An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Friday, July 13, 2012

Labor Green Loon Deputy PM takes Ray Hadley to Governments broadcasting Star Chamber

Ray Hadley won't apologise for calling Swan a liar and a boofhead
Andrew Clennell 
The Daily Telegraph
July 13, 2012 12:00AM

DEPUTY Prime Minister Wayne Swan has taken 2GB's Ray Hadley to the broadcasting watchdog over a tirade in which Mr Hadley accused him of being a "boofhead" and a liar.

Hadley last night said it was the first time he had been referred to the Australian Communications and Media Authority by a politician, and vowed he would not say sorry.

The furore erupted after a Hadley interview with shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey on June 25, following a Daily Telegraph report on a proposal to cut free bottled water and fruit to school groups visiting parliament. On June 26 The Daily Telegraph acknowledged its report was incorrect, as it was a draft proposal which had been rejected.

Hadley and Mr Hockey both laid into Mr Swan, after Mr Swan emailed media criticising the initial report and saying the cuts were not going ahead.

Labor's manic obsession with media control continues unabated. 
Mr Hockey called Mr Swan a liar and Hadley said: "I don't think he's lying, I just think he's a complete boofhead that didn't know what was happening." He also accused Mr Swan of lying before the election by saying claims there would be a carbon tax were "hysterically inaccurate".

Mr Swan's office contacted Hadley's program and demanded a retraction concerning the bottled water and snacks. Hadley says he did go to air with a correction the next day when he confirmed a decision had been made before the story was published not to proceed with the cuts.

Listen to it all.
Mr Swan's complaint to ACMA claims Hadley should have issued a correction and his program should have telephoned Mr Swan's office before the Hockey interview.

Hadley said last night: "They are trying to stifle debate in print (through proposals for media regulation), now he's trying to hop into the electronic media. I have been doing this for nearly 20 years . . . and to my knowledge no politician has gone to ACMA or the governing body looking for a remedy."

A spokesman for Mr Swan said the report was acknowledged as inaccurate by The Daily Telegraph and "it's important for its listeners that 2GB does the same".

News Ltd CEO Kim Williams vows to fight media censorship in the High Court if necessary

Jessica Leo
July 13, 20123:12PM

News Ltd CEO promises to fight proposed reforms
"Should be governed by the consumer, not governments"
Read the full speech here 

NEWS Limited CEO Kim Williams today said he would go to the High Court to protect Australia's freedom of speech.

Speaking at an SA Press Club luncheon in Adelaide, Mr Williams said the Australian media landscape should be governed by the consumer, not governments.

Taking aim at the Finkelstein and Convergence reviews that are currently before the Federal Government, Mr Williams stressed the importance of free speech - and said he would go to great lengths to protect that right.

He said he is prepared to take the matter to the High Court if the recommendations in the reviews are implemented.

In his first public exchange with media since being appointed late late last year, Mr Williams also pointed to a consumer-first model of journalism where the public should govern the news of the day.

"Consumers anoint the winners, not governments or regulators," he said.

Mr Williams also spoke about the increasing diversity of the Australian media landscape and defended the quality of the country's journalism.

The Convergence Review, released in April, outlined recommendations for the new Australian media landscape drawn from more than 340 written submissions and 28,000 comments from a consultation programme across the country.

Its goal was to address "shortcomings" in regulatory frameworks developed in the 1990s.

The Finkelstein Report, the end product of a Greens-led independent inquiry into media standards and ownership in Australia, called for the establishment of a News Media Council.

The proposed council would be a government-funded statutory body with power across all media to set standards for all journalists, including bloggers and owners of websites drawing more than 15,000 visitors a 

Cruel and Unusual Punishment inflicted upon Australian Olympian by the Australian Olympic Committee

Russell Mark takes aim at Australian officials after ban to stop him rooming with wife at London Olympics

Ben English
The Daily Telegraph
July 13, 201212:00AM

OLYMPIC gold medallist Russell Mark last night fired off an extraordinary broadside at Australian officials after he was banned from rooming with his fellow Olympian wife at the London Games.

Mark, a one-time gold medallist heading to his sixth Games, revealed he was told by officials earlier this month he would have to room instead with another former roommate and gold medallist, Michael Diamond.

Michael Diamond
Mark's wife Lauryn said the whole episode had thrown her Games preparations into disarray.

He said the Australian Olympic Committee had told him because accommodation was in a multi-room apartment format, it would be inappropriate for them to share with other athletes.

"The reason they gave was the bathroom sharing ratio would be breached. What a load of absolute rubbish."
As late as July 2, Mark received an email from Australian team chef de mission Nick Green telling him he would not be able to room with his spouse.

But the AOC last night said the pair would be able to room together after all.
"We will hand the keys to the shooting section when they get to the village," spokesman Mike Tancred said.

"If Shooting want to arrange accomodation where Russell and Lauryn can sleep together that's OK with us."

Mr Tancred said AOC sport director Erica de Jong had issued the directive to shooting section manager Nick Sullivan "about a week ago".

However, Mark said Sullivan had told him two days ago he was still rooming with Diamond.

"I think the AOC hasn't caught up with this," he said."It's disappointing because I have worked for the Olympic movement, either on the AOC athletes commision and the Victorian Olympic Council, for 16 years.

"I ask for one favour and it seems it's all forgotten.

"I suspect the real reason is I have upset someone over my Stillnox comments."

Mark caused a stir when he became the first current team member to criticise the AOC for its decision to ban Aussie athletes using Stillnox and two other sleeping pills at the London Games.

Lauryn Mark, who is competing at her second Olympics for Australia, said she was stunned by the decision.

"I was shocked and more than a bit disappointed," she said.

"It's taken me a few days to come to terms with it."

Lauryn, 32, said the decision had disrupted her preparation for London.

"I am really trying hard not to let it affect me.

"We have roomed together for such a long time. It's part of my routine.

"I have to be in a calm frame of mind to perform well."

Lauren has already courted controversy in recent weeks, agreeing to pose scantily clad for racy men's magazine Zoo, posing with a rifle.

The photos have yet to be published.

Lauryen swears by Pole Dancing as a means of keeping fit and healthy
Mark says pole dancing improved her core strength and arm muscles, vital when using her rifle for competition.
Diamond told News Limited Newspapers he would not be concerned if he did have to room with Mark.

"It would be excellent because we have had a happy history of roominig together. He gives me a great positive vibe and I've usually performed well."

The pair roomed together in Barcelona and Sydney, when Diamond won gold in the trap.

Russell Mark has however, maintained his sense of humour about the row.

"I did say to Michael, "you'll have to wear the pink nighty now. But it won't be the same."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sydney reaps what it's rulers have sown over the past thirty years: A diverse,culturally enriched Dodge City.

My City of Sydney.
I miss the warmth of you 
Miss the Heart of your people.........

Thirty years of "Diversity" "Cultural Enrichment" and Open Borders has given Australians a
Country where almost every day is now a "Harmony Day" gang rape,murder,drive by shootings,stabbings and bashings.
Sydney, the home of the famous Opera House and the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge their imagery despoiled by Drugged stuffed morons and Drunks of all ages, roaming at will throughout Sydney's night spots and tourist attractions.
Home invaders, ATM theft,identity theft,car re birthing

And if the imported "Cultural Enriches" and "Harmony Day" ambassadors dont get you,our home grown scum take up the slack.
Thanks to Labor's "Progressive" elits and their rancid divisive United Nations policy of Multiculturalism 

As the present Australian Labor Party Minister for "School Education,Early Childhood and Youth, Peter Garrett (of Midnight Oil fame) once said "You have to rock the boat before you can sink it "

I remember as small child when hearing the closing of Ch 7 Sydney every night (yes TV stations did shut around midnight then and left you with a test pattern so you could tune your set) thinking how smart I was to have stayed awake so late.

My City of Sydney,I miss the warmth of you 
Miss the heart of your people
That little Church Steeple in Woolloomooloo

Sail boats white polka dotting the blue of the bay
As they glide on their way through a clear afternoon
Night folks thirsting for fun,
meeting most everyone at the Cross as they toss
in their merry balloon.

My City of Sydney
I miss your glow at dark
And the nights in a quiet Hyde Park
Miss the Opera House lights,from the Bridge

Though Im thousands of miles
from surfers and smiles of your
laugh loving children at play

My warm City of Sydney

I've never been away

Tommy Leonetti was an American pop singer-songwriter and actor of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. In Australia his most famous song was "My City of Sydney" (written by Leonetti & Robert Troup) and was used by the Australian TV channel ATN7 in Sydney for station identification into the 1980s. In America he achieved greater success as a songwriter for movies and Broadway plays.

Tommy Leonetti was born Nicola Tomaso Lionetti in Bergen County, New Jersey in 1929. He married the American actress Cindy Robbins and was stepfather to her daughter, Kimberly Beck. They lived in Sydney, Australia in the 1960s and 1970s before returning to America.
Full bio here

Patrick Crowe’s accused Killer Christopher Brilliantes, does not apply for bail, noose tightens on accomplices

Accused killer of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe, Christopher Brilliantes, does not apply for bail

Evelyn Yamine
The Daily Telegraph
July 12, 2012 1:40PM

THE man charged with the stabbing murder of an apprentice chef did not apply for bail today.
Christopher Brilliantes, 21, was arrested yesterday and charged with the murder of Patrick Crowe.
The 22-year-old was allegedly stabbed during an altercation on Argyle St, Parramatta about 2am on Sunday and later died at Westmead Hospital. 11 7 12 Four arrested over the fatal stabbing of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe at Parramatta
Brilliantes, of Wentworthville, did not want to be brought up to the courtroom and did not apply for bail.
Magistrate Viney formally refused bail and remanded him into custody.
The matter was adjourned until September 13.
A co-accused, Judel Godoy, 18, was granted strict conditional bail after being charged with concealing a serious indictable offence.
The teenager, who is friends with the co-accused Brilliantes, must return to live at his family home in Auburn, where his stepfather, a corrections officer, has agreed to inform police if he does not meet his bail conditions.
These include reporting daily to police, not to go within 1km of Parramatta railway station unless to catch a train, not to associate with any co-accused in any way and he must abide by a residential curfew from 8pm to 6am.
Parramatta Local Court heard he had no participation in the alleged altercation and cooperated with police in an interview after his arrest.
A 15-year-old Toongabbie boy and 16-year-old Rosehill boy were also arrested and charged with affray.
Superintendent Robert Redfern said police were still looking for a teenage boy and three teenage girls who can help with on-going investigations.
Supt Redfern said there was "some interaction" with these teenagers in the lead up to the fatal stabbing about 2am last Sunday.
"The message to these people is that we will do all that we can to find you and bring you to justice so come forward, hand yourselves in to police, so that you can be spoken to," Supt Redfern said.
"There is no way we can bring back Patrick to his family but it's our hope in making some early arrests, it gives some comfort to his family in relation to the loss of their son," he said.
The male police are looking for is described as being in his late teens, of Pacific Islander appearance.
The girls are aged between 15 and 17, of Pacific Islander appearance and the other described as Caucasian.

Four arrested following Patrick Crowe Murder

Arab Spring :Egyptian Sex Slave Marriage,the woman said "I enslave myself to you,"

Egypt's First "Sex-Slave" Marriage

by Raymond Ibrahim
Gatestone Institute 
July 5, 2012

What is being dubbed as Egypt's "first sex-slave marriage" took place mere days after the Muslim Brotherhood's Muhammad Morsi was made president.

Last Monday, on the Egyptian TV show Al Haqiqa ("the Truth"), journalist Wael al-Ibrashi began the program by airing a video-clip of a man, Abd al-Rauf Awn, "marrying" his "slave." Before making the woman, who had a non-Egyptian accent, repeat the Koran's Surat al-Ikhlas after him, instead of saying the customary "I marry
myself to you," the woman said "I enslave myself to you," and kissed him in front of an applauding audience.

8 7 12 Egypt's First Sex-Slave Marriage

Sheikh Awn telling his concubine-bride what to say during their "nuptial vows," which included her "enslavement" to the self-proclaimed Sharia expert.

Then, even though she was wearing a hijab, her owner-husband declared her forbidden from such trappings, commanding her to be stripped of them, so as "not to break Allah's laws." She took her veil

and abaya off, revealing, certainly by Muslim standards, a promiscuous red dress (all the other women present were veiled). The man claps for her as the video-clip (which can be viewed here) ends.
The owner-husband, Abd al-Rauf Awn, then appeared on the show, identifying himself as an Islamic scholar and expert at Islamic jurisprudence who studied at Al Azhar. He gave several Islamic 
explanations to justify his "marriage," from Islamic prophet Muhammad's "sunna" or practice of "marrying" enslaved captive women, to Koran 4:3, which commands Muslim men to "Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four… or what your right hands possess."
For all practical purposes, and to avoid euphemisms, "what your right hands possess"—also known in Arabic as a melk al-yamin—is, according to Islamic doctrine and history, simply a sex-slave. Linguistic evidence further suggests that she is seen more as a possession than a human.

Even stripping the sex-slave of her hijab, the way Awn commanded his concubine-wife, has precedent. According to Islamic jurisprudence, whereas the free (Muslim) woman is mandated to be veiled behind a hijab, sex-slaves are mandated only to be covered from the navel to the knees—with everything else exposed. During the program Awn even explained how Caliph Omar, one of the first "righteous caliphs," used to strip sex-slaves of their garments, whenever he saw them overly dressed in the marketplace.

Awn further explained that sex-slave marriage is ideal for today's Egyptian society. He based his position on ijtihad, a recognized form of jurisprudence, whereby a Muslim scholar comes up with a new idea—one that is still rooted in the Koran and example of Muhammad—yet one that better fits the circumstances of contemporary society.

He argued that, when it comes to marriage, "we Muslims have overly complicated things," so that men are often forced to be single throughout their prime, finally getting married between the ages of 30-40 (when they might be expected to have a sufficient income to open a household). Similarly, many Egyptian women do not want to wear the hijab in public.
The solution, according to Awn, is to reinstitute sex-slavery—allowing men to marry and copulate much earlier in life, and women who want to dress freely to do so, as technically they are sex-slaves and mandated to go about loosely attired, anyway. 
"Who said sex-slavery is over?  What—because the UN said so?"
The other guest on the show, Dr. Abdullah al-Naggar, a professor of Islamic jurisprudence at Al Azhar, fiercely attacked Awn for reviving this practice, calling on him and his slave-wife to "repent" and stop dishonoring Islam, arguing that "there is no longer sex-slavery"—to which Awn responded by sarcastically asking, "Who said sex-slavery is over? What—because the UN said so?"

In many ways, this exchange between Awn, who advocates sex-slave marriage, and the Al Azhar professor symbolizes the clash between today's "Islamists" and "moderate Muslims." For long, Al Azhar has been primarily engaged in the delicate balancing act of affirming Islam while still advocating modernity according to Western standards, whereas the Islamists—from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Salafis—bred with contempt and disrespect for the West, are only too eager to revive distinctly Islamic practices that defy Western sensibilities.

While this may be the first sex-slave marriage to take place in Egypt's recent history, it is certainly not the first call to revive the practice. Earlier, Egyptian Sheikh Huwaini, lamenting that the "good old days" of Islam are over, declared that, in an ideal Muslim society, "when I want a sex-slave [I should be able to go]to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her." Likewise, a Kuwaiti female politician advocated for reviving the institute of sex-slavery, suggesting that Muslims should bring female
captives of war—specifically Russian women from the Chechnya war —and sell them to Muslim men in the markets of Kuwait.

And so the "Arab Spring" continues to blossom.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum.


Salafists Demand Legalization of Sex-Slave Marriages

Andrew Bolt and author Donna La Framboise discuss the Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Blast from the Past October 30 2011
Andrew Bolt speaks with visiting climate change sceptic and author Donna La Framboise

The Bolt Report 10 Network Sydney 30 10 2011

Donna La framboise  Blog

Report below on Donna La framboise Sydney appearance from:

WEDNESDAY, 11 JULY 2012 10:51 AM · 
Last night I attended the Sydney talk of Canadian author and blogger Donna Laframboise, whose book, "The Delinquent Teenager who was mistaken for the world's top Climate Expert" has recently been published here in Australia.

A large crowd had gathered at the Sheraton on the Park to hear Donna speak about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

 Donna Laframboise
In her talk, she explained how despite protestations that the IPCC was a collection of the world's best climate scientists, much of the IPCC's reports were written by students and environmental activists, and that many appointments to the panel were politically motivated.
She also showed that the IPCC's claim only to rely on peer-reviewed science was false, with over 30% of the references cited in the recent AR4 coming from newspaper clippings, WWF and Greenpeace reports, press releases and other grey literature. I wonder how much of that grey literature supported "the consensus"? I'm guessing roughly 100%.
I have corresponded with Donna in the past and it was great to meet her finally! Donna, I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in "Fantasy Island".*

Four arrested following Patrick Crowe Murder

Four arrested over the fatal stabbing of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe at Parramatta

Tim Vollmer 
The Daily Telegraph 
July 11, 2012 7:01PM 

FOUR young men have been arrested over the fatal stabbing of apprentice chef Patrick Crowe in Parramatta early on Sunday morning.

The popular 22-year-old died on the operating table while undergoing emergency surgery for a punctured left lung suffered when he was stabbed during the brawl near the Argyle Street bus interchange at the end of a night out with friends. 

Police this evening arrested three men - aged 21, 18, and 16 - after carrying out a search warrant on a house in Parramatta. Another 16-year-old boy faced Parramatta Children's Court this afternoon, where he was granted bail after being charged with affray over his alleged involvement in the altercation. 

Officers last night said the investigation into the stabbing was ongoing, with more arrests expected. Emergency services were called at about 2am on Sunday following reports of a stabbing on Argyle Street, with NSW Ambulance paramedics transferring Mr Crowe to Westmead Hospital where he died shortly before 7am. During the fatal attack, which involved up to four men, a male offender is also alleged to have held a knife to the throat of one of Mr Crowe's friends. Police are still investigating the motive for the attack, including any possible link to a small run-in between Mr Crowe and his friends with some women in a club earlier in the night.

"Somewhere in Sydney these Godless Monsters are lurking,probably smirking about their act of cowardice and someone knows who they are, the killers biggest problem is that his accomplices know who he is,and that factor alone has doubled his chances of been apprehended sooner than later." ANV July 8 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories Stabbing: Patrick Crowe, 22, attacked and stabbed to death..

Alan Jones: Delingpole,Coal Seam Gas,Shut the Gate,Terry McCrann,

Australia's # 1 Talkback Radio Host, Alan Jones of Radio 2GB 873 Sydney

Terry McCrann

Carbon tax to make its mark on the economy, Alan Jones is joined by economics commentator Terry McCrann to discuss the carbon tax. 

Shut the Gate

The fight against CSG mining continues Alan Jones is joined by Brian Monk, Lawrence Springborg and Drew Hutton of the Lock The Gate Alliance. 

James Delingpole

Alan Jones speaks with British commentator James Delingpole on Prime Minister Gillard's recent visit to Rio. 

 Donna LaFramboise

Climate change: the debate continues Alan Jones speaks with visiting climate change sceptic and author Donna LaFramboise

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Australian Sen. Barnaby Joyce speaks with Radio 2gb's Chris Smith.

Straight Talking Straight Shooting
Sen.Barnaby Joyce.

Sergeant Blaine Diddams:SGT Blaine Diddams returned home to his family and friends today.

SGT Blaine Diddams Repatriation Ceremonies 

The members of the Special Operations Task Group have farewelled Sergeant Blaine Diddams in a moving memorial service on Thursday, 05 July. The memorial service was held at Camp Russell in Multi-National Base – Tarin Kot, before SGT Diddams’ casket was driven to a waiting Australian C-130 Hercules aircraft. SGT Blaine Diddams returned home to his family and friends in a solemn and moving ceremony at RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia, on 9 July 2012. SGT Blaine Diddams was killed in action in Afghanistan during a mission targeting an insurgent commander in Chorah region of Uruzgan Province.

How long before Sergeant Blaine Diddams killer arrives in Australia via the Labor / Green Loon "Independent" Minority Socialist "Co Party" Government's OPEN borders immigration policy ?
Once here he will be fed housed clothed for life,free medical,dental pharmaceutical,education,legal,transport and the list goes on and on the only thing demanded in return is that they vote for the hand that feeds them and their co Islamic colonialists.ANV

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thomas Kelly another victim of the Godless Savagery that walks Sydney’s streets

Parents of 'king hit' teen appeal for witnesses to Kings Cross attack
Carleen Frost
Daily Telegraph
July 10, 20121:47PM

10 7 12 Parents of 'king hit' teen appeal for witnesses to Kings Cross attack
UPDATE: THE family of a teenager who was killed in an unprovoked attack in Kings Cross over the weekend has issued an emotional plea for the public's help to find the man responsible for his death.

10 7 12 Parents of 'king hit' teen appeal for witnesses to Kings Cross attack 2 Thomas Kelly, from Bowral in the Southern Highlands, died in hospital last night after suffering a king hit from an unidentified man while walking along Victoria St on Saturday night.
The 18-year-old's father Ralph said his wife Kathy and children Madeleine, 17 and Stuart, 14 had been left devastated by his son's shock death.
"Thomas was the most unbelievable child, one of the most courageous boys I think I've ever met," he said.
"He had started a cadetship in the city with an accounting firm and was going to university at nights.
"To think that his life was just finally taking off... It was his friend's 18th birthday, they hadn't been out before, they wanted to celebrate.
"They had just arrived and within two minutes his life was taken from him.
"This is just a tragic, tragic, tragic situation and nobody would want to be in this position."
Kelly was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital in a critical condition with head injuries but died late yesterday after his life support was switched off.
Police have launched a homicide investigation.

This is the second young healthy productive industrious Australian man Murdered on the streets of Sydney since Saturday night, oh yes I know there will be the usual parade of excuse makers for their killers act of savagery, their dog died, they are from a disadvantaged socio economic group they feel marginalised through a lack of diversity and inconclusiveness in Australian society, no matter how the killers apologist spin it these two  of Australia's best are DEAD, their families destroyed for life, and spare me the crap about if they knew the damage they caused they would not have done it bull shit!!! that's exactly WHY the did it. ANV

Monday, July 09, 2012

What kind of feminism does Abu-Lughod represent?

The Feminist Politics of Islamic Misogyny

by Phyllis Chesler
American Thinker
November 13, 2010

Studying honor killings is not the same as sensationalizing them -- but Columbia University professor Lila Abu-Lughod disagrees. Moreover, she believes that indigenous Arab and Muslim behavior, including honor-related violence, is best understood as a consequence of Western colonialism -- perhaps even of "Islamophobia."

On October 25, 2010, at the American University of Beirut, Abu-Lughod admonished feminists who ostensibly sensationalize honor killings, a position which, in her opinion, represents "simplistic, civilizational thinking." She "warned that an obsessive focus on the so-called honor crime may have negative repercussions" and that "people should be wary of classifying certain acts as a distinctive form of violence against women." (Her remarks are summarized in a press release published by the university. According to the university, the article on which the speech is based will be published early next year in Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies.)

Abu-Lughod opposed the "concept of clear-cut divisions between cultures, which she viewed as a form of imprisoning rural and immigrant communities," and suggested that focusing on "honor crimes" allowed "scholars and activists to ignore important contexts for violence against women: social tensions; political conflicts; forms of racial, class, and ethnic discrimination; religious movements; government policing and surveillance; and military intervention."

What kind of feminism does Abu-Lughod represent? She is a post-colonial, postmodern, cultural relativist, a professor of anthropology and women's and gender studies who does not believe in universal standards of human rights. However, her allegedly feminist work primarily serves the cause of one nationalism only -- Palestinian -- and of one tradition only -- Islam/Islamism.

Abu-Lughod has long held the positions she expressed in Beirut. According to her 2002 article in The American Anthropologist, "Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?," Abu-Lughod believes that wearing the Islamic veil signifies "respectability" for Muslim women. More, it can be "read as a sign of educated, urban sophistication, a sort of modernity." She writes,
Why are we surprised that Afghan women do not throw off their burqas when we know perfectly well that it would not be appropriate to wear shorts to the opera? If we think that U.S. women live in a world of choice regarding clothing, all we need to do is to remind ourselves of the expression "the tyranny of fashion."
According to the photo which accompanies the Beirut press advisory and her Columbia biography, Abu-Lughod does not wear a burqa.

In fact, Abu-Lughod herself and her professor parents are all products of an American academic establishment: Her Palestinian-American father, Ibrahim, taught at Northwestern University for 35 years; her Jewish-American mother, Janet Lippman Abu-Lughod, did so for twenty years. Their daughter was raised a Muslim -- but in America, not the Middle East. She attended Carleton College in Minnesota and received her Ph.D. from Harvard. Abu-Lughod is married to another Columbia professor of Middle East studies, Timothy Mitchell, who shares her views about Palestine, Israel, and America. They and others represent an academy which has also sacrificed most real feminist values and curriculum for a hard-left agenda which masquerades as "feminism."

Abu-Lughod suggests that there are many reasons that a woman might veil -- and, if she's talking about hijab (a headscarf), I can agree with her. However, wearing a face- and body-covering that obscures identity, peripheral vision, and all normal social interaction -- that functions, in effect, like a sensory deprivation isolation chamber -- is not an empowered "feminist" choice or even a feminist way of rejecting sexual objectification. The growing Islamist pressure to veil is enormous, and women fear being beaten, never obtaining a husband, or being divorced, jailed, or even killed for their failure to do so. Face- and body-covering is a forced choice, not a free one. Muslim girls and women are punished, and sometimes murdered, for refusing to wear a face veil.

Regarding the benefits of polygamy, Abu-Lughod and others suggest that female relatives, including co-wives, may bond, keep each other company, share isolating and repetitive tasks, and so on. Sounds good -- but neither research nor personal memoirs support this theoretical possibility. Exceptions always exist, but the bulk of what is known presents a far different picture of female-female relations. Many accounts portray Arab and Muslim women mistreating each other, their female servants, and their slaves. They are also either directly cruel or indifferent toward impoverished and racially and religiously marginalized women in their own countries and households.

Even Abu-Lughod notes that pioneer Iranian feminist Siddiqeh Dawlatabadi "imposed on the nine-year-old daughter of her father's secretary a marriage to her seventy-year-old father when he was widowed. She later ignored the girl's cries when she went into labor and thereafter, when Dawlatabadi's father died, married off the girl to someone else, taking her daughters."

In addition, research on honor killing demonstrates that mothers, sisters, aunts, and second wives conspire in the murder of one of their own female relatives and often have a hands-on relationship to the actual murder.

To be fair, Abu-Lughod has also published some interesting work about Muslim women in the Middle East, and about Bedouin women in particular, including Writing Women's Worlds: Bedouin Stories. However, Abu-Lughod, like her Columbia University colleague Gayatri Spivak, views a Western-style fight for women's rights in the Muslim world as a dangerous diversion. In Remaking Women. Feminism and Modernity In The Middle East, Abu-Lughod criticizes Western "colonial feminism" as attempting to undermine local cultures and recommends that we continue to focus mainly on the "colonial enterprise." Why? Perhaps as a way of reminding Western thinkers -- heirs to the colonial adventure -- that, given their ancestors' past crimes, they dare not feel "superior" to the Islamic world, and above all, they dare not intervene to free Muslim prisoners from Muslim tyrants, jailers, and murderers. Indeed, Abu-Lughod is quoted in Beirut as saying that: "the easily sensationalized category [of honor killing] has the political effect of stigmatizing Muslim societies."

I am among a handful of both Muslim and non-Muslim feminists who humbly but adamantly question this approach. The politicization of the feminist academic world, especially in terms of its "Palestinianization" and its anti-Americanism -- has become the universal point of view for feminist academics. Abu-Lughod, Leila AhmedSuha Sabbagh, and Gayatri Spivak all share a profoundly negative view of the West and its values. This is their real passion. They may study women for complex reasons, but they use their work to condemn the West again and again. Sadly, they are all speaking the same politically correct "feminist" language from which a universal concept of human rights for women has been utterly banished.
Phyllis Chesler is Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies and the author of fourteen books, including the 1972 classic Women and Madness. She has published two studies about honor killings in the Middle East Quarterly. She wrote this article for Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum. She would like to acknowledge the assistance of Nathan Bloom.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Sydney Burns Foundation growing Synthetic Skin

Sydney Burns Foundation researchers are growing synthetic skin

Jane Hansen 
The Sunday Telegraph
July 08, 2012 12:00AM

BURNS victims will be able to grow back their own skin within five years following groundbreaking advancements in skin reproduction.

Researchers from the Sydney Burns Foundation are growing a human-based substance "recombinant elastin" which associate professor Peter Haertsch believes will provide victims a better quality of life.

"We can save more patients now, but their quality of life hasn't improved and this technology will change all that.

It is a living skin equivalent," said Concord Hospital's Prof Haertsch.

"It will be a pliable, durable sheet like a thin piece of sponge full of holes and you put that on the excised burn and then the body will repopulate the sponge with cells that produce collagen and elastin, so the skin will regenerate, not scar."

Large animal trials are scheduled before human trials of the product can begin within five years. The Sydney Burns Foundation, of which Prof Haertsch is the chair, needs to raise $1.5 million to continue the research.

Prof Haertsch, who received an Order of Australia for his work on the Bali bombing victims ten years ago, said he felt he was letting current patients down 
with the existing treatment of skin grafting which does not stretch, sweat or oil itself like normal skin.

These Girls are just  two of the thousands needing help from the Sydney Burns Foundation every year. Please assist financially if you can

Turia Pitt, the 25-year-old runner who suffered burns to 64 per cent of her body when trapped in a bushfire during an ultra-marathon in the Kimberley last year, acknowledges the difficulties of skin grafting but is very grateful to have survived and is planning to run in the upcoming City to Surf.

"Your skin is really stiff and it's really hard to move," she said.

Sydney's Occupied Territories Stabbing: Patrick Crowe, 22, attacked and stabbed to death..

NSW Police seek witnesses after man who died after being stabbed in Argyle Street Parramatta identified as Patrick Crowe

Clementine Cuneo, 
Police Reporter 
The Daily Telegraph 
July 08, 2012 4:22PM

A YOUNG man fatally stabbed after an altercation near a Parramatta rail and bus terminal early today has been identified.

Patrick Crowe, 22, and his mates were heading towards a bus stop in Argyle St, Parramatta, about 2am, when they were approached by three to four other men.

Shocked friends of Patrick today flooded Facebook with tributes to their "larrikin mate”.

"Life won’t be the same without were the best fun,” one friend wrote.

Another said "It was impossible to be sad or cranky around you".

Police said the offending group started verbally abusing Mr Crowe and his friends, before one of the offenders pulled out a knife.

"The victim has received a stab wound to his left side, which unfortunately has been fatal,” Inspector Frank Gilroy said.

Mr Crowe was rushed to Westmead Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery, but he died just before 7am.

Insp Gilroy said police were keen to speak to any witnesses to the fatal altercation.

The group of offenders was described as possibly being of pacific islander appearance.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Sydney's Occupied Territories Celebrates it's 70th Shooting this year God Bless Multiculturalism and the ALP.

Labor's Multicultural Zoo claims another young innocent Australian 22 years of age, stabbed to death by by gutless evil swine with nothing better to do than unleash their unbridled Neanderthal savagery upon anyone unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Somewhere in Sydney these Godless Monsters are lurking,probably smirking about their act of cowardice and someone knows who they are, the killers biggest problem is that his accomplices know who he is,and that factor alone has doubled his chances of been apprehended sooner than later.

Thomas Kelly another victim of the Godless Savagery that walks Sydney’s streets

Sydney's Occupied Territories Celebrates it's 70th Shooting this year God Bless Multiculturalism and the ALP.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, a rich and divers Multicultural  no go zone where every day is a "Harmony Day"

John Robertson former Union hack and now leader of the NSW Labor opposition, the party that has ruled NSW for the previous 15 years, the same party that is responsible for the implementation at the state level of the insanity of Multiculturalism and Islamic Colonization of Australia, is surprised? disappointed ? at the number of shootings in what passes for the Labor "Heartland" 

Create the problem when in government then pretend outrage when in opposition at the manifestations of Labor Green Loon policies.

Flood the nation with loons Muslims and thugs that ought to reduce the living standards of Australians the same way Labour did it in the UK back in the sixties.

Multiculturalism = Chaos and Mayhem a nation populated by warring tribes each seeking supremacy with nothing but contempt for the host culture.
Thanks Labor .

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Moves under way to dig up dead Arafat ... GOOD LUCK !!!

Someone planted the polonium much later, but anyhow: its time to bring him back!
by SHEIKYERMAMI on JULY 7, 2012He was a saint!Any idea why neither Suha nor the PA agreed to release the French hospital’s medical file?Al Reuters photo-essay whitewashes terrorist ArafatbastardNow that the syphilitic terrorist Arafat is in the news again, Reuters put out a photo essay with 32 pictures going over his life.The photos seem really, really selective, though….They include photos of Arafat with the Pope, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and others.
So much more on this sack of Islamic Shit can be found here 
If they are going to dig this piece of vile putrid filth up they will have to dig deep, you see someone else has claimed his filthy porcine carcass 

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