An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rudd's Australia:US War Hero Lance Corporal Lee , bashed sensless in Sydney whilst on leave from Iraq.

War Hero bashed senseless in Kings Cross

The Daily Telegraph
April 22, 2009

A US Marine savagely assaulted in Kings Cross six months ago has made an emotional plea for information as police investigate a possible bikie link.

“I had been enjoying a night out on the town in Sydney after being granted liberty from the USS Peleliu and to end up the victim of an assault and fighting for life in hospital is distressing,” Lance Corporal Lee said, speaking from Camp Pendleton in California where he is completing his recovery.

The 25-year-old soldier sailed into Sydney on USS Peleliu last October after seeing active service in Iraq and was attacked by two men during a night out on shore leave on October 13.

Superintendent Tony Crandell said the men, who punched him to the ground without provocation on Roslyn Street, may have links to outlaw motorcycle gangs.

Inside Sydney's bikie bloodshed

“This attack has taken its toll on me personally, not only leaving me with serious injuries, but also significantly impacting on my career,” Lance Corporal Lee said.

“I still have not returned to full duties with the US Marines despite six months having passed since the assault.”

The injured servicemen said the incident has also affected his wife and nine-month-old son.

“I’d just ask anyone who might have witnessed the assault or have information that might assist the police investigation to come forward and speak with detectives.”

The attack occurred about 2am on Sunday, October 13, at the intersection of Roslyn Street and Barncleuth Lane, Kings Cross, when two men got out of a silver 2000-model Mitsubishi Magna.

They confronted Lance Corporal Lee, who was intoxicated and standing in the middle of Roslyn Street.

One punched him on the side of the face, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the road.

The attackers then fled in the Mitsubishi Magna.

Lance Corporal Lee was taken unconscious by ambulance to St Vincents Hospital in a critical condition with skull factures.

He underwent emergency surgery, remaining in a coma for nine days.

When he regained consciousness, he suffered short-term amnesia and could not recall his own name nor recognise his wife and parents.

He was also unable to walk for some time.

Detectives from Kings Cross Local Area Command are continuing their inquiries into the incident and are again appealing for public help to catch the attackers.

The first offender is described as being of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean appearance, in his mid 20s, 185cm tall with a large muscular build, short dark hair and a neat beard.

He was wearing a t-shirt, shorts and runners at the time of the incident.

The second offender has only been described as being of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean appearance, aged in his mid 20s and having a solid muscular build.

Lance Corporal Lee was discharged from hospital on October 30 and has since returned to work on light duties pending further surgery.

Anyone who may be able to assist the investigation is urged to contact Kings Cross detectives or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Sydney, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, handed over to the manifestations of the United Nations racist cult of Multiculturalism and Islamic Middle Eastern barbarism by the Australian Labor Party,ALP,financed by the Marxist based Australian Council of Trade Unions,ACTU.

Labor's " tapestry of cultural diversity and Multiculturalism" on display:

Australia: 16 year old stabbed for been an Australian

Australia:Four Christian Churches stand against "Islamic beachhead"

Sydney International Airport, 12 "Middle Eastern men assault Female Customs officer

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Mahmoud Dib refused bail Video of court fracas

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Sydney Airport Killing aftermath

Some letters to the editor on this story, typical of the sentiments of Sydney siders and their disgust at what the NSW Labor state government calls law and order in NSW.

sydney used to be a beautiful place. I arrived here as a migrant 23 years ago and thought the world of this place. Now, i think there are too many bad elements in sydney, most notably Middle Eastern men (mostly young) who just want to cause trouble for no reason. To those below who state "what does their race have to do with it?" - you are just blind to what is happening in front of your very eyes.
Posted by: mc of 2:42pm today

Why mention they are Middle eastern, well, they are. A disproportional amount of the violence for the precentage of population in the city is coming from the Lebonese community. Kings Cross surcurity is just a cover for stand over middle eastern gangs. Look at Hyde Park a few weeks ago, who were they, the "Muslim Brotherhood Movement" who's agenda is racial hatred towards non muslims. Now who do you think they might be. Not to mention the airport drama and drive by shootings. Just ask the police were most of the street violence is coming from. Geeez, are they being picked on, I certainly don't think so
Posted by: PC of Sydney 2:40pm today

Thank GOD I dont live in Sydney. It's become a dirty city full of violence and aggro.
Posted by: JulieA of Northern NSW 1:51pm today

Sydney is rapidly becoming a no-go area. And most of the blame can be leveled at three ethnic groups. Lebanese, Pacific Islander and Asian gangs account for most of the crime, violence and brutality on the streets. I believe that the migration of various nationalities to this country has made it a much more vibrant and delightful place to live. To a large degree these people have become fine Australian citizens and contribute to society but like so many other countries we are discovering there are large groups who have nothing but loathing and contempt for the country that has given them a new home. They have no allegiance to Australia and see it simply as stupid place to exploit in every way. There should be a return policy with immigration. Unfortunately for a lot of them it is second generation hatred.
Posted by: Michael of Sydney 1:49pm today

News flash- Sydney is a bashers paradise! Young, old, heroes whatever- nobody is immune- and the cops couldn't care less.
Posted by: Blonde Ambition of Sydney 1:32pm today

Rudd's Australia: More illegals arrive at Barrow Island

More asylum seekers intercepted off WA coast

By Allison Rehn
The Daily Telegraph
April 22, 2009 02:30pm

ANOTHER boatload of asylum seekers has been intercepted off the West Australian coast.

The Federal Government has just confirmed the Royal Australian Navy patrol boat HMAS Wollongong made the interception approximately 47 nautical miles from south-west of Barrow Island.

Border Protection Command aircraft first spotted the vessel, which then alerted the HMAS Wollongong.

Minister for Home Affairs Bob Debus said initial indications are that there are 32 people on board, all adult males.

Mr Debus said the successful interception demonstrated the effectiveness of Border Protection Command's targeted surveillance.

"Officers from Customs and Border Protection and the Royal Australian Navy continue to work together to protect Australia's maritime domain from unauthorised arrivals," Mr Debus said.

"The Australian Government is committed to strong border security arrangements to deal effectively and appropriately with people smugglers."

The group will be transferred to HMAS Wollongong and then taken to Christmas Island where they will undergo health, security and other checks to establish their identity and reasons for their voyage.

It is the seventh boat of asylum seekers to arrive in Australian waters this year.

More Rudd government supporters and future social security recipients from the middle east land on Australian soil.
The eighth boat so far this year, Rudd's answer is to pay Indonesia and extra $40million on top of the half billion we pay them already.
Why are these illegals coming back since the Howard governments illegal entrant policies were abandoned by Australia's Dear Leader, Comrade Rudd?

Well according to the Indonesians this is why.....

Refugees 'reacted to law change': Indonesia

Paul Maley
The Australian
April 22, 2009

INDONESIA experienced an increase in the number of suspected refugees transiting through its borders at the same time Australia was softening its border protection policies.

Indonesia's ambassador to Australia, Primo Alui Joelianto, said Indonesian-based people-smugglers had exploited changes to Australian law as a way of drumming up business.

And as the political row over the surge in boat arrivals deepened - with Kevin Rudd branding Malcolm Turnbull "opportunistic" over his handling of the issue - senior government sources told The Australian another boat was due to be intercepted "within days". They are likely to join asylum seekers, who landed earlier this month, on Christmas Island.

Yesterday, Mr Joelianto said Indonesia had seen a spike in suspected refugees transiting the sprawling archipelago.

Significantly, Mr Joelianto dated the start of the increase at September last year, the same time the Rudd Government announced a series of policy changes aimed at softening Australia's treatment of refugees. But at the same time, the ambassador acknowledged Labor's claim about the causes of the surge, saying violence abroad and the scourge of people-smuggling were at the root of the problem.

Speaking to The Australian, Mr Joelianto said the problem of irregular migration was too big for Indonesia to handle alone.

When asked if more suspected refugees had been coming into Indonesia, heading for the main transit points for people journeying to Australia, Mr Joelianto replied: "We noted, especially after September 2008, the influx, the flow of illegal migrants get more and more," he said. "But I think we have to see the root cause - conflict, the political instability, economic problems in the origin country; that's why this problem is not easy to tackle."

But Mr Joelianto suggested people-smugglers were also using the policy changes as a way of drumming up business.

"I think maybe the traffickers use this as a trial to organise more of flowing of the refugees, because they get the money for that," Mr Joelianto said.

"So maybe they use this new policy, but I don't know exactly."

Mr Joelianto's assessment echoed that of Immigration Minister Chris Evans, who said the smugglers had used changes to Australian law as a "marketing tool".

Indonesian lawmakers planned to pass legislation outlawing people-smuggling, a high priority for the Australian Government, Mr Joelianto said.

His assurance came as Mr Rudd announced Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had signed the extradition to Australia of Iraqi-Iranian citizen Hadi Ahmadi.

Mr Rudd said Mr Ahmadi was suspected of organising the passage of four boats carrying more than 900 "unlawful non-citizens" to Australia.

Yesterday, Mr Ahmadi's lawyer, Joel Tannos, said Australia now had a month to organise the extradition.

"If it's not done within that time, the presidential decree lapses. So the time it's done is up to Australia," Mr Tannos said.

Presidential legal adviser Denny Indrayana said he expected the extradition to be acted on quickly.

"The two countries will follow up and accelerate the bureaucratic process on this," Dr Indrayana said.

The development came as police in the Northern Territory began interviewing survivors of last Thursday's boat blast that killed five asylum seekers and seriously injured dozens more.

When asked if a return the Pacific Solution of offshore processing would assist Jakarta's management of the problem, Mr Joelianto said the fight against smugglers was the key.

Additional reporting: Stephen Fitzpatrick

Australia: 16 year old stabbed for been an Australian

Why the residents of Camden don't want to be added to the list of Sydney's
"Occupied Territories"

Australia:Four Christian Churches stand against "Islamic beachhead"

Churches unite against Islamic school in Camden

The Daily Telegraph

April 22, 2009 12:00am

FOUR Christian churches have joined in an unprecedented attack on the Islamic faith in an attempt to stop a Muslim school being built.

Calling the religion an ideology driven by world domination, a submission to the Land and Environment Court yesterday said a proposed school at Camden was a "beachhead" in Islamic takeover of southwestern Sydney, threatening the Australian way of life.

The attack, co-signed by local heads of Baptist, Anglican, Presbyterian and the Evangelical Sisters of Mary churches, formed the spearhead of Camden City Council's defence to a court challenge over its rejection of a development application for the Muslim school.

"Islam is not simply a private religion. It is driven by a powerful political agenda, it is an ideology with a plan for world domination," the letter said.

"The Quranic Society application to establish an Islamic school in Camden is typical of a regularly repeated pattern to form a beachhead in an area for the development of a sub-culture which, for the most part, regards its own legal system as superior to the current Australian law."

They said the Muslim community would seek to dominate public space in Camden "as we have seen in Auburn, Bankstown, Lakemba and more recently Liverpool".

The provocative submission was penned by Camden's Baptist Pastor Brian Stewart, St John's Anglican Rector Tony Galea, Presbyterian minister Warren Hicks and Sisters of Mary's sisters in charge Sister Simone and Sister Gideona.

Use of the letter is a turnaround from previous claims that the council's ruling was on the grounds of traffic congestion.

The first day in the society's court challenge began with a visit to the proposed site on Cawdor Rd, Camden. Chris Gough, heading the Quranic Society's legal team, said there were no planning grounds why the school, for 900 students, should not be approved.

"The constitution of Australia talks about freedom of religion," Mr Gough said.

In their objection, the Christian ministries said they may be seen as racists or hypocrites but they were trying to preserve a rich, hard-won way of life that was incompatible with Quranic Society teachings.

"The Quranic Society espouses a world view which is not compatible with broader, Australian egalitarian culture," they said.

"A fundamental tenet of the faith is that Muslims are not required to obey any law that does not come from Allah."

Full marks to these brave "infidels" I have some history on this in the Video below, the next few weeks will be interesting to say the least.

Islam can only exist as a DISRUPTIVE Minority or
as an OPPRESSIVE Majority

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rudd ignored AFP warnings over lack of border protection against coming illegal immigrants

Rudd was warned by AFP about border protection

EXCLUSIVE by Steve Lewis and Malcolm Farr
The Daily Telegraph
April 18, 2009 12:00am

AUSTRALIAN Federal Police warned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd just weeks ago his border protection laws were making the country a magnet for smuggling.

The warning came in secret intelligence briefings prepared by the AFP that were delivered to senior Government ministers.

The Daily Telegraph understands the AFP also expressed reservations last year as the Rudd Government wound back John Howard's tougher approach.

Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus last night refused to disclose details of the AFP intelligence. But the revelations are likely to harden the Opposition's claim that Labor's softer stance on border protection has contributed to a surge in the people smuggling trade.

The also come as at least four asylum seekers injured when their converted fishing trawler exploded were placed on life support.

Three asylum seekers died after Thursday's explosion off Australia's northwest coast.

All 44 survivors, including five Australian navy personnel, were yesterday receiving medical treatment in Darwin, Perth or Broome.

As the wounds were treated, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd rejected Opposition charges he had dropped the nation's guard.

Mr Rudd said the growing numbers of refugees globally meant more money would have to be given to patrolling.

The AFP warnings were based in part on intelligence from officers in Indonesia.

Australian spy agencies and the police have been monitoring an increase in people smuggling activity in Asia since mid 2008 - around the time Cabinet rolled back key aspects of John Howard's policy approach.

But the new "risk based" detention policy also coincided with an upswing in people smuggling.

Six illegal vessels have arrived this year. Mr Debus yesterday confirmed 250 people had sought asylum in 2009 - compared to 160 last year.

Mr Rudd defended his border protection policies and the Government's determination to repel smuggling attempts.

He said the policies were "tough, targeted and integrated with the border protection efforts our partners around the world".

"We have dedicated more resources to border protection that any previous Australian Government," he said.

"(We) will dedicate what further resources are necessary as this threat, this global threat, unfolds."

Funding for border protection operations was increased by $20.6 million to $280 million last Budget.

Illegals arrive at various Australian Hospitals for burns treatment following sabotage of boat after interception by Royal Australian Navy

Another boat on the way

Phillip Coorey, Damien Murphy in Darwin Tom Allard in Bali
April 18, 2009

AUTHORITIES were believed to be tracking another boatload of asylum seekers en route to Australia as Kevin Rudd labelled people smugglers the "vilest form of human life" and pledged to provide whatever resources were necessary to combat the growing incidence of arrivals.

Government sources told the Herald yesterday another boat had been under surveillance for about two days and would be intercepted once it entered Australian waters.
Rudd: We're hardline on asylum

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says people smugglers can 'rot in hell' as the Opposition accuses his Government of a 'soft' asylum policy.

In Indonesia 68 Afghans planning to enter Australia were arrested in a hotel at a beach resort near Jakarta. They were detained for entering Indonesia without travel documents or visas in Anyer, a town in Banten, a province in West Java about two hours' drive from Jakarta.

The captain of a navy patrol boat escorting the asylum seekers' craft said a "high threat" warning had been sent from members of the naval boarding party just minutes before the vessel exploded and sank.

Lieutenant-Commander Barry Learoyd, captain of HMAS Albany, said the six-man boarding party had been aboard the craft for some time and had raised the alarm when the explosion occurred about 7.45am.

Commander Learoyd would not comment on what had prompted the "high threat" alert, other than saying it was a recognised code indicating something serious had occurred.

He said the boat people were not told they were being escorted to Christmas Island.

As the Opposition continued to insist the increase in arrivals was a result of policy changes, Mr Rudd said Australia's recent experience was part of a worldwide surge in asylum seekers. "People smugglers are the vilest form of human life. They trade on the tragedy of others, and that is why they should rot in jail and, in my own view, rot in hell," he said.

"This Government is absolutely committed to dedicating all resources necessary to fight the fight against people smugglers, to maintain a hard-line, tough and targeted strategy in maintaining this country's border protection."

On Thursday, the boat with 47 Afghans, two crew and Australian Navy exploded off Ashmore Reef while under naval guard. The death toll, confirmed to be three, was expected to rise to five as there has been no sign of two missing people.

The Immigration Minister, Chris Evans, said the toll could go higher. "It looks like we've got some really seriously injured and the death toll may mount," he said. Of those taken to the mainland, the eight most severely injured were being treated at Royal Darwin Hospital. There were grave fears for five of them.

One was in Broome and 22 others had been taken to Perth. Five of these are in intensive care in a critical but stable condition. One is in a perilous condition because of a serious airway burn. Another 17 are in the burns unit but all are stable. Thirteen slightly wounded people arrived in Darwin aboard HMAS Albany, the patrol boat which intercepted the asylum seekers' boat near Ashmore Reef on Wednesday.

The Federal Government sent 18 Australian Federal Police officers and forensic experts to Darwin and Perth to assist with the investigation.

The West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett, claimed the boat exploded after the asylum seekers doused it with petrol. Mr Rudd said the cause was still unconfirmed and he would be saying nothing about it until it was.

The Government cited the Howard government's incorrect claims about asylum seekers throwing children overboard in 2001 as the reason for taking time to ascertain the facts.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, said Australians did not like to see politicians trying to profit from such circumstances, and the Opposition Leader "might care to remember that". Malcolm Turnbull maintained that last year's policy changes of abolishing temporary protection visas and the "Pacific solution" were responsible for the surge in boats arriving in Australian waters. He stopped short of pledging to reintroduce either policy.

The Opposition immigration spokeswoman, Sharman Stone, had accused the Government of being responsible for the deaths but Mr Turnbull tempered the claim yesterday. "The particular tragedy was not caused by the Government," he said.

Mr Rudd said there were "global factors at work". "You have tens of thousands of people arriving as refugees on the shores of countries right around the world."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Australia: Asylum-seekers 3 Dead 2 missing boat explodes

Asylum-seekers 'dead, injured' in explosion
April 16, 2009 11:38am

THREE people have been killed and two are missing after a boat explosion on a vessel carrying 49-asylum seekers off the coast of WA.

Police have said that several other people are injured, but cannot confirm numbers.

Police say the explosion happened in the engine compartment of a vessel that was carrying a boatload of suspected asylum seekers from Ashmore Reef to Christmas Island.

Sgt Lambert from West Australian police said a navy vessel was towing the stricken boat to Darwin when the incident occurred.

"It is believed an explosion has occurred in the engine compartment of a vessel," Sgt Lambert said.

"It is believed that three people have been killed, two people are missing and others are injured, numbers are not yet known."

It's unclear whether any naval personnel were injured in the explosion.

Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus is expected to release a statement shortly.

The vessel is being towed to Darwin. Border protection authorities are investigating.

Now for the latest, Rudd's spin Doctors massage their pals in the MSM.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Australian Judge saves girl from Circumcision

Court bars father from taking daughter for female circumcision

Caroline Overington
The Australian
April 14, 2009

THE Family Court has for the first time intervened to prevent a father from taking his nine-year-old daughter back to Africa to have her circumcised.

Family Court judge Paul Cronin ordered the man, who is an Australian citizen of African descent, to surrender his passport and that of his daughter.

Justice Cronin banned the father from "removing or attempting to remove the child, born in March 1999, from the commonwealth of Australia".

This is a picture of a young Egyptian Muslim girl been Mutilated by some Islamic holy man arse hole or other, so as to ensure she does not SIN by enjoying SEX.

It is not clear whether the order was successful, since the man, known only as Mr Abbas, failed to appear in court.

Female circumcision, also known as genital mutilation, has been a crime in most Australian states since the late 1990s.

The law makes it clear that it is an offence not only to circumcise one's own daughter, or any other female child, but also to encourage or enable any other person to do it; or to leave the country for the purpose of having it done.

The practice is commonplace in some parts of Africa, in particular Somalia.

Justice Cronin said the father had told his former wife that he intended to return to Africa, which is "not where the child was born, but she is shown as having an African nationality".

He said the father "wishes to return to Africa for the purposes of female circumcision".

The judge said he would prevent the father from leaving Australia "just in case the purpose that I have mentioned is in fact what he has in mind".

He also gave the Department of Human Services in Victoria power to visit the man's home to ensure the girl's welfare.

The case was the first in which the Family Court had placed a child on the airport Watch List specifically to prevent her removal from Australia for circumcision, but the second in which it expressly forbade a parent from circumcising their daughter. In the first case, known as Wadmal and Amrita, Family Court judge Sally Brown ordered both parents be "restrained from visiting upon the child the act of circumcision, or any other surgical procedure with like effect, and allowing any other person to do so".

The father, who described himself in court documents as a "respectable Muslim scholar in the Muslim community", and the mother, who was of Turkish origin, were divorced under Islamic law, and each accused the other of wanting the girl circumcised.

Horrific ? Offended? Damn well be offended and ask Hussein just what part of the above picture is so worthy of "RESPECT", and just what part did the President of the United States of America BOW to on behalf of the American people, and why If you object to this savagery does he think YOU are ARROGANT.

The mother told the court that in June 2007, she received a visit from the Department of Human Services workers who said they had been told she intended to have the little girl circumcised on her first birthday, for she herself had been circumcised, and it was part of her culture.

She told them she intended to do no such thing; that she was not circumcised. She had to undergo an examination by the department's doctors, who confirmed that she was not.

She told the judge that she did not even know that women in her husband's culture were circumcised until he told her so, the morning after their marriage, when he asked why she was not.

She told the court that she believed her ex-husband was trying to "attribute circumcision of the child to her, when in fact (it) had been arranged by him".

The father disputed this, saying it was common in his culture but "a primitive village practice" to which he was opposed.

The judge accepted the mother's evidence that circumcision was not practiced in her culture. He also said the father "sounded genuine when he said he saw the practice as primitive".

"But he sounded genuine when telling lies", and prudence suggested that orders restraining both parents from allowing the procedure be kept in place, the judge said.

Who would take a razor blade to a child's vagina? A "respectable Muslim scholar in the Muslim community" of course, who the F**K else?

Even the Islam Friendly United Nations World Health Organization Publicly objects to Female Genital Mutilation

Hey we are talking about people/ "Religion" / mindset that the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, has said that the non Muslim world must RESPECT, he demonstrated his own submission to Islam by bowing at the hand of the Saudi King Abdulla recently in London at the United Nations G20 Gabfest, for what they are and the great contribution Islam has made to the world, hey it's one of the worlds "Great Religions",and it's a "Religion of Peace" as well, gee Hussein, maybe Female Circumcision should be compulsory for all females then.

Full marks to the Judge, I have to say I am surprised at his decision, as the Australian "Family" Court usually sides with the LOON'S in these type of matters, especially where the Muslim / Multicultural card is dealt, lest they be accused of been racist or God forbid, Islamophobic,hopefully this little girl will be able to grow up into womanhood without been mutilated in the name of her parents Satanic Cult of Islam.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Australia likely to avoid Jew Hate Fest,Durban 2

UN Anti-racism conference likely to be avoided by Australia

April 14, 2009
The Australian

FOREIGN Minister Stephen Smith has given the strongest indication yet that Australia is unlikely to attend a controversial UN anti-racism conference.

There are fears the Durban Review Conference, to be held in Geneva from Monday to Friday next week could become a repeat of the original South African event in 2001, which was marred by claims of anti-Semitism.

Mr Smith expects to make a decision on whether Australia will attend possibly days before the main session of the conference on April 24.

Delegates from the US and Israel walked out of the 2001 meeting because much of the discussion focused on Israel being a racist state.

The Opposition has been urging the Rudd Government to withdraw from the conference, known as Durban II.

Australia has been delaying a decision so it could give organisers an opportunity to improve the draft text but the Rudd Government remains dissatisfied with the work done to date.

"I continue to have very grave concerns about the text," Mr Smith said yesterday.

"I continue to have very grave concerns about the prospect of Australia attending (the conference)."

The last opportunity for change appears to be as the group working on the text moves into a preparatory review conference this week.

"I will see how developments unfold in the course of the preparatory review conference before making a judgment," Mr Smith said.

"As things stand, I remain very gravely concerned about the state of the text. I remain very gravely concerned about the prospects of the Durban Review conference being a repeat of the earlier conference, and I expect in the next week or so to be able to make a final judgment about Australia's attendance or not.

"Frankly, unless something qualitatively changes or something qualitatively different occurs, it is most unlikely that Australia will attend the Durban Review Conference in Geneva."

Kevin Rudd's Australia: Paedophilia of the Mind

Racism lessons planned for the under-5s

By Susie O'Brien and Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
April 14, 2009 12:00am

CHILDCARE centres could be forced to fly the Aboriginal flag and use "persona dolls" to teach youngsters about exclusion and ethical issues.

The guidelines are contained in a draft Federal Government program designed to help teachers deal with children aged under five.

Under the Early Years Learning Framework, childcare workers would be encouraged to teach the children in their care about a raft of social and ethical issues including reconciliation and racism.

Critics of the initiative, which claimed to make children socially responsibly for a "future world", yesterday said youngsters should be left alone to play.

"It is unnecessary and will cause enormous angst in the community," Opposition community services spokeswoman Pru Goward said yesterday.

"Let children be children. I have never heard of racism or discrimination (at a childcare centre).

"For goodness sake, they are three and four years old."

Ms Goward said most centres were good at teaching social inclusion and about Aboriginal heritage to peers at centres attended by indigenous children.

Psychologist, author and speaker Evelyn Field yesterday questioned the need for role modelling using puppets and dolls, instead preferring teachers "keep it simple through encouraging children to play together".

The political emphasis of the guidelines had divided early-learning experts.

Some, such as educational consultant Kathy Walker, yesterday questioned the merits of such issues being "rammed down the throats" of youngsters.

"Although I welcome the emphasis on play-based learning, there is an air of political correctness about the document overall," Ms Walker said.

Others, such as Kindergarten Parents CEO Victoria Meredith Carter, believed it was merely an attempt to "include and welcome all families to join in preschool and kinder".

In less controversial sections, the guidelines focused strongly on play-based learning, the importance of communication and language, the role of family in children's lives and social and emotional development.

Sydney International Airport, 12 "Middle Eastern men assault Female Customs officer

I well remember the Transport Workers Union (TWU) during the previous Howard governments terms of office, holding press conferences at the Sydney International Terminal,Tony Sheldon,if memory serves me correctly,the head of the TWU,looking into the assembled medias TV cameras advising the citizens of Australia that it was only a matter of time (minutes even) before Australians would experience an act of terror at Sydney International Airport due to the Howard governments lax security at Sydney International Airport.

One such case of the TWU alerting the Sydney media to such an imminent catastrophe,was when,what was described by the media as a mentally disabled man, inadvertently accessed a secure area of the terminal, within minutes of this incident taking place,the TWU was joined by not only their adoring media fan club,but surprise,surprise the oppositions shadow minister Robert McClelland, for what I will, loosely call homeland security, ie all things anti terror.

There they were Sheldon and Robert McClelland warning Australians of this close call and demanding everything from the resignation of the Howard Government Minister responsible for National Security, through to free cheese for dead rats in Siberia.

Neither the media or the TWU reported on what happened to the mentally disabled man after he was,I assume was taken into custody and later taken into care by either his family or the relative mental health service providers,there was never a follow up reported on this "poor" mans situation.

The TWU has a very poor record when it comes to security issues at Sydney Airport,their members have been charged and convicted with theft from passenger baggage and using passenger baggage to transport drugs for Union friendly International drug rings.

The TWU and it's members (as is the case of all union members in Australia) are also major Financiers / Bankers / Fundraisers, of the Australian Labor Party (ALP),the present Federal Government of Australia, led by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who was elected on November 24 2007.

The attack upon the Female Australian Customs Officer at Sydney Airport,by twelve men of "Middle Eastern appearance" inside the secure Customs area was apparently not thought of as been as serious an incident,as the TWU's and McClelland's "disappearing mentally disabled man" entering a non descript area of the same airport when the Australian Labor Party was in opposition, otherwise they would have had the media out at Sydney International Airport within minutes of the attack taking place wouldn't they ?

I disagree with the Australian Labor Party and their financiers the Transport Workers Union, along with the Customs officers Union, call me crazy but hey I believe we have more to fear from twelve Middle Eastern thugs who are so emboldened by whatever,that they feel they are immune from the restrictions that apply to Australians,that they can enter restricted Royal Australian Customs area's of Sydney International Airport and when challenged and asked to leave they simply vilify and physically assault a Female officer of the Crown,whereupon these twelve brave men ? of Middle Eastern Appearance simply walk away and continue on with their plans unhindered by the AFP or Airport security.

I have said good bye to friends and loved ones at the same entrance to this particular gateway to Customs at Sydney International Airport, there is nothing about the signage that would make anyone think that it was an area open to NON passenger access, I have been inside the same area as a passenger and you simply have no business been there other than as a passenger leaving Australia, so the 'me no speaka da English " defense holds no water at all.

The scary part is that there is NO video footage of the invasion and assault by no less than twelve men of Middle Eastern Appearance.
A man was bashed to death in front of hundreds of passengers at the Domestic terminal some four weeks ago by twenty men who were able to escape by Taxi, before security arrived, there is no video footage of this attack either.

The same weapons used to smash the Domestic terminal victims skull in, were used in the attack upon the Female Royal Australian Customs Officer at the International Terminal, stainless steel bollards used to support the queuing tape.

Sleep tight Australian and International passengers who use Sydney International and indeed all Australian Airports, there has been no further reports of the "mentally disabled man" who so alarmed the TWU, the media and the now Rudd Labor Government, phewwww!!!

Nothing to see here..... move along now ...nothing to see here.

There does seem to be a different set of rules for people awaiting passengers from Middle Eastern arrivals at Sydney Airport, I have seen with my own eyes these people blatantly disregarding all and every security / sign within the arrivals area.

They simply seem to think that the rules of the arrivals terminal, just like every other rule or law in Australia, does not apply to them.

I have been told by Airport staff that their attitude is one of so what we do what we want, try and stop us without a riot taking place by the hoards that they usually bring with them to meet another of their kind arriving.
I have seen them push and shove elderly Australians and children out of their way and dominate seating and eating areas with no regard for common manners and decency, the images you see on TV where they are running in murderous riots over cartoons depicting their infamous Paedophile Pirate Mohammad,are no different than their behaviour when they think they might have to wait an extra minute or two to see some relative or friend emerge through the arrivals exit chute.

But then I am so arrogant and probably Islamophobic and indeed racist, for objecting to this type of Pig Ignorant behaviour by the members of the "Religion of Peace".

Islam can only exist as an Oppressive majority or a disruptive minority.

Star Trek World Premier Sydney Australia

Sydney Easter Sunday Jesus returns to Hospital Chapel

Easter Sunday Sydney 2009

Background on Royal North Shore Hospital Chapel

See previous story Here

Monday, April 13, 2009

Muslim has Daughter Killed for wearing MINI SKIRT

Daughter killed over mini-skirt
April 13, 2009 11:20pm

AN Azeri immigrant in Russia's northern city of Saint Petersburg has been charged with hiring hit men to kill his 21-year-old daughter for wearing a mini-skirt, police said today.

The man's arrest follows the detention last week of two other citizens of Azerbaijan, a majority Muslim state in the Caucasus, who confessed to murdering the girl, a university medical student.

“They admitted to being paid 100,000 rubles ($4140) by the girl's father. They said he wanted to punish his daughter for flouting national traditions and wearing a mini-skirt,” a police source told said today.

The girl was abducted on the street in Russia's second city on March 8, taken to the outskirts of Saint Petersburg and then shot twice in the head, the source said.

Russia has experienced a revival of conservative religious tradition since the fall of the Soviet Union both within its Russian Orthodox and large Muslim communities.

The Saint Petersburg Mosque – the largest and northernmost in Europe when it was built in 1913 – now counts mostly migrants from ex-Soviet Azerbaijan among its worshippers.

Hey don't get mad and object you just gotta do what Hussein Obama says and RESPECT this mans right to have his daughter slaughtered by his fellow Islamists, It's all about regaining Honour, you know honour don't you ? if you dont it's probably because you are not a Muslim, Oh you disagree ? you are not one of those ARROGANT,Racist Islamophobes are you ?

Congratulations to the US Navy Seals, rescuing Captain Phillips from Islams finest.

Congratulations to the US Navy Seals on the success of their mission.

Once again we see those most despised by the left,the US Military,laying their lives on the line to deal with the consequences and manifestations of the ideology and foreign policy of the left, they must be devastated at the loss of their much romanticised Muslim "Pirates"

No doubt after Hussein Obama has finished basking in the success, of what the media is spinning into a stroke of his own unique personal brilliance and cunning military savvy on his part by saving Captain Phillips from been yet another statistic on the ever growing list of Americans assassinated by members of the "Religion of Peace", there will be the obligatory "full and open " inquiry, aka a Democrat led star chamber to see if there is any possibility to lay charges against the Navy Seals involved in the rescue for anything from first degree murder,impolite and or,god forbid,they were ARROGANT, did not remove their shoes before entering the life boat,to been in violation of US Navy dress code as they carried out their deadly mission.

How long before we see "Che" style tee shirts,romanticising the Lefts Dead Muslim Pirates at the next ACORN,Move On,Not in Our Name or Code Pink hate fest ? naturally all proceeds going to the grieving widows and orphaned children of their much loved Dead Muslim Pirates / Freedom Fighters.

Aussie, 13 4 09

Hussein Obama exposed here at
Atlas Shrugs President Hussein did not give the order

Sadui Arabia: Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm

A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.

Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.

But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?

This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.

Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.

The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.

A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.

And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.

Hussein Obama seen here executing his now infamous "O BowMa" upon the King of Saudi Arabia, who was described by American commentator Dennis Miller as been a "Mysogynist Pig"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

"Father Forgive them for they know not what they do "

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sydney Australia: Crucifixes, Bibles banned from Hospital Chapel " to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers"

The chapel without a crucifix

by Paul Tatnell
08 Apr 09

THE home of God at Royal North Shore hospital has fallen victim to a higher power - the State Government bureaucracy.

The Mosman Daily has learnt that crucifixes, Bibles and all other Christian symbols are banned inside the hospital’s chapel when it is not being used for a church service.

The move, ordered by senior staff, is to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus or other non-Christian believers who may want to pray in the chapel.

Hospital staff say that while the chapel was built for Christians, they now want the chapel to be completely non-denominational. An inspection of the chapel last week by the Daily found no trace of a crucifix or any other religious symbol inside the chapel.

The Daily has been told that church leaders must bring their own symbols to use in a service.

The chapel building also contains a separate Muslim prayer room.

Mosman Mayor Dom Lopez, a devout Catholic, said he was “outraged” to discover the rule when he was recently undergoing treatment at the hospital for bowel cancer. “When I was first told it I didn’t believe it,” Cr Lopez said.

“When I was recovering, the Catholic priest came to see me and said, ‘It is true all the crosses are gone, somebody said we have to be a non-denomination church’.

“That’s just not right, it was built as a Christian chapel, now they (church leaders) have all to take all those things with them.”

North Shore Liberal MP and Opposition health spokeswoman Jillian Skinner said the decision was “bureaucratic madness”.

“It’s crazy, absolutely crazy,” she said.

“I bet there was no pressure from the Muslim community, the Jews or anyone - it’s just silly bureaucrats.”

Mrs Skinner said visitors to the chapel needed all the strength they could get and that symbols of God would provide that.

“I actually think it’s offensive to all faiths (and) it is silly bureaucratic rules,” she said.

Cr Lopez agreed.

“They have completely disenfranchised a Christian chapel,” he said.

“Being a Christian, I find a lot of power in prayer and I think a lot of people do whether they are Muslim, Jewish or whatever.”

A hospital spokeswoman said the rule change came after “the chapel was enhanced with the provision of a Muslim prayer space in the loft area”.

“At that time the decision was made to display the symbols of each faith, for example the chapel’s cross and Bible, during specific services and ceremonies only,” she said.

“These important religious symbols are appropriately stored and used regularly. This decision was made out of respect for the many faiths that make up both the hospital and also the modern Australian community.”

Hussein Obama's Congressional Black Caucus: U.S. Lawmakers Meet With Castros, Push for New Policy on Cuba.

Seven lawmakers traveled to Cuba this week to encourage greater dialogue between the U.S. and the communist nation.

By Chad Pergram
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Former Cuban President Fidel Castro was "very engaging, very energetic," U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, said following a congressional delegation's meeting with the ailing revolutionary.

The delegation that traveled to Cuba featured six members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., and they returned to Washington late Tuesday afternoon and urged the United States government to begin steps to alter its relationship with Cuba.

"For the past 50 years, the United States has been swimming in the Caribbean Sea of delusion," said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., who described the United States as "the isolated nation" compared to European countries which have diplomatic ties with Havana.

"This is the dawning of a new day," Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., declared. "Fifty years of foolishness is over. It's time for the children to sit in the corner and the adults to take over."

Rush was one of three members of the delegation to meet with Fidel Castro. A meeting with his brother, Cuban leader Raul Castro, took place Monday.

Tuesday afternoon, the Cuban government released a statement that it indicated was Fidel Castro's assessment of a session he had with the lawmakers. In the statement, Castro said that one of the Members of Congress told him that the United States should "apologize" to Cuba. And another lawmaker told the former leader that despite the victory by President Obama, U.S. society is still "racist."

All members of the delegation denied that those two exchanges took place during their time with Fidel Castro.

The lawmakers encouraged the U.S. to launch a dialogue with Cuba and relieve trade and modify a 47-year-old American trade embargo against the island nation.

"You can't not talk to people and expect to get a desirable result," said Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., who added that the embargo "was not effective."

Rep. Laura Richardson, D-Calif., was one of three lawmakers who requested and met with Fidel Castro. She described him as alert and said the former Cuban dictator "looked directly into our eyes, quite aware of what was happening. He said to us, 'how can we help President Obama?'"

Rush indicated that it was time for Washington to remove Cuba from the list of terrorist nations. Rush dismissed Cuba as a security threat to the United States. He said that when he was a member of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned that his organization as "the number one threat to national security.

"So I know foolhardy approaches and asinine labels when I see them, " said Rush. "American people need to be told the truth and they have been lied to for too long about the threat from Cuba."

Both Rep. Rush, an ordained Baptist minister, and Rep. Cleaver, a Methodist pastor, delivered sermons at churches while in Cuba.

The CBC members conceded there were limited discussions about human rights abuses in Cuba.

"We didn't talk about it much," said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio. "You don't go into someone's house and insult them."

But Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee, D-Calif., who led the delegation said that Raul Castro indicated to her that "everything's on the table."

"Two sovereign nations should be able to sit down and talk about their differences, " Lee said.

The U.S. Air Force flew the Congressional Black Caucus delegation directly to Havana and not the American military base at Guantanamo Bay. The Air Force then gave each lawmaker a pin featuring adjoining American and Cuban flags to help identify them as members of the delegation.

FOX News' Mosheh Oinounou contributed to this report.

Hussein Obama's agents doing the bidding of the United Nations ? or just pig ignorant pampered pooches of the Liberal elite and the US Democrats? either way there is no excuse for their trechary, so what do you do about ?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama :Assassination plot thwarted in Turkey

Barack Hussein Obama,
Community Organizer and Islamic Terrorism apologist in Chief,
Emporer of all Eurabia and its colonies and dominions,
America hater and Islamic appeaser in Chief,official ring kisser and brown noser,by Royal appointment,to the King of Saudi Arabia,

"Lower,Lower,nearly there Hussein,that's it,you can go back to your seat now"

See him shit his pants here,hey,Hussein,why so jumpy in the home of
"Moderate Islam" I thought you "reached out" what are you worried about?
It's different when it's YOUR arse on the line ay Hussein.
I thought all he had to worry about was does damn white folke's with dose blue eyes of da Devil, ohh save me Lord, oops sorry,allah, tell me it ain't so,that a brother can be at risk in a land of "Moderate Islam" Thank God,oops sorry allah, no one threw a shoe at him,the "Hope" would still be running, you would have to send out a search party to find him.

Stop Press!!!! Barack Hussein Obama has landed in Iraq, to try and get some "military cred" off the back of former American President,George W Bush and his relentless support of the US and coalition troops with the "surge" that Barack Hussein Obama decried and derided and slammed and voted against,along with his fellow Democrat Party appeasers and traitors.
Thanks to President Bushe's much despised and derided SURGE,Barack Hussein Obama has arrived SAFELY at Camp Victory, however he refused to alight Air Force One until the name was changed from Camp Victory to " Camp of the White skinned blue eyed Infidel Devil Dogs who are to arrogant to understand Europe and Islam and all the really cool things I stand for"
Fuck you Hussein.

The latest from FoxNews via Pam at AtlasShrugs is that the report of an assassination plot is in fact a HOAX,Turkish Police released a man without charge.

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