An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rudd’s final insult to Australian Afghanistan War Hero Sergeant Brett Till


The Cold & TRUE Heartless Face of Hussein Obama’s and  the United Nations new best friend,Australia, Australian HATER and Socialist NERD, Australian Prime Minister and UN Secretary General WANNABEE & try HARD Kevin “07” Rudd


Pregnant war widow Breeanna Till left penniless

By Nick Leys
The Sunday Telegraph
September 26, 2009 7:11PM

SIX months after her husband was killed fighting in Afghanistan, Breeanna Till is broke – let down by the government that promised solemnly to look after her.

26 9 09 Pregnant war widow Breeanna Till left penniless

Heavily pregnant with the child Sergeant Brett Till will never know, the Sydney widow fears becoming like "a single mum on the dole" when she gives birth in a few weeks.

The $905 weekly pay her husband brought home lasted just a fortnight after he died in a roadside bomb explosion. In its place, the military gave Mrs Till a compensation payment of just $305 a week.

Sgt Till, 31, was a much-respected explosive ordnance disposal technician from the Incident Response Regiment, stationed at Holsworthy.

On March 19, he was with a group of soldiers conducting "route clearance" work in southern Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device was found.

As Sgt Till was disarming the bomb, it exploded, killing him instantly.

Mrs Till, who looks after Jacob, 10, and Taleah, 7, Sgt Till's children from a previous marriage, is employed as an school art teacher but will soon receive her final pay cheque as she goes on maternity leave. Last week, she broke down in tears as she told a Department of Veterans'

Affairs review panel of her plight at a public meeting in Sydney. She said most Australians would be outraged to learn how little financial support was afforded families of those killed fighting for the country.

In a week during which politicians and heads of government agencies were awarded a pay rise, Mrs Till revealed that she was receiving the same financial support as a single mother on welfare payments.

"What the DVA are offering the family of a man who died in the service of his country is the same as if I was on the dole as a single mum," she said. "It's disappointing.

"The public opinion is if a guy is killed overseas, his family will be looked after.

"Obviously, I've had to deal with Brett's death itself, but when he died we got the rest of that fortnight's pay, one extra fortnight's payment, then it stopped. It's been difficult.

"Fortunately, I've been at work still, but the difference between Brett's pay and the compensation is vast."

The part-time art teacher told the meeting she would receive one more pay packet herself, "then it's single-mum time".

She said the Department of Veterans' Affairs had also given her a choice of whether to receive a pension or a lump sum.

"It's like having to choose whether to house the family or feed them. The lump sum won't pay for a house, the pension won't pay the rent and bills."

The Federal Government is reviewing the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act after a series of complaints by former servicemen.

The Government's penny-pinching treatment of the families of dead or injured servicemen is in stark contrast to its $42 billion stimulus spending package, which has splashed money throughout the community.

This orgy of spending has included $950 handouts for millions of taxpayers, new halls for every school - even those with a single pupil - $1600 subsidies for insulation batts in every home, money for solar hot-water systems and thousands of grants for infrastructure.

Mrs Till's treatment also flies in the face of the solemn public promises and expressions of sympathy made by officials immediately after her husband's death.

Defence Force head Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said Sgt Till was "highly skilled and very courageous".

"I can think of no more admirable action, nor one more worthy of our gratitude and respect, than that of this fine soldier today," he said at the time.

"To the family, I say that our thoughts and prayers - my thoughts and prayers - are with you. I'll ensure you're supported through your time of grief."

In a condolence speech to Parliament, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered the Till family "profound sympathy".

At Sgt Till's funeral, then defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon offered his condolences and support to "Brett's wife, children, family, friends and colleagues".

Mrs Till spoke of conversations with other serving members of her husband's regiment about their expectations of compensation should they be killed or injured on the front line. "The boys say before they go overseas they want to do their service, but also set up their families," she said.

"They're under the impression that if something happens to them, then their families will be supported.

"But when I've spoken to other guys in Brett's troop, there's a difference between what they think they're entitled to and what happens."

The decision by the Rudd Socialist Labor government to ensure this widow of an Australian Hero be condemned to a life of “subsistence poverty” as opposed to the life of taxpayer funded easy street for the people Rudd and his party invites here the same people who were cheering the loudest as Sergeant Brett Till, was blown into oblivion.

That’s why Australian soldiers, armed services, are not permitted to ware their uniforms off base in Australia, you see there are too many of the enemy and their Labor,leftist supporters and apologist living here, for it to be safe for them to do so.

The leader of the Lakemba Mosque demanded that the then Australian Prime Minister Labor’s Bob Hawke,in power during the first Gulf War, issue an order that Australian service personnel not be seen in public in their uniforms, as it was offensive to the Islamic community who were supporters of Saddam Hussein, so what did Hawke do? he dropped his pants bent over and said take me allah I’m yours, the order was issued immediately, there were and still are numerous reports of Australian military personnel been assaulted by the mindless Godless savages that are the population of Labors Islamic ghetto, known as Sydney’s south western suburbs, aka. Sydney’s occupied Territories or Labor’s imported voting block.

Australian service personnel must understand that just like the Vietnam war, the present Labor Socialist Government is on the side of those trying to kill you.Next time some bum from the ACTU or the Australian LABOR party arrives at an ANZAC Day service you might want to ask them do they realise that the service is for Australian service personnel, Australian’s and their ally’s,it’s  not a service for the enemy  and their supporters and apologists to gloat over the deaths of those that their team are responsible for.

Rudd allocates Australian Taxpayer’s MONEY  for the following without even blinking in order to honour HIS and his party’s obligations to the UN.

Kevin Rudd’s Australia 2009 Australian Defence Bases to be used to house illegal “refugees”
98 More Middle Eastern Labor voters illegally enter Australia off WA Coast.
Kevin 07,immigration & “the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.” Sheehan (Nostradamus?) nails Comrade Rudd again.
Kevin 07, Australian Governments Refugee Policies are working… well Kevin 07 did promise to disband our border protection laws before the 2007 Federal election, it was “all about getting the balance right”
Kevin 07,immigration & “the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.” Sheehan (Nostradamus?) nails Comrade Rudd again.
Kevin 07, Australian Governments Refugee Policies are working… well Kevin 07 did promise to disband our border protection laws before the 2007 Federal election, it was “all about getting the balance right”
Australian LABOR Party LOONS set up tax payer funded “paedophile palace” for sex crims
“Global Governance”,G20,Hussein Obama & Kevin 07

There is no shortage of Tax Dollars in Australia for AUSTRALIANS in need to be taken care of,the reason Australians are living in cars, back allies and our War Widows are reduced to poverty is because our Socialist government is too busy sucking the United Nations arse hole in order to get a pat on the head and a piss ant medal from some despot member of the Communist party further up the tree than Kevin 07 Rudd is. 


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pigeons banned from taking part in China’s celebration of 60 years of Godless savagery


Pigeons banned from National Day celebrations in China

From correspondents in Beijing
September 26, 2009 4:04PM

AUTHORITIES in Beijing have ordered that pigeons remain in their birdcages on October 1 to prevent them disturbing celebrations to mark 60 years of communist rule.

To ensure no official feathers are ruffled by wayward birds, the 30,000 homes in Beijing which between them have raised more than one million pigeons were informed by the authorities that their birds would be banned from flying until October 2 under threat of a fine, the Beijing News reported.

The only pigeons to take part will be the 60,000 to be released during the celebrations.

China's first military parade in 10 years, mass song and dance performances, and fireworks on October 1 will mark the day when revolutionary leader Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic in 1949 at Tiananmen Square.

Fish have also been informed that farting within twelve miles of China's coastline will be met with an instantaneous and deadly response from the Chinese Navy.

US Democrat election strategists are attending as “honoured observers” and “like thinkers” so as to learn how to best honour the “Messiah” on the twelve month anniversary of the election of Hussein Obama, on November 4 2009.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Australian branch,Belal Saadallah Khazaal Jihad author goes to JAIL.


DIY Jihad author to serve nine years

The Daily Telegraph
September 25, 2009

Belal Saadallah Khazaal arrives in handcuffs at the NSW Supreme Court at King Street, Sydney for his sentencing hearing for his producing of a book knowing it could assist a terrorist act. Picture: Amos Aikman Source: AAP

A SYDNEY man who produced a do-it-yourself jihad book has been sentenced to at least nine years in prison.

In September last year, a NSW Supreme Court jury found Belal Khazaal guilty of making a document - between September 20 and 23,  2003 - connected with assistance in a terrorist act, and knowing about that connection.


The 110-page book, in Arabic, entitled Provisions Of The Rules of Jihad - Short Judicial Rulings And Organisational Instructions For Fighters And Mujahideen Against Infidels, contained advice about terrorist acts such as exploding bombs, shooting down planes and assassinating people such as former US president George W Bush.

Khazaal has never denied making the book, but said it was never intended to incite terrorist acts.

“Only sentenced to Jail term because he is a Muslim”

At his sentencing on Friday, Justice Megan Latham said she found it "unsurprising'' a jury had rejected his defence.

"It beggars belief that a person of average intelligence who has devoted themselves to the study of Islam over some years would fail to recognise the nature of the material,'' she said.

"The dissemination of extremist activity, connected or unconnected with a terrorist plot, is caught by the government's (anti-terror) scheme ... (because such material) is capable and is shown to foment terrorist activity.''

Khazaal was sentenced to 12 years in prison, with a non-parole period of nine years.

With time already served, he will be eligible for release after August 31, 2017.

Kevin Rudd’s Australia 2009 Australian Defence Bases to be used to house illegal “refugees”

Defence bases to house illegal immigrants

EXCLUSIVE by Steve lewis and Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
September 25, 2009

SECRET plans are being drawn up to use Defence bases to house an expected surge in illegal immigrants.

The Rudd Government has formed a high-level task force as it braces for an expected influx of boat people.

Government planners expect detention facilities on Christmas Island to be filled in coming months.

The explosive revelations will reinforce community fears that Labor's border protection policies are a magnet for people smugglers.

More than 30 boats have arrived in Australian waters since new immigration laws were introduced just over a year ago.

More than 1600 asylum seekers, many fleeing the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, have been processed since August last year.

Seizing on the controversial plan, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull called for an "urgent independent inquiry" into the Government's immigration laws.

"Labor has opened the door to people smugglers, so it should be no surprise (there is) a surge in the arrival of boats," Mr Turnbull said.

' The Defence Department confirmed it had been approached to draw up plans to house refugees. It has vacant facilities available across Australia and could, if required, house thousands of illegal arrivals.

"The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has engaged with Defence and other agencies on contingency plans for the accommodation of irregular maritime arrivals," a Defence spokesman said.

The most likely locations for detention would be the old HMAS Coonawarra Navy base at Berrimah in Darwin and the empty Curtin RAAF base in Western Australia.

More proof Rudd’s border protection policies are working.

They come here, the RAN escorts them onto Australian soil,see, policy of Islamic Colonization by stealth is working.

98 More Middle Eastern Labor voters illegally enter Australia off WA Coast.
Kevin 07,immigration & “the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.” Sheehan (Nostradamus?) nails Comrade Rudd again.
Kevin 07, Australian Governments Refugee Policies are working… well Kevin 07 did promise to disband our border protection laws before the 2007 Federal election, it was “all about getting the balance right”

2001 - 2002: 23 Boats  3649 illegal's

2002 - 2003: NO Boats

2003 - 2004: Three Boats 82 illegal's

2004 - 2005: NO Boats

2005 - 2006: Four Boats 56 illegal's

2007 - 2008:Three Boats 25 illegal's

Since the scrapping of the previous Howard, Liberal Governments, illegal entrants and Australian Border Protection policy and the  Imposition of Kevin 07's Australian Party "refugee policy"

August 2008 to September 22 09 :  34 Boats 1621 illegal's

Sydney cleans up the dust, but more on the way.

Australia’s Medi DON’T Care AGAIN!!!

Prime Minister Rude goes to New York to save the world


If we only had a Prime Minister of Australia who was as dedicated to the welfare of Australians as this Prime Minister Rude is for his cabal of despots and dictators.

Kevin 07’s Australia 2009: When Mohammad becomes the Land Lord.

PM Rude

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something about Mary… Robinson,that is.

                  Presidential Medal of Freedom                                              

No wonder Hussein Obama gave this creep the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Professor Richard Wilkins, "......Let me tell you what Mary Robinson, the former Irish President, said these guidelines are based upon.

According to her, the norms enunciated in these guidelines are "consistent with fundamental human rights and fundamental freedoms". Note the similar language to the ICC.

Although the guidelines acknowledge that the norms they set out may be controversial, they nevertheless insist that the norms are "based on existing and fundamental human rights standards" (page 24, Paragraph 36).

And according to Mary Robinson again, they do nothing more than "encourage law and law reform which will bring national HIV-related laws into conformity with international and regional human rights standards".

She concludes by noting that her numerous recommendations are "consistent with traditional and customary international law". Again, the rulings on crimes against humanity are designed to ensure that customary human rights are recognised, and that fundamental human rights are not denied.
What are the fundamental rights that Mary Robinson says all nations must recognise?

One, they include the repeal of all laws condemning homosexual sodomy.

Two, the legalisation of same-sex marriages.

Three, mandatory and graphic sexual training for children. She has three paragraphs on the last of these.
She says the training has to include instruction, beginning when the child's at the age of 10, on how to engage in sexual intercourse with members of the same sex. Since this will of necessity be graphic, she says, "such materials should be exempted from pornography and obscenity laws".

Way to go Mary!!!!

Four, she says that all laws regulating prostitution must be eliminated. Prostitution, in short, must be legalised.

Well hey after all it is a “victimless crime” isn’t it?

Five, she says that the age of consent for all sexual activities should be lowered to 14.

NAMBLA AND Australia’s Dennis Fergusson would support that along with many many teachers federation members in Australia who like to sample a bit of what their students have to offer.

Finally, and most troublingly, she says: "There must be creation of penalties for anyone who vilifies individuals engaged in same-sex relationships." In short, it's not enough simply to normalise, in one fell swoop, all of international law related to homosexuality. We have to provide penalties.

What are the penalties she's talking about? Might it be the International Criminal Court? Turn to the guidelines on page 14, which emphasise the need for "the sensitisation of judicial branches of governments, both nationally and internationally." She suggests we need to "provide judicial education and the development of judicial materials".

Your Attorney-General states that it's absurd and outrageous to claim that the International Criminal Court will be used for political ends. Let me just give you, again, a little information from the Statute itself.

The ICC gives the prosecutor broad political power to bring prosecutions. Under the Statute, prosecutions are not initiated by States" Parties. They are, on the contrary, initiated by the prosecutor. And they may be initiated by anonymous complaints made by NGOs and others.

Furthermore, Article 44 allows the prosecutor to accept "any ... offer" of "gratis personnel offered by States' Parties, intergovernmental organisations or non-governmental organisations".

Gratis personnel are personnel paid for by third parties, yet they are performing the work of the court.

One can expect - and my experience tells me that it will undoubtedly be true - that most of these "gratis personnel" will be supplied by well-funded international NGOs who are hostile to religion and traditional values. An independent prosecutor who is free from any executive control is fearsome enough.

An independent prosecutor whose office is staffed by individuals with ideological axes to grind is positively frightening."

Full text of speech by Richard Wilkins, Professor of Law at Brigham Young University in the United States, was recently in Australia to warn of the threat to domestic legal and political systems posed by the International Criminal Court.

Available HERE

Something About Mary: Durban, and 10 More


Hussein Obama has a habit of appointing and or honouring some really really sick F**ks, hold on to your hat and read the following.

Ascension of Evil: Obama's Fist F**king "Safe School Czar" Kevin Jennings

Sydney disappears in red dust blown in form the outback

All Cultures Religions are equal,albino boy's legs hacked off.

Men severed albino boy's legs in ritual killing

24 9 09

A court in Tanzania has found three men guilty of murdering a 14-year-old albino boy and severing his legs.

They have been sentenced to death by hanging.

The three men attacked and killed the young boy last December - one of a string of more than 50 albino murders that have taken place in Tanzania over the past two years.

This was the first guilty verdict since then and human rights activists hope it will help put an end to albino killings.

The ritualised murders are based in a belief that the ground up bones of albinos bring good luck to those who possess them.

The three men have the right to appeal the death sentence, which the law has said was unexpected.

98 More Middle Eastern Labor voters illegally enter Australia off WA Coast.

98 more asylum seekers intercepted

The Daily Telegraph
September 23, 2009

ANOTHER boatload of 98 suspected asylum seekers has been intercepted off the far north-west coast of WA.

The boatload was intercepted near Christmas Island early today.

The latest boat arrival follows the rescue of 54 suspected asylum seekers from a stricken boat stranded north of the Cocos Islands on Saturday, September 19.

There has been at least six unauthorised boat arrivals this month.

Kevin 07,immigration & “the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.” Sheehan (Nostradamus?) nails Comrade Rudd again.
Kevin 07, Australian Governments Refugee Policies are working… well Kevin 07 did promise to disband our border protection laws before the 2007 Federal election, it was “all about getting the balance right”

2001 - 2002: 23 Boats  3649 illegal's

2002 - 2003: NO Boats

2003 - 2004: Three Boats 82 illegal's

2004 - 2005: NO Boats

2005 - 2006: Four Boats 56 illegal's

2007 - 2008:Three Boats 25 illegal's

Since the scrapping of the previous Howard, Liberal Governments, illegal entrants and Australian Border Protection policy and the  Imposition of Kevin 07's Australian Party "refugee policy"

August 2008 to September 22 09 :  34 Boats 1621 illegal's

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Australian LABOR Party LOONS set up tax payer funded “paedophile palace” for sex crims

"We're experimenting with them on kids in the community," the source said.

Sex crims to lap up luxury home

Ellen Whinnett
Sunday Herald Sun
September 20, 2009

THREE intellectually disabled sex offenders are to move into a new $800,000 house on a quiet suburban street - courtesy of the Victorian taxpayer.

The "pedophile palace" - a five-bedroom home with flat-screen TVs, computers and landscaped gardens - is on a quiet street in Bellfield.

The Department of Human Services has informed neighbours the home's residents have disabilities.

What the department did not say is that the men are intellectually disabled sex offenders, all of whom are subject to court orders that force them to receive treatment.

Heavy security surrounds the home, which has a secure back-yard hidden behind a fence.

But the security is just a front, with a source confirming all three men were allowed out unsupervised.

The source said the three men were "let loose in the community" to see how they reacted around children. DHS workers would quiz them when they returned to see if they had experienced arousal while looking at children out in the community.

"We're experimenting with them on kids in the community," the source said.

The DHS has owned the house for more than 10 years, and sex offenders, including these three men, have lived in the home before. But this year, the DHS bulldozed the home and built the sprawling new residence, which stands out against the other modest homes in the street.

The men are currently living in a home in another suburb -- next door to children.

The source said DHS staff "crossed their fingers" when the men were allowed out.

"They're street-wise criminals," the source said.

The men were due to move back into the newly completed home during the week, but the DHS changed its plans after being contacted by the Sunday Herald Sun.

DHS spokesman Brendan Ryan said: "The existing residence has operated in this location for at least 15 years with no negative impact on the surrounding community and has simply been replaced with a building that better meets design standards for people with a disability.

The clients are monitored around the clock for support from experienced DHS staff at the residence."

The Sunday Herald Sun asked several neighbours if they were concerned. One neighbour, Lola Lazarri, said she had lived next door to the home for 23 years and apart from noise and the sound of breaking windows, had not experienced problems.

"I'm not happy about it, but I'm not going to make a big fuss," she said.

Corrections Minister Bob Cameron's spokesman, Cameron Scott, said the Government had strengthened the supervision and support measures for sex offenders, and that Victoria had one of the lowest reoffending rates in the nation.

"These provisions link supervision with appropriate treatment and programs both during and after people have completed their sentence," Mr Scott said. "Prior to Labor coming to government, these people were let free without any restrictions at all."

When the Socialist Labor Party Loons new ager’s and crystal gazers are in charge of the Asylum this is what happens i guess.

Multicultural rock APES on parade


Teen rugby league player banned 20 years for vicious grand final fight

By David Barrett and Tim Vollmer
The Daily Telegraph
September 23, 2009 6:27AM

A JUNIOR rugby league player was last night banned from the sport for 20 years after attacking another player during a vicious grand final brawl.

The 16-year-old Blacktown City player faced the judiciary last night after the all-in fight, which left 16-year-old Lower Mountains player Miki Hughes with a broken nose and suspected eye fracture.

Two other

players who faced the judiciary were suspended for five years and another of their was teammates ousted for two years.

They now cannot play rugby league anywhere in Australia.

Penrith and District Junior Rugby League junior league manager Don Feltis told The Daily Telegraph the 20-year suspension reflected the actions of the "worst offender" on the day who "did all the damage".
"I think every player penalised deserved what they got," Mr Feltis said last night.

He said the tough penalty showed that officials would not tolerate violence in the game.

He said the manager of the Blacktown City team has also been cited for using offensive and threatening language towards match officials.

Some parents were also seen giving high-fives to players as they left the field, he said.

"That in itself is very disappointing ... I am embarrasssed for our district," Mr Feltis said.

Shocking footage, capturing the dying minutes of Saturday's under-16 Penrith and District Junior Rugby League match, shows players from the Lower Mountains chased from the field by their opponents.

Miki Hughes was admitted to hospital following the melee.

His mother Susanne Hughes last night said she felt helpless watching from the stand as her son was attacked.

"I feel that I failed, standing there having to watch him go through that," Mrs Hughes told Channel 7.

Detectives investigating the fight are examining the footage and are appealing for spectators with extra mobile phone footage to come forward.

Lower Mountains Junior Rugby League club secretary Kerri Eisenhuth said the vicious brawl shocked the junior rugby league community.

"I've never seen anything like this before.," Ms Eisenhuth said.

Police investigations are continuing with some players facing possible assault charges.

The. brawl is the third violent incident involving teams from the Blacktown City junior rugby league club this season.

In July, two men were charged after an assault in a carpark following an under-12s game.

A Blacktown supporter also allegedly grabbed a 13-year-old player from Katoomba on the neck on the same weekend.

In the true Multiculturalist apologist tradition of victimhood,In the words of one Blacktown City official on late night radio,it was “all the ref’s fault he provoked the reaction from the Blacktown City players” 

Internment followed by deportation,the only answer.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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