks earlier been praised by the NSW Government for their work taking down the BFL gang. After the matter was raised by The Sunday Telegraph, Attorney General Greg Smith announced an urgent appeal would be lodged against the bail decision in the Supreme Court.
“The DPP opposed bail in this case and will be seeking an urgent review of the decision by the Supreme Court,” Mr Smith said.
“Under the new Bail Act, the protection of the community will be a primary concern for the granting of bail.”
The development has also been welcomed by Premier Barry O’Farrell, who said the decision to grant bail was questionable. “I welcome the decision of the DPP to appeal this decision,” the Premier told The Sunday Telegraph.
“The community rightly expects judges and magistrates to support police who do an outstanding job arresting and laying charges against thugs involved in gang activity. Decisions like this show why our reforms to the bail system are needed.”
The arrest of Rokhzayi came 40 minutes after shots were fired at Bankstown’s Chokolatta cafe, injuring three members of the BFL gang.
The shooting was allegedly prompted by an internal feud between the gang’s Blacktown and Bankstown chapters.
The arrests of Merzaei, Karimi and Rokhzayi occurred when the firearms were allegedly being returned to Rokhzayi home in Parramatta. The court heard Rokhzayi, a Granville TAFE student, had migrated to Australia with his family seven years ago and his father had been a police officer in Northern Iraq.
He was released granted bail, the court heard, due to his community ties and limited criminal history.
Indonesian's desecrate Australian War Grave,HMAS Perth.
HMAS Perth: WWII warship grave stripped by salvagers
By Linton Besser, Dan Oakes and Norman Hermant
Fri 13 Dec 2013, 8:13pm
Survivors, historians and Defence personnel have been horrified to discover that the wreck of HMAS Perth, which was sunk by the Japanese in 1942, is being destroyed by commercial salvagers in Indonesian waters.
Australian authorities have tried to keep the scandal a secret, fearing the issue might add fuel to the ongoing diplomatic tensions between Australia and Indonesia.
The warship, which sank in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java, is the last resting place of as many as 355 Australian sailors who went down with the vessel after it was struck by multiple torpedoes.
But it has never been protected as an official war grave.
Australia and Indonesia are yet to ratify the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage, a binding national treaty which would oblige both countries to protect such sites.
Since at least September, scuba divers have made official reports of large-scale damage to the wreck from a massive floating crane equipped with a salvage claw.
These reports have been made to the Australian embassy in Jakarta and to local officials in the Department of Environment and Heritage, and the Department of Defence.
'Extensive' wreck damage reported by divers
Several salvage barges have been spotted in the area, and one was photographed in October dredging up the carcass of a Dutch submarine - the O-16 - which sank off the coast of Malaysia.
Sam Collett, a professional diver based in the Philippines, told the ABC he last visited the wreck in September.
"Compared to previous trips I had made, the extent of commercial-scale salvaging was immediately obvious," he said.
"On the boat trip back to the marina in Anyer we passed a salvage barge with a crane and claw and a large pile of what appeared to be wreckage on the deck."
Andrew Fock, an expedition diver with a keen interest in HMAS Perth, said there was "extensive damage".
"As best we can tell from the video footage supplied, most of the superstructure - if not all of it - is gone, the guns from the forward turret, the A-turret are missing.
"The gun houses for the two front turrets are missing, and most of the upper deck... is missing.
"The catapult has been removed, the bridge has been removed, the crane has been removed."
Defence warns of mass salvaging, wants human remains protected
An official report was lodged with the Department of Defence in October detailing the damage. The report, seen by the ABC, said there was a strong possibility that human remains still exist within sections of the ship and that they risk being disturbed.
It warned action must be urgently taken to prevent further mass salvaging.
"It is probable that unless action is taken the salvers will return and continue to pull apart the wreck, especially if their previous efforts have been remunerative," the document said.
"It should be noted that any attempt to remove the exposed starboard armour belt would likely involve its supporting structure and prove catastrophic to the integrity of the remaining hull structure."
The ABC has seen other reports of the use of explosives by salvagers to break up the ship and make it easier to dredge.
In September, an Indonesian-based diver wrote: "The mid section above deck, where the bridge was, has been completely removed, the bow guns have been damaged by what appears to be explosives with the barrels missing and the tops peeled of [sic], the bow has collapsed completely."
"Although it is hard to be certain, but as the metal that was the superstructure is all missing and is not lying around as debris it looks although we could be wrong like purposeful attempt to salvage the steel."
The Defence report also made specific mention of risks posed by the fuel oil and ordnance on board the Perth.
The Indonesian-based diver did a second dive in September to confirm his findings. In an email, he reported that the vessel is now too "unstable" to allow divers to penetrate the interior of the ship.
"She has been hammered and the once impressive six inch A1 and A2 turrets are gone, the bow is flat and... the wreck is more hazardous than before - even for general swimming around, with lots of live ordinance, wire and overhanging metal."
"The explosions have unearthed a far amour [sic] of WW2 live rounds and what look like modern explosives (plastic flare shaped things) I assume from the salvage also appear to be lying about, be very careful what you poke in the sand/silt."
War veteran appalled by salvaging operations
Gavin Campbell is the last surviving officer of HMAS Perth. Now 92 years old and living a quiet life in Sydney’s suburbs, Mr Campbell became emotional at the news.
"I think it's appalling what's going on with my ship. It's something which should not be allowed to happen despite the fact there is no agreement between the two governments," he said.
"The remains of the crew are still there and should be treated as a war grave ... If the Navy and the government have been aware of it, shame on them for not taking action to stop it."
Pattie Wright, who wrote a biography of one of the warship's more famous survivors, Ray Parkin, has become a passionate advocate for the protection of the wreck.
"Canberra needs to claim this ship as a war grave," she said.
"It’s not different to the war graves in Villers-Bretonneux or Kokoda."
She suggested the Navy create a "tomb of the unknown sailor".
Ms Wright and Dr Fock have been planning a trip to the site in March next year to conduct a complete survey of the extent of the damage.
But any protection of the wreck or recovery of remains by Australian authorities relies on cooperation with the Indonesian government.
Officials in the departments of defence, the environment and veterans affairs have encouraged those who know about the issue to keep it quiet because of the ongoing diplomatic row between Canberra and Jakarta.
The HMAS Perth National Association is one such organisation which has been asked not to comment on the situation.
One Defence official reported recently by email.
"Navy is aware of the situation and have put up/are putting up a brief to the Minister. There are obviously limits to what Australia can do in someone else's territorial waters, so it will presumably come down to approaches to various Indonesian counterparts for their assistance."
The Department of Defence has not yet commented.
Do you know more? investigations@abc.net.au
By Linton Besser, Dan Oakes and Norman Hermant
Fri 13 Dec 2013, 8:13pm
Survivors, historians and Defence personnel have been horrified to discover that the wreck of HMAS Perth, which was sunk by the Japanese in 1942, is being destroyed by commercial salvagers in Indonesian waters.
Australian authorities have tried to keep the scandal a secret, fearing the issue might add fuel to the ongoing diplomatic tensions between Australia and Indonesia.
The warship, which sank in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java, is the last resting place of as many as 355 Australian sailors who went down with the vessel after it was struck by multiple torpedoes.
But it has never been protected as an official war grave.
Australia and Indonesia are yet to ratify the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage, a binding national treaty which would oblige both countries to protect such sites.
Since at least September, scuba divers have made official reports of large-scale damage to the wreck from a massive floating crane equipped with a salvage claw.
These reports have been made to the Australian embassy in Jakarta and to local officials in the Department of Environment and Heritage, and the Department of Defence.
'Extensive' wreck damage reported by divers
Several salvage barges have been spotted in the area, and one was photographed in October dredging up the carcass of a Dutch submarine - the O-16 - which sank off the coast of Malaysia.
Sam Collett, a professional diver based in the Philippines, told the ABC he last visited the wreck in September.
"Compared to previous trips I had made, the extent of commercial-scale salvaging was immediately obvious," he said.
"On the boat trip back to the marina in Anyer we passed a salvage barge with a crane and claw and a large pile of what appeared to be wreckage on the deck."
Andrew Fock, an expedition diver with a keen interest in HMAS Perth, said there was "extensive damage".
"As best we can tell from the video footage supplied, most of the superstructure - if not all of it - is gone, the guns from the forward turret, the A-turret are missing.
"The gun houses for the two front turrets are missing, and most of the upper deck... is missing.
"The catapult has been removed, the bridge has been removed, the crane has been removed."
Defence warns of mass salvaging, wants human remains protected
An official report was lodged with the Department of Defence in October detailing the damage. The report, seen by the ABC, said there was a strong possibility that human remains still exist within sections of the ship and that they risk being disturbed.
It warned action must be urgently taken to prevent further mass salvaging.
"It is probable that unless action is taken the salvers will return and continue to pull apart the wreck, especially if their previous efforts have been remunerative," the document said.
"It should be noted that any attempt to remove the exposed starboard armour belt would likely involve its supporting structure and prove catastrophic to the integrity of the remaining hull structure."
The ABC has seen other reports of the use of explosives by salvagers to break up the ship and make it easier to dredge.
In September, an Indonesian-based diver wrote: "The mid section above deck, where the bridge was, has been completely removed, the bow guns have been damaged by what appears to be explosives with the barrels missing and the tops peeled of [sic], the bow has collapsed completely."
"Although it is hard to be certain, but as the metal that was the superstructure is all missing and is not lying around as debris it looks although we could be wrong like purposeful attempt to salvage the steel."
The Defence report also made specific mention of risks posed by the fuel oil and ordnance on board the Perth.
The Indonesian-based diver did a second dive in September to confirm his findings. In an email, he reported that the vessel is now too "unstable" to allow divers to penetrate the interior of the ship.
"She has been hammered and the once impressive six inch A1 and A2 turrets are gone, the bow is flat and... the wreck is more hazardous than before - even for general swimming around, with lots of live ordinance, wire and overhanging metal."
"The explosions have unearthed a far amour [sic] of WW2 live rounds and what look like modern explosives (plastic flare shaped things) I assume from the salvage also appear to be lying about, be very careful what you poke in the sand/silt."
War veteran appalled by salvaging operations
Gavin Campbell is the last surviving officer of HMAS Perth. Now 92 years old and living a quiet life in Sydney’s suburbs, Mr Campbell became emotional at the news.
"I think it's appalling what's going on with my ship. It's something which should not be allowed to happen despite the fact there is no agreement between the two governments," he said.
"The remains of the crew are still there and should be treated as a war grave ... If the Navy and the government have been aware of it, shame on them for not taking action to stop it."
Pattie Wright, who wrote a biography of one of the warship's more famous survivors, Ray Parkin, has become a passionate advocate for the protection of the wreck.
"Canberra needs to claim this ship as a war grave," she said.
"It’s not different to the war graves in Villers-Bretonneux or Kokoda."
She suggested the Navy create a "tomb of the unknown sailor".
Ms Wright and Dr Fock have been planning a trip to the site in March next year to conduct a complete survey of the extent of the damage.
But any protection of the wreck or recovery of remains by Australian authorities relies on cooperation with the Indonesian government.
Officials in the departments of defence, the environment and veterans affairs have encouraged those who know about the issue to keep it quiet because of the ongoing diplomatic row between Canberra and Jakarta.
The HMAS Perth National Association is one such organisation which has been asked not to comment on the situation.
One Defence official reported recently by email.
"Navy is aware of the situation and have put up/are putting up a brief to the Minister. There are obviously limits to what Australia can do in someone else's territorial waters, so it will presumably come down to approaches to various Indonesian counterparts for their assistance."
The Department of Defence has not yet commented.
Do you know more? investigations@abc.net.au
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Nelson who? Please hurry up and bury this Terrorist and let God deal with his carcas,I have yet to find one word of SORRYfrom him or his supporters for his acts and support of Terrorism
Terrorist, as usual with the Progressive Left, there is nothing wrong with deliberately blowing up women and children so long as they are not related to the Bomb makers,Comrade Nelson or Comrade Winnie.
I have yet to find any explanation as to why Terrorist Mandela was not executed for his self confessed BOASTFUL Murders.
"Free Nelson Mandela" Go Nelson, try the BS with your maker you snowed your progressive Left with on Earth for your Godless Savagery and see how far you get... TERRORIST Burn in Hell.
Marxist Grub, Murderess Winnie is not far behind you. There will be no parade of White idiot Hollywood / Music Industry Stars / sychophants lined up to judge you,so spare you breath with your pre rehearsed Marxist BS it wont cut it, it is over.
May God have mercy on you, maybe you really were sorry for your Godless savagery and God will forgive you.
Just don't take any notice of the majority of your ideological cheer squad fighting each other for a front row seat at your Memorial Service and their Euologys on your passing / DEATH you have served your purpose and are no longer of any use to your joint Terrorist cause Viva The Revolution Nelson ya Dumb Shit.
Cant wait to hear what Bono / Bonehead, has to say and the US first Lady Harpo/ Oprah / Steadman / Gale or whatever her / his name is, along with thousands of Celebrity Politicians from all over the world, fighting each other for news video camera space, so as to show that they and they alone are more affected by your death than the Hollywood Celebrity Jerk lined up behind them so as to espouse their "personal" thoughts on your passing, in the hope that it will further enhance their political or acting career cannot wait to see Charlize Theron's performance at your Memorial Service, a white SA woman who's only wish is to wake up one morning jet black preferably Purple Black so as to be able to move on with her life having discarded herself of her progressive unfashionable whiteness.
SPEWWWW BAAARF Ooops sorry I have to warn you there is this Anti Christ Guy, he is the President of the United States of America, No Shit,and he and his wife and kids will be making a real big deal of your passing, I only mention it because you and your supporters say that you are a Christian Man despite your propensity for and advocation of Bombing of Churches and Public places to further your and your fellow what today we are told "Peace Activists' objectives, Anyway no matter what the POTUS Antichrist says at your service In your favour I am sure that God will, as usual disregard anything he and his fellow Anti Christ Marxist Groupies say in your favour.
Good Luck Nelson and my God have mercy on you.
The dark side of Nelson Mandela
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
December 9,2013
MUCH of the sanctimonious grieving for Nelson Mandela is not just a sin against history - but a danger.
It is true Mandela rose to greatness. Freed after 27 years in a South African jail, the anti-apartheid fighter emerged not bent on vengeance but healing.
He negotiated a peaceful end to apartheid, and as the first president of democratic South Africa, preached - and practised - reconciliation. In this he was great. A healer. An inspiration.
For many whites abroad, he seems even Christ-like - someone who'd suffered for the sins of white guilt, and absolved those who believed in him of the sin of racism.
But Mandela was no Christ nor even Gandhi nor Martin Luther King. He was for decades a man of violence. In 1961, he broke with African National Congress colleagues who preached non-violence, creating a terrorist wing.
He later pleaded guilty in court to acts of public violence, and behind bars sanctioned more, including the 1983 Church St car bomb that killed 19 people.
Mandela even suggested cutting off the noses of blacks deemed collaborators. His then wife Winnie advocated "necklacing" instead - a burning tyre around the neck.
Mandela argued the apartheid regime left him no option but to fight violence with violence, but it is too easy to claim events proved him right. His legacy is not yet played out.
Current president Jacob Zuma until recently still publicly sang the anti-apartheid song, Shoot the Boer, in a still-divided country where many white farmers have been shot.
Mandela's support for other leaders of violence is even less forgivable. He maintained close ties to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and backed Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. As president in 1997, he gave his country's highest award for a foreigner to Libya's dictator, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who'd donated $10 million to the ANC. He gave the same award to the corrupt Indonesian president Suharto, who he said had donated $60 million.
He supported Nigerian coup leader Sani Abacha, refusing to say a word publicly to stop the 1995 hanging of activist Ken Saro-Wiwa.
I repeat, Mandela did great things. But many of his more radical supporters in the West now use that greatness to wash clean his record of political violence - and his support for dictators who'd used it.
That is dangerous.
I have yet to find any explanation as to why Terrorist Mandela was not executed for his self confessed BOASTFUL Murders.
"Free Nelson Mandela" Go Nelson, try the BS with your maker you snowed your progressive Left with on Earth for your Godless Savagery and see how far you get... TERRORIST Burn in Hell.
Marxist Grub, Murderess Winnie is not far behind you. There will be no parade of White idiot Hollywood / Music Industry Stars / sychophants lined up to judge you,so spare you breath with your pre rehearsed Marxist BS it wont cut it, it is over.
May God have mercy on you, maybe you really were sorry for your Godless savagery and God will forgive you.
Just don't take any notice of the majority of your ideological cheer squad fighting each other for a front row seat at your Memorial Service and their Euologys on your passing / DEATH you have served your purpose and are no longer of any use to your joint Terrorist cause Viva The Revolution Nelson ya Dumb Shit.
Cant wait to hear what Bono / Bonehead, has to say and the US first Lady Harpo/ Oprah / Steadman / Gale or whatever her / his name is, along with thousands of Celebrity Politicians from all over the world, fighting each other for news video camera space, so as to show that they and they alone are more affected by your death than the Hollywood Celebrity Jerk lined up behind them so as to espouse their "personal" thoughts on your passing, in the hope that it will further enhance their political or acting career cannot wait to see Charlize Theron's performance at your Memorial Service, a white SA woman who's only wish is to wake up one morning jet black preferably Purple Black so as to be able to move on with her life having discarded herself of her progressive unfashionable whiteness.
SPEWWWW BAAARF Ooops sorry I have to warn you there is this Anti Christ Guy, he is the President of the United States of America, No Shit,and he and his wife and kids will be making a real big deal of your passing, I only mention it because you and your supporters say that you are a Christian Man despite your propensity for and advocation of Bombing of Churches and Public places to further your and your fellow what today we are told "Peace Activists' objectives, Anyway no matter what the POTUS Antichrist says at your service In your favour I am sure that God will, as usual disregard anything he and his fellow Anti Christ Marxist Groupies say in your favour.
Good Luck Nelson and my God have mercy on you.
The dark side of Nelson Mandela
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
December 9,2013
MUCH of the sanctimonious grieving for Nelson Mandela is not just a sin against history - but a danger.
It is true Mandela rose to greatness. Freed after 27 years in a South African jail, the anti-apartheid fighter emerged not bent on vengeance but healing.
He negotiated a peaceful end to apartheid, and as the first president of democratic South Africa, preached - and practised - reconciliation. In this he was great. A healer. An inspiration.
For many whites abroad, he seems even Christ-like - someone who'd suffered for the sins of white guilt, and absolved those who believed in him of the sin of racism.
But Mandela was no Christ nor even Gandhi nor Martin Luther King. He was for decades a man of violence. In 1961, he broke with African National Congress colleagues who preached non-violence, creating a terrorist wing.
He later pleaded guilty in court to acts of public violence, and behind bars sanctioned more, including the 1983 Church St car bomb that killed 19 people.
Mandela even suggested cutting off the noses of blacks deemed collaborators. His then wife Winnie advocated "necklacing" instead - a burning tyre around the neck.
Mandela argued the apartheid regime left him no option but to fight violence with violence, but it is too easy to claim events proved him right. His legacy is not yet played out.
Current president Jacob Zuma until recently still publicly sang the anti-apartheid song, Shoot the Boer, in a still-divided country where many white farmers have been shot.
Mandela's support for other leaders of violence is even less forgivable. He maintained close ties to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and backed Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. As president in 1997, he gave his country's highest award for a foreigner to Libya's dictator, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who'd donated $10 million to the ANC. He gave the same award to the corrupt Indonesian president Suharto, who he said had donated $60 million.
He supported Nigerian coup leader Sani Abacha, refusing to say a word publicly to stop the 1995 hanging of activist Ken Saro-Wiwa.
I repeat, Mandela did great things. But many of his more radical supporters in the West now use that greatness to wash clean his record of political violence - and his support for dictators who'd used it.
That is dangerous.
Sharia Law and Political Correctness rules at Sydney's Occupied Territories Rugby League Club, Canterbury Bull Dogs.
Josh Massoud
The Daily Telegraph
December 10, 2013
TRADITIONAL cheerleaders - and their knee-high boots and short skirts - have been high-kicked out of Canterbury.
The Bulldogs last week ended their partnership with the dance studio responsible for choreographing match-day routines for the past 12 seasons. Instead, from next year onwards, dancing will no longer be the priority of the squad.
Pre-match and half-time performances are set to be abandoned in favour of off-field work, such as hospital visits, corporate entertainment and further education. Different outfits will be designed to suit each occasion, but none will be anywhere near as revealing as last season's costume.
And, when auditions start over the next few weeks, aspirants will need more than just the right moves.
"They'll also go through an interview, because we want to take this through a more professional evolution," Bulldogs CEO Raelene Castle said.
"A big part of that is bringing the girls in-house and employing them directly through the club.
"We invest a lot in our cheerleaders and we want to maximise that investment by having them exposed to the same community and learning programs as everyone else in the club.''
Ms Castle, the former chief executive of Netball NZ, said she understood there would be "debate over the merits of keeping scantily-clad girls dancing''.
"We want to go in a more professional direction, where they do more than just dance in revealing outfits,'' she said.
"They'll still be doing cheerleading at the game, they will still have pompoms, but we're going to give them more opportunities as well.
"I can't see how that's a bad thing."
But several members of last year's squad - known as "the Belles'' - can.
Opponents have established an online petition to "Save the Belles'', which yesterday had attracted several hundred messages of support.
Ms Castle revealed "The Belles'' name was not assured to survive because the cheerleading would be reduced to a small component of their future role.
"We probably wouldn't call them cheerleaders in future," Castle said.
"We want them to be ambassadors and have a much greater role in promoting what this club stands for."
Born: Wagga Wagga, NSW, Age 42
Raelene and her partner Greg Jones will move to Australia in July
Her commercial acumen is matched by her sporting achievements. Raelene is a New Zealand Lawn Bowls champion and has also played netball and tennis at representative level.
Her commercial acumen is matched by her sporting achievements. Raelene is a New Zealand Lawn Bowls champion and has also played netball and tennis at representative level.
She is a Director of Netball New Zealand, ANZ Championship INF (International Netball Federation) and is the Chair of the NZ National Sports Organisations' leadership group. She is also a Trustee for the Rising Trust, which seeks to unlock the potential of South Auckland youth and a business mentor to young female executives.
Raelene received the prestigious Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award in 2011.
Bruce Castle: Kiwi Player 1961-67 and Captain in 1967. NZ Rugby League Selector 1999-2001
Marlene Castle: New Zealand Bowls Representative 16 years, 4 Commonwealth Games, 1 silver medal and 2 bronze. Won World Indoor Singles
Dogs by Name, Dogs by Nature,the Canterbury Bulldogs one season forward ten backwards in one afternoon.
Labor Green Loons maintain their RAGE against the Australian People via their CO2 Tax SCAM
Just Who IS Channel 9's "Firefighter" / angry ACTU Loon ?
The objectives of the Fire Brigade Employees Union are prescribed by the Union’s registered rules and include:
furthering and protecting the interests of its members;
improving the working conditions and general welfare of its members;
improving the position of its members by increasing their proportionate share of the national wealth and by endeavouring to educate them towards the socialisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange;
upholding the rights of organised labour;
securing the election of working class representatives in Parliament and promoting such legislative enactments as will ensure industrial justice to the Australian working class;
advancing the efficiency of the services of fire prevention, suppression and extinguishment throughout the Commonwealth of Australia;
preserving and advancing civil liberties
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Telephone: (02) 9218 3444
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State Secretary
Jim Casey
Industrial Officers
Chris Read
George Maniatis
Gemma Lawrence
Stephen Spencer
Claire Pullen
Hugh Clouston
Marc Newman
Christine Donayre
Monday, December 09, 2013
Labor Green Loon VOTE People , Afghan "Refugee" refused bail following Sex assault charges on SEVEN teenage girls at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre
Man in Australia on bridging visa set to appear in court charged with sex attacks in Olympic Park Aquatic Centre
The Daily Telegraph
December 9,2013
SEVEN teenage girls have been allegedly sexually assaulted at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.
AN ASYLUM seeker has been charged for allegedly sexually assaulting seven teenage girls at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.
The Daily Telegraph
December 9,2013
SEVEN teenage girls have been allegedly sexually assaulted at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.
AN ASYLUM seeker has been charged for allegedly sexually assaulting seven teenage girls at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.
Mohammad Salem Nazari, 33, who has only been in Australia for six months on a bridging visa, is accused of indecently assaulting the girls, aged 14 to 18, in the rapids section of the centre between 4pm and 4.30pm.
Police said the girls reported the incident to pool security and after officers reviewed CCTV footage Nazari was arrested and taken to Auburn Police Station.
Nazari, who was living in Parramatta, has been charged with five counts of indecent assault of a person under 16 years of age and two counts of assault with an act of indecency.
His legal aid lawyer told Burwood Local Court his client spoke no English and required a Dari interpreter. Dari is a Persian language spoken in Iran and Afghanistan.
Nazari was refused bail to reappear on Wednesday.
Under the Coalition government asylum seekers on bridging visas facing criminal charges immediately have their visas revoked and placed in detention.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's office confirmed Nazari's visa had been cancelled and court papers said he was the "subject of an immigration hold" should he be granted bail.
Mr Morrison's spokesman said "since the election 31 illegal boat arrivals on bridging visas who were charged with criminal offences have had their bridging visas cancelled".
Immigration staff interviewed Nazari today while he was in custody.
Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has ordered that should this man be granted bail that he be immediately be taken into custody by the Australian Immigration Department.
More on THEIR ABC ,Revealing themselves and who they are aligned with by what they do
Examples show Leftist hate is turning ugly
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
December 9,2013
A WORD to the Left. Hasn't this bastardry gone too far? What do you want: bodies in the street?
Three examples from the past week shocked me.
Example 1. The ABC's main TV news bulletin in Brisbane last Thursday showed the exterior and street number of the home of Bill Mellor, a decorated former army brigadier, and gave out his suburb.
Mellor's wife was in tears and police rushed in to secure the house.
The reason? As the ABC report pointed out, Mellor was co-ordinating the Queensland Government's war against criminal bikie gangs linked to murder, rape, drug trafficking and extortion.
Why on earth did the ABC show bikies the home of the man overseeing the fight against them that has led to nearly 400 arrests? How could his home be relevant to its report?
There may be an innocent explanation involving extreme stupidity, but Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and others, me included, also suspect bias.
We already know the ABC last month published stolen intelligence on our spying in Indonesia, damaging our national interest without exposing any sin that needed correcting. It seemed the ABC's Leftist culture made it only too keen to rock the Abbott Government. Only too ready to undermine national security.
In the Mellor case, the ABC, an eager critic of Newman's conservative Government, may have been similarly seduced into forgetting its duty even to people with whom it has no political sympathy.
Once, the ABC had little problem with Labor premier Anna Bligh having her husband made a department head or one of her wedding guests made Queensland's top public servant.
But now it's all over Mellor's new job, after Labor shamelessly claimed Premier Newman was "appointing his mates".
"We don't need the military running this state," Labor added.
All piffle, of course. Newman's "mate" was a man he'd served under at Duntroon 31 years ago. Mellor has since commanded the Australian force in Somalia, helped plan our intervention in East Timor and recently served as Queensland's flood recovery co-ordinator.
Nor is he in charge of police work. He heads a team of directors-general and senior officers to ensure government agencies work together against bikie gangs.
In any case, why show where he lives and put him in danger?
Should I now show where ABC managing director Mark Scott lives to illustrate this latest example of an ABC out of control?
Example 2. Last week, Melbourne University's Professor Thomas Reuter wrote in the Jakarta Post to accuse Australia of startling crimes against Indonesia.
Reuter told his Indonesian readers the latest spy allegations were part of our "consistent unneighbourly behaviour" which he claimed included "attempts to assassinate (former president) Sukarno".
He even claimed Australian soldiers were "involved in massacres" of Indonesians during their struggle for independence from the Dutch.
Not mentioned in Reuter's list of our alleged sins was our strong support for Indonesian independence, our yearly aid of $500 million or our $1 billion donation in tsunami relief.
What the hell was Reuter up to? Surely he realised the danger of preaching such anti-Australian poison days after mobs besieged our Jakarta embassy?
Still, someone of the Left may think the more trouble for the Abbott Government, the better.
But most scandalous was that Reuter's stories of Australians massacring Indonesians or trying to kill their president seem figments of imagination - of Reuter's or that of his undeclared sources. Indeed, Reuter has since withdrawn his massacre claim, at least, admitting it "cannot be verified".
So what will Melbourne University - whose vice-chancellor organised the farcical 2020 ideas summit for his friend Kevin Rudd - do about a professor who makes such baseless and dangerous claims?
Example 3. Labor's Joy Burch is Education Minister in the ACT, in charge of children's schooling.
Well, look away, children, because last week your minister fired off tweets attacking federal Education Minister Chris Pyne when she read - and retweeted - one by an abusive Leftist calling Pyne a "c---".
Burch later claimed this was an accident caused by her "poor social media skills", and, true, she soon deleted the tweet.
Yet for more than a day, she failed to apologise to Pyne.
Whatever the truth, the Left's abuse of the Abbott Government is already worse than anything complained of under Julia Gillard.
Tony Abbott has been called a "liar" by the Opposition Leader and pictured hanging from a noose on a poster at a same-sex marriage rally.
Someone operating in the Geelong Trades Hall set up a Facebook page urging Abbott's assassination, and The Age promoted "F--- Abbott" T-shirts sold by an Age columnist.
The hatred now has a dangerously violent tone, and I ask again - what does the Left want?
Bodies in the street?
Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
December 9,2013
A WORD to the Left. Hasn't this bastardry gone too far? What do you want: bodies in the street?
Three examples from the past week shocked me.
Example 1. The ABC's main TV news bulletin in Brisbane last Thursday showed the exterior and street number of the home of Bill Mellor, a decorated former army brigadier, and gave out his suburb.
Mellor's wife was in tears and police rushed in to secure the house.
The reason? As the ABC report pointed out, Mellor was co-ordinating the Queensland Government's war against criminal bikie gangs linked to murder, rape, drug trafficking and extortion.
Why on earth did the ABC show bikies the home of the man overseeing the fight against them that has led to nearly 400 arrests? How could his home be relevant to its report?
There may be an innocent explanation involving extreme stupidity, but Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and others, me included, also suspect bias.
We already know the ABC last month published stolen intelligence on our spying in Indonesia, damaging our national interest without exposing any sin that needed correcting. It seemed the ABC's Leftist culture made it only too keen to rock the Abbott Government. Only too ready to undermine national security.
In the Mellor case, the ABC, an eager critic of Newman's conservative Government, may have been similarly seduced into forgetting its duty even to people with whom it has no political sympathy.
Once, the ABC had little problem with Labor premier Anna Bligh having her husband made a department head or one of her wedding guests made Queensland's top public servant.
But now it's all over Mellor's new job, after Labor shamelessly claimed Premier Newman was "appointing his mates".
"We don't need the military running this state," Labor added.
All piffle, of course. Newman's "mate" was a man he'd served under at Duntroon 31 years ago. Mellor has since commanded the Australian force in Somalia, helped plan our intervention in East Timor and recently served as Queensland's flood recovery co-ordinator.
Nor is he in charge of police work. He heads a team of directors-general and senior officers to ensure government agencies work together against bikie gangs.
In any case, why show where he lives and put him in danger?
Should I now show where ABC managing director Mark Scott lives to illustrate this latest example of an ABC out of control?
Example 2. Last week, Melbourne University's Professor Thomas Reuter wrote in the Jakarta Post to accuse Australia of startling crimes against Indonesia.
Reuter told his Indonesian readers the latest spy allegations were part of our "consistent unneighbourly behaviour" which he claimed included "attempts to assassinate (former president) Sukarno".
He even claimed Australian soldiers were "involved in massacres" of Indonesians during their struggle for independence from the Dutch.
Not mentioned in Reuter's list of our alleged sins was our strong support for Indonesian independence, our yearly aid of $500 million or our $1 billion donation in tsunami relief.
What the hell was Reuter up to? Surely he realised the danger of preaching such anti-Australian poison days after mobs besieged our Jakarta embassy?
Still, someone of the Left may think the more trouble for the Abbott Government, the better.
But most scandalous was that Reuter's stories of Australians massacring Indonesians or trying to kill their president seem figments of imagination - of Reuter's or that of his undeclared sources. Indeed, Reuter has since withdrawn his massacre claim, at least, admitting it "cannot be verified".
So what will Melbourne University - whose vice-chancellor organised the farcical 2020 ideas summit for his friend Kevin Rudd - do about a professor who makes such baseless and dangerous claims?
Example 3. Labor's Joy Burch is Education Minister in the ACT, in charge of children's schooling.
Well, look away, children, because last week your minister fired off tweets attacking federal Education Minister Chris Pyne when she read - and retweeted - one by an abusive Leftist calling Pyne a "c---".
Burch later claimed this was an accident caused by her "poor social media skills", and, true, she soon deleted the tweet.
Yet for more than a day, she failed to apologise to Pyne.
Whatever the truth, the Left's abuse of the Abbott Government is already worse than anything complained of under Julia Gillard.
Tony Abbott has been called a "liar" by the Opposition Leader and pictured hanging from a noose on a poster at a same-sex marriage rally.
Someone operating in the Geelong Trades Hall set up a Facebook page urging Abbott's assassination, and The Age promoted "F--- Abbott" T-shirts sold by an Age columnist.
The hatred now has a dangerously violent tone, and I ask again - what does the Left want?
Bodies in the street?
THEIR ABC Comes Clean and finally confirms suspicions of who it is they are working FOR
Sunday, December 08, 2013
THEIR ABC Comes Clean and finally confirms suspicions of who it is they are working FOR
Australian's have always known who pays these Grubs,we do,this latest example of the ABC's Treacherous Bastardry shows us who these Grubs believe they should be working FOR, and it ain't us.
ABC out of control: now showing where a Liberal-appointed crime-fighter lives
Andrew Bolt
December 6, 2013
The ABC is now lured by its partisan politics into sheer bastardry, showing on TV the home of the man picked by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman to fight criminal bikie gangs.
Here’s how the story unfolds.
Newman appoints a man he served under at Duntroon 31 years ago:
Brigadier Bill Mellor is a “highly decorated officer with an impeccable record” and the right person to lead the government’s war on criminal gangs, Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said.
The retired Brigadier was transferred from his role as a flood recovery co-ordinator, to head up the government’s Strategic Monitoring Team…
Premier Campbell Newman served under the Brigadier during his time in the armed services, but Brigadier Mellor had distinguished himself post-military through roles such as heading up the southern Queensland flood recovery effort.
Clive Palmer disgraces himself - big surprise - with yet another lunatic conspiracy theory:
Federal MP for Fairfax Clive Palmer told ABC Radio that Brigadier Mellor’s appointment was ”tantamount to a Gestapo”.
“Changing legislation, employing ex-Army people to run judicial functions, I think it’s very bad to have military people in police positions in society,” Mr Palmer said.
Mellor has a distinguished record of service:
Brigadier Mellor commanded the Australian Force in Somalia and was a key player in the strategic planning for the Australian intervention in Timor.
Brigadier Mellor is the Deputy Chairman of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Queensland and a trustee of the General Douglas Macarthur Museum in Queen Street in Brisbane.
But Labor and its allies - who thought nothing of having the husband of then Premier Anna Bligh head a government department - sniff a mate-ocracy:
The ABC, which had little problem with Bligh’s husband, runs with the pack:
The retired Army officer appointed by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman to oversee the state’s controversial crackdown on bikies will be paid more than $200,000 for his year-long appointment.
Further details emerged about Brigadier Bill Mellor’s role as the Opposition and the head of the Queensland Police Union separately expressed concerns about the appointment and its implications for law enforcement in the state.
“It is very concerning ... it should be the role of the Police Commissioner,” Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk told the ABC.
“[Brigadier Mellor] has been a senior military officer but law enforcement is a completely different ball game.
“We don’t need the military running this state, thank you very much.”..
Ms Palaszczuk said it was a further example of Mr Newman “appointing his mates” to senior positions.
Then on its main 7pm Queensland bulletin last night, the ABC named the suburb Mellor lives in and repeatedly showed the street view of his home. Remember, this is a man appointed to help fight criminal bikie gangs.
Premier Newman has rung the ABC boss, Mark Scott, to protest. A public apology has yet not been issued.
The ABC is out of control.
Absolutely astonishing, and worse than I thought. Reader Rolf:
And they actually showed the street number, a large brass number on a rendered brick post. I did not notice any pixellation in the shot of his house.
Why didn’t the ABC just paint a target on Mellor’s forehead?
Reader Michael has checked the tape:
Andrew, Can confirm that the original ABC news report showed 3 separate shots of Brig Bill Mellor’s house including a close up of the street number on the letter box. At the same time, a voiceover revealed the name of the suburb.
After complaint lodged, the ABC kept the story online but advised that they had pixelated the number on the letterbox and removed the reference to suburb. Now this is the residence of the key public servant tasked with coordinating the effort against criminal motorcycle gangs. The ABC must explain what benefit they hoped to derive from identifying Mr Mellor’s family home, and how they believed doing so would in any way serve the public interest.
ABC out of control: now showing where a Liberal-appointed crime-fighter lives
Andrew Bolt
December 6, 2013
The ABC is now lured by its partisan politics into sheer bastardry, showing on TV the home of the man picked by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman to fight criminal bikie gangs.
Here’s how the story unfolds.
Newman appoints a man he served under at Duntroon 31 years ago:
Brigadier Bill Mellor is a “highly decorated officer with an impeccable record” and the right person to lead the government’s war on criminal gangs, Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said.
The retired Brigadier was transferred from his role as a flood recovery co-ordinator, to head up the government’s Strategic Monitoring Team…
Premier Campbell Newman served under the Brigadier during his time in the armed services, but Brigadier Mellor had distinguished himself post-military through roles such as heading up the southern Queensland flood recovery effort.
Clive Palmer disgraces himself - big surprise - with yet another lunatic conspiracy theory:
Federal MP for Fairfax Clive Palmer told ABC Radio that Brigadier Mellor’s appointment was ”tantamount to a Gestapo”.
“Changing legislation, employing ex-Army people to run judicial functions, I think it’s very bad to have military people in police positions in society,” Mr Palmer said.
Mellor has a distinguished record of service:
Brigadier Mellor commanded the Australian Force in Somalia and was a key player in the strategic planning for the Australian intervention in Timor.
Brigadier Mellor is the Deputy Chairman of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Queensland and a trustee of the General Douglas Macarthur Museum in Queen Street in Brisbane.
But Labor and its allies - who thought nothing of having the husband of then Premier Anna Bligh head a government department - sniff a mate-ocracy:
The ABC, which had little problem with Bligh’s husband, runs with the pack:
The retired Army officer appointed by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman to oversee the state’s controversial crackdown on bikies will be paid more than $200,000 for his year-long appointment.
Further details emerged about Brigadier Bill Mellor’s role as the Opposition and the head of the Queensland Police Union separately expressed concerns about the appointment and its implications for law enforcement in the state.
“It is very concerning ... it should be the role of the Police Commissioner,” Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk told the ABC.
“[Brigadier Mellor] has been a senior military officer but law enforcement is a completely different ball game.
“We don’t need the military running this state, thank you very much.”..
Ms Palaszczuk said it was a further example of Mr Newman “appointing his mates” to senior positions.
Then on its main 7pm Queensland bulletin last night, the ABC named the suburb Mellor lives in and repeatedly showed the street view of his home. Remember, this is a man appointed to help fight criminal bikie gangs.
Premier Newman has rung the ABC boss, Mark Scott, to protest. A public apology has yet not been issued.
The ABC is out of control.
Absolutely astonishing, and worse than I thought. Reader Rolf:
And they actually showed the street number, a large brass number on a rendered brick post. I did not notice any pixellation in the shot of his house.
Why didn’t the ABC just paint a target on Mellor’s forehead?
Reader Michael has checked the tape:
Andrew, Can confirm that the original ABC news report showed 3 separate shots of Brig Bill Mellor’s house including a close up of the street number on the letter box. At the same time, a voiceover revealed the name of the suburb.
After complaint lodged, the ABC kept the story online but advised that they had pixelated the number on the letterbox and removed the reference to suburb. Now this is the residence of the key public servant tasked with coordinating the effort against criminal motorcycle gangs. The ABC must explain what benefit they hoped to derive from identifying Mr Mellor’s family home, and how they believed doing so would in any way serve the public interest.
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