An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Labor Green Loons latest Illegal entrant filled boat arrives with 211 illegal's aboard

Federal Opposition Immigration spokesman,Scott Morrison with Andrew Moore.

And from Their ABC 

 Labor Green Loon Islamic Colonization of Australia

Convicted Islamic Terrorist,Belal Saadallah Khazaal, High Court of Australia denies appeal.

DIY Jihad author Belal Saadallah Khazaal could be released on bail in days
The Daily Telegraph
June 30, 2011
A FORMER Qantas cabin cleaner who was jailed for writing a "do-it-yourself'' terrorism jihad book could be released on bail within days.
Belal Saadallah Khazaal, 42, has been behind bars since September 2008, after the NSW Supreme Court found him guilty of making a document between September 20 and October 28, 2003 connected with assistance in a terrorist act, knowing of that connection.

Copy of 30 6 2011 DIY Jihad author Belal Saadallah Khazaal could be released on bail in days

30 6 2011 Belal Saadallah Khazaal
He had been sentenced to at least nine years behind bars.
But earlier this month the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal allowed an appeal against Khazaal's conviction, and ordered a retrial.
The retrial was likely to go ahead in the next six to nine months, Justice Michael Adams told the Supreme Court on Thursday.
Khazaal's lawyer, Charles Waterstreet, urged Justice Adams to release Khazaal on bail in the meantime, given that he had previously complied with ``the most onerous bail conditions the court had ever granted'' from June 2004 until he was jailed in September 2008.
``He was not allowed to use the internet, he was not allowed to use the phone without notice, he was not allowed to leave the house except for prayers, he was not allowed to mix with anyone other than his family,'' Mr Waterstreet said.
Despite that, he had obeyed the bail conditions and had appeared for his trial.
``Very rarely do you have a case of very serious charges and a compliance with bail for several years,'' he said.
He argued that Khazaal had been jailed in a maximum security arrangement that was ``one level down from Guantanamo Bay'', and that his two children, aged 13 and 14, needed their father to be with them.
Appearing with the aid of an interpreter, Khazaal's brother-in-law, Hissam Alyassine, agreed to put up his house, valued at $460,000, as surety that Khazaal would meet his bail conditions.
In addition, Khazaal's two brothers, who were at the court, agreed they would each undertake to deposit $200,000 as surety.
Crown prosecutor Peter Neil SC opposed bail.
Justice Adams said he would make a decision in the next few days.
The matter was adjourned to a date yet to be fixed.

I almost forgot I had this…oooops.

DIY Jihad author to serve nine years

The Daily Telegraph 

September 25, 2009

Belal Saadallah Khazaal arrives in handcuffs at the NSW Supreme Court at King Street, Sydney for his sentencing hearing for his producing of a book knowing it could assist a terrorist act. Picture: Amos Aikman Source: AAP

A SYDNEY man who produced a do-it-yourself jihad book has been sentenced to at least nine years in prison.

In September last year, a NSW Supreme Court jury found Belal Khazaal guilty of making a document - between September 20 and 23,  2003 - connected with assistance in a terrorist act, and knowing about that connection.

The 110-page book, in Arabic, entitled Provisions Of The Rules of Jihad - Short Judicial Rulings And Organisational Instructions For Fighters And Mujahideen Against Infidels, contained advice about terrorist acts such as exploding bombs, shooting down planes and assassinating people such as former US president George W Bush.

Khazaal has never denied making the book, but said it was never intended to incite terrorist acts.

“Only sentenced to Jail term because he is a Muslim”

At his sentencing on Friday, Justice Megan Latham said she found it "unsurprising'' a jury had rejected his defence.

"It beggars belief that a person of average intelligence who has devoted themselves to the study of Islam over some years would fail to recognise the nature of the material,'' she said.

"The dissemination of extremist activity, connected or unconnected with a terrorist plot, is caught by the government's (anti-terror) scheme ... (because such material) is capable and is shown to foment terrorist activity.''

Khazaal was sentenced to 12 years in prison, with a non-parole period of nine years.

With time already served, he will be eligible for release after August 31, 2017.

Monday, August 06, 2012

The Bolt Report 1, 2 and 3 featuring Wayne Springsteen and Bill the Pie Man Shorten

Treasurer is more goose or a turkey than a Swan

Piers Akerman
The Sunday Telegraph
August 05, 2012 1

WAYNE Swan has sunk the ideals of the Labor Party and shown enormous disrespect, if not ignorance, of the legacy of one of Labor's more recent heroes, John Button, with his bizarre channelling of US rocker Bruce Springsteen.

Given the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to a party which its own leaders openly acknowledge lost its way under former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and has failed dismally to find it since, Swan has left it mired in the marshlands of New Jersey.

Unfortunately, he demonstrated he was as ignorant of New Jersey as he was of many other areas when he attempted to link multi-millionaire Springsteen's banal lyrics with social dysfunction in Australia. That he did so while delivering the annual John Button lecture made the comparison between the current Treasurer and acting Prime Minister's contribution to Australian politics and Button's legacy inevitable. To put it extremely mildly, Swan is no Button.

Button was a senior minister in the truly reforming Labor governments of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. Swan has been Treasurer under Rudd and Julia Gillard - neither of whom could be regarded as reformers - and has been at the helm as the nation's economy has gone from a healthy surplus to a record level of debt.

Button was a thinker and a doer, whose passions were (tragically) the Geelong football team, cricket and literature. He made a significant reputation as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria before he entered politics. Swan has been an academic but his life has been one of Labor Party jobs, nothing in the real world.

Swan and the Labor Party are running on empty. The only political strategy they have is a desire to wedge the Opposition and focus their attack on its leader Tony Abbott as Swan did with his Button lecture.

Curiously, he didn't mention the fact that Button was a great fan of the very same budgie smugglers that Labor now finds so repellent. He would often find time to sunbake on the roof of the Old Parliament House before the ALP decided that wearing the brief swimmers symbolised something dark and oppressive.

Swan's and Labor's cheer squad have now seized on the NDIS and the Gonski review into education as examples of the ALP's reforming agenda. In fact they are prime examples of the ALP's enormous propaganda campaign.

Putting it bluntly, Gillard's Labor-Green-independent minority government unveiled both policy programs with enormous fanfare but has singularly failed to explain how either will be permanently funded. All spin, no substance. A lot like Swan's Button address.

What was Swan on about? Every person under 30 was lost. Springsteen is not on their radar. Swan has kicked an own goal. He identified himself as being out of touch - that's the view of the thirty-somethings I know. Just like his cabinet colleague Craig Emerson did two weeks ago.

What we are seeing is a Labor karaoke club of Swan and Emerson, and what we are left wondering is which Labor luminary will next break into song or dance and entertain the masses with a muse?

Disregarding reality and distracting the Canberra cognoscenti with pseudo-intellectual nonsense designed for a morning television show audience is no way to win back a nation tired of Labor nonsense. Nonsense that has resulted in a devastating litany of failed policies from border protection to the NBN to the education revolution and pink batts, to list just a few from the depressing list of waste and national decay.

When Swan plunged back into an era which even Springsteen has eschewed in favour of huge personal wealth vast homes, expensive cars, private jets and international tax havens, he ignored the fact that New Jersey residents are statistically better off than Australians. Their per capita GDP is $53,000 while ours is $41,000, but perhaps those numbers are beyond the Treasurer's intellectual grasp.

New Jersey is regarded as a go-ahead state that has shaken off the dead hand of politicians who would not be out of place in the ALP. Button was a giant compared to the pygmies like Rudd and Swan who now infest the leadership ranks of the ALP.

Masterly chefs prepare a delicacy by stuffing a boned duck into a boned turkey. It is known as a turducken. In politics, a swan which is really more goose and turkey is called a Wayne.

Offended New Jersey says Treasurer Wayne Swan's a working-class zero

Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
August 03, 2012

SPRINGSTEEN super fan Wayne Swan has been ridiculed by US politicians over remarks he made about the US state of New Jersey.

Mr Swan lit the spark that has drawn reaction from the office of the New Jersey governor and Republican senate leader when he said this week: "Don't let Australia become a Down Under version of New Jersey, where the people and the communities whose skills are no longer in demand get thrown on the scrap heap of life."

A spokesman for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said: "Give me a break. I'd like to know if he has any knowledge of New Jersey beyond what he's heard in a Bruce Springsteen song."

The state's senate Republican leader also mocked Mr Swan, saying: "Apparently the electoral 'silly season' is not a uniquely American phenomenon."

A New Jersey newspaper columnist asked: "Was this a blunder from Down Under, or maybe just someone fleeing a lifetime of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport?"
Locals in Freehold, where Springsteen spent most of his childhood, said it had changed dramatically since the 1960s, when "The Boss" wrote songs about racial tension, guns on the street, closing manufacturing businesses and "whitewashed windows and vacant stores".

Hotel worker Carolyn McGackin, 39, said Springsteen's childhood hometown had been transformed since the 1960s with racial tolerance, a shopping mall, competitive businesses, good schools and employment.

"Freehold is a lot kinder, a lot more accepting," she said.

Mr Swan, who compared himself to Springsteen when speaking of his defence of the working class in a speech in Melbourne, has visited New Jersey, a spokesman said.

"The Treasurer will go in to bat for Daily Telegraph readers ... while [Tony] Abbott and others are going into bat for billionaires who they have promised huge tax cuts at the expense of working people," he said.

Australian Federal Treasurer and Deputy PM, Comrade Wayne Swansteen seen here in familiar territory floating aimlessly and  "all at sea"

Pious Muslims riot and attack Police at another Harmony Day Cultural Enrichment Ramadan Holy Festival in Sydney;s Occupied Territories

Riot police break up Ramadan festivities on Waterloo Road, Greenacre

The Daily Telegraph
August 06, 2012 

RAMADAN festivities turned nasty last night when two men were arrested for offensive language toward police in south west Sydney.

More than a dozen men of Middle Eastern appearance gathered on Waterloo Rd, Greenacre for a barbecue setup on the street for what is believed to have been Ramadan.

Police arrived at the scene about 1am following reports of loud and offensive language coming from the area.

Two males were arrested for allegedly yelling obscene language at officers.

Riot police and the dog squad also attended the incident.

Some members of the crowd were wearing 'Brothers 4 Life' jackets.

Sydney's Occupied Territories where every day is a "Harmony Day" and where too many "Harmony Days" are barely enough.  Aussie.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Labor Green Loon Islamic Colonization of Australia

The Union GetUp funded Labor/Green Loons betrayal of Australians goes on unabated,like druggies giving head jobs down Kings Cross alley ways,these pathological liars and Socialist sociopath's continue on their course to destroy Australians and Australia.
These Socialist swine make Paul Keating look like a conservative.
Never before in our Nations history have we had a government at any level,so totally devoted to the destruction of the Nation and it's people as these swine are. Aussie.

Melbourne grocery store in suspected people smuggling scam

August 04, 2012 8:48AM

POLICE suspect the relatives of people smugglers are using a Melbourne grocery store to transfer funds offshore to pay for places on asylum boats.

Newspaper reporters can find out who is running the illegal people smuggling rings in Australia, however the Government wants you to believe its all too hard for them to stop Islamic people smuggling.Aussie.

Labor Green Loon's Islamic Colonization of Australia :Truth worse than the Fiction

Australia's Labor Green Loon Co Party Government sets new Olympic Record for Islamic Colonization of Australia 

Authorities suspect the store in Victoria's Dandenong is one of six shops in the same street being used to send money to people smugglers overseas, The Weekend Australian reports.

Federal police and members of the local community believe the store is owned by relatives of convicted people smuggler Haji Sakhi, who was deported from custody in Indonesia to Pakistan earlier this year, according to the report.

One of the store's owners, Ali Ashgar, reportedly denies both the relationship with Mr Sakhi and any involvement in people smuggling.
The other owner, Juma Khan Karimi, could not be reached for comment, the newspaper says.

Sakhi is believed to be involved in people smuggling activities dating back to 1999.

Pious Muslims Iftikhar Ahmed, 52, and his wife Farzana Murder Daughter because she was too westernised

UK parents guilty of murdering daughter Shafilea Ahmed

Daily Telegraph
August 03, 201211:23PM

A BRITISH court has found a Pakistani-born couple guilty of murdering their "westernised" teenage daughter in an apparent honour killing.

Iftikhar Ahmed, 52, and his wife Farzana, 49, were both found guilty of murder at Chester Crown Court in Cheshire, north-west England, after suffocating their 17-year-old daughter Shafilea in 2003.

In a high-profile case, Shafilea's sister Alesha had told the jury her mother had said: "Just finish it here," as they forced a plastic bag into Shafilea's mouth in front of their other children.

Iftikhar Ahmed stood impassively as the verdicts were given, while his wife wiped tears from her eyes with a tissue.

They were due to be sentenced later.

Three of their children also broke down in tears as they watched from the courtroom.

Shafilea had disappeared from the family home in the town of Warrington, near Chester, in September 2003, and her body was found five months later on a riverbank in Cumbria, north-west England.

Prosecutors said the couple murdered her because they felt her "western" habits, such as wearing make-up and talking to boys, had brought shame on the family.

The court heard that Shafilea had run away from home and asked the local authority to provide her with emergency accommodation, just before she was drugged and taken to Pakistan in February 2003 to be forced into a marriage.

In a letter to social services, she said she had suffered from regular domestic violence since she was 15.

"One parent would hold me whilst the other hit me," she wrote. "I was prevented from attending college and my part-time job."

Her main reason for running away was that her parents "were going to send me to Pakistan and get me married to someone," she added.

Iftikhar Ahmed, a taxi driver, denied the murder and said Shafilea ran away from home.

His wife also denied the killing, but told the jury she saw her husband beating Shafilea and believed that he killed her.

Labor Green Loon's Islamic Colonization of Australia :Truth worse than the Fiction

The truth on refugees is worse than fiction

Paul Sheehan
Sydney Morning Herald
July 30, 2012

It is a lie that will not die. It has been sent to tens of thousands of Australians in an email that has been circulating for years. The latest variation compares the amount paid to Australian aged pensioners with the benefits available to refugees. It claims the weekly allowance for pensioners is $253 while the weekly allowance for refugees is $472.50, plus a weekly hardship payment of $145, meaning refugees are eligible for more than twice as much government support as pensioners. It's a concoction. The problem for the federal government is that the truth is in some ways worse than the lie.

As long ago as 2009 the Department of Immigration felt compelled to issue this press release: ''Figures quoted in these emails bear no resemblance to income-support payments to asylum seekers and refugees settling in Australia … Asylum seekers in Australia who have not yet had their protection claims decided have no access to Centrelink benefits.

''Irregular maritime arrivals are subject to thorough security and identity checks and must satisfy the character test before a decision is made about protection … In Australia, refugees granted permanent visas have access to benefits on the same basis and at the same rates as other Australian permanent residents.''

Things have loosened up since then. Some asylum seekers now do qualify for welfare before their claims have been decided. The system of ''thorough security and identity checks'' has been compromised. This has damaged the federal Labor government, damaged the reputation of the Prime Minister, and damaged the traditional links between blue collar workers and the Labor Party. It has inflicted as much political damage on Labor as the carbon tax about-face.

In trying to understand the persistently dreadful opinion polls for the Gillard government, I keep coming back to this issue, a policy debacle for which Kevin Rudd, not Julia Gillard, bears primary responsibility, though on her watch it has gone from embarrassing to potentially terminal.

What follows are half a dozen elements that are already of concern to the Australian Federal Police, but about which the AFP must remain mute:

The police have not seen as large a gap in quality control in the flow of unskilled and welfare-dependent arrivals since the refugee flow from Lebanon in the 1970s.

About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

The Royal Australian Navy is being used as a pick-up service by people smugglers who call navy vessels to advise them of their need for assistance.

Little wonder that numbers are exploding. In the three years before the election of the Rudd government, 71 people arrived on 10 illegal boats. It took a year for the impact of Labor's dismantling of the previous border security regime to kick in. Over the past three years 341 illegal boats have brought 20,248 asylum-seekers. Another 363 have drowned. Uncounted others have perished or turned back.

Australia's Labor Green Loon Co Party Government sets new Olympic Record for Islamic Colonization of Australia 

All these problems are personified by ''Captain Emad'', who fled Australia in June even though he had been under investigation by police. The man, Abu Khalid, was a people smuggler who came to Australia by passing himself off as an asylum seeker. He brought his wife, three children and a grandchild. All received refugee status, settled in Canberra and were provided with public housing despite using different identities to those they used to enter Indonesia from Iraq. Yet even after Khalid's activities were exposed by the ABC's Four Corners program, he was allowed to leave.

Systemic deceit has been rewarded by systemic support. Even some asylum seekers who have avoided immigration control, destroyed their identity documents and not yet had their claims decided are eligible for support under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme.

Among the benefits that can be made available to those granted protection visas, and those granted refugee status, is a one-off household formation package of up to $9850. Families can be eligible for education assistance of up to $9220. People granted refugee status become eligible for welfare payments immediately without having to wait the two-year period set for immigrants. Single applicants are eligible for a Newstart Allowance. Parents are eligible for Centrelink's parenting payment. Refugees, and some on bridging visas, also receive Medicare assistance for medical, hospital, dental, medicine and optical costs. Mobile phones are provided to those who arrive as unaccompanied minors.

This is the honeypot that has combined with civil strife to cause entire villages to empty in Sri Lanka and thousands of young men to travel from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan to get on illegal boats to Australia.

The viral email about Australia's generosity to refugees may be wrong in its details, but the truth is a story of government gullibility without end.

Its time the Australian connections within the Union GetUp funded Labor / Green Loon / Independent "Co Party" Government are rounded up and charged with treason.Aussie.    

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Peter Slipper James Ashby and Andy Muirhead : The Great Australian Sleeeeze keeps OOOZING

Police face legal minefield in deciding on Ashby investigation

The Australian
August 01, 2012 12:00AM

QUEENSLAND police are negotiating a legal minefield to assess whether to launch a full criminal investigation into a complaint by stood-aside Speaker Peter Slipper that the former staffer pursuing him for sexual harassment had sex with two underage males nine years ago.

In Queensland, sex with minors is an offence carrying a maximum of 14 years in jail, but police have received only a "third-party" complaint from Mr Slipper about his former aide James Ashby's alleged dealings.

The Liberal National Party turncoat wrote to Queensland Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson in late June to relay the claims about Mr Ashby's alleged sexual relationships with two
15-year-olds in Townsville in 2003, when Mr Ashby was 23 and well before he had met Mr

Police are now trying to discover whether the two young men at the centre of the allegations want to make a complaint against Mr Ashby, who filed a politically explosive sexual harassment claim against Mr Slipper in April, forcing him to step aside from his parliamentary duties as

ABC TV's 7.30 program reported that one of the young men had contacted Mr Slipper and
complained of feeling "used and disgusted" by his short-lived relationship with Mr Ashby. Mr Slipper reportedly urged the young man to contact police, but ended up doing so himself.

Mr Slipper did not respond to The Australian yesterday. Mr Ashby's media spokesman also
declined to comment.

Tony Abbott insisted the allegations against Mr Ashby were a "matter for police" and it was up to them to investigate and take "appropriate action".

Queensland is the only Australian jurisdiction with different ages of consent for different
sexual acts. A person must be 18 to engage in sodomy, or anal sex, but only 16 to engage in
other sexual activity.

A spokesman said Queensland Police Service was "in the process of determining whether any person authorised to do so wishes to make a complaint and if that is the case whether there is the evidence to support any prosecution". "We will advise in due course the outcome of that investigation."

The spokesman told The Australian police could pursue a matter without a formal complaint from a victim, but said it was "a grey area".

Anti-child abuse advocate Hetty Johnston said third-party referrals of sexual crimes were of "minimal use" without a complaint from the alleged victim.

The Bravehearts founder said Mr Slipper was using a serious allegation as a "political football".

"It's a political red herring and it damages the credibility for survivors everywhere that make genuine complaints," she told The Australian.

Even if a complaint is received, lawyers say prosecutors have wide discretion about whether to take the matter to court.

Top Queensland criminal lawyer Bill Potts said prosecutors would weigh up the chances of a conviction and whether such a prosecution would be in the public interest.

"The attitude of the victim, whether there's a complaint, witnesses, the degree to which
there's a differential in age and power (between the offender and the victim), and the
reasons behind promulgating the complaint would be all factors," he said.

He said prosecutors took a hard line when the alleged offender was in a position of power and influence over their victim, for example in a relationship between a teacher and student.

Wayne Swan said allegations that Mr Ashby had sex with minors were extremely serious.

"They are going to be investigated by the authorities," the Treasurer said, adding that the
criminal allegations should be dealt with separately from Mr Ashby's sexual harassment suit
against Mr Slipper.

Trade Minister Craig Emerson said Mr Ashby should be entitled to the presumption of
innocence and the probe should occur without interference.

...and down in Tasmania at THEIR ABC.....

Former ABC host Muirhead pleads guilty to child porn

Daily Telegraph
July 31, 201212:05PM

FORMER ABC presenter Andy Muirhead has pleaded guilty to three charges relating to child pornography in the Tasmanian Supreme Court.

The court has been told that Muirhead used peer-to-peer software to access more than 12,000 picture files and 24 videos.

Prosecutor Maitland Lincoln said Muirhead had changed software after reading articles about a child pornography ring busted by police in May 2010.

The ages of children depicted ranged from three to 14 and at least 60 were in the worst category, showing the explicit or sadistic treatment of children.

Muirhead looked down as graphic examples of the images and videos were played to the court.

He had previously pleaded not guilty to the charges.
His plea hearing is set to continue this afternoon.

Australia's Labor Green Loon Co Party Government sets new Olympic Record for Islamic Colonization of Australia

Gillard sets new record with biggest year of illegal boat arrivals

Julia Gillard has eclipsed the previous record she shared with Kevin Rudd for the highest number of people arriving on illegal boats in a year, with the latest arrival of another 49 people, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Scott Morrison and Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection, Michael Keenan said today.

“In an unprecedented year of policy failure on our borders, 6,899 people have arrived on illegal boats just seven months into this year, compared with 6,889 who arrived under Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard as Prime Minister in 2010,” Mr Morrison said.

“When Julia Gillard knifed Kevin Rudd she claimed his government had lost its way and nominated border protection as his worst crime and yet over 15,000 people have now arrived on boats on her watch,” he said.

Shadow Immigration Minister Scott Morrison on the latest arrivals, which have contributed to 2012 being a record year -- and it's only July.

 “Since Julia Gillard took office she has given us the East Timor farce, the failed and immoral Malaysian people swap, unwound the last bricks in the wall of the Howard Government's strong measures by giving boat arrivals bridging visas, works rights and access to endless appeals in the courts and all the while has refused to reinstate the Coalition’s proven policies to stop the boats.

Alan Jones and Tony Abbott discuss asylum seekers,foreign ownership and funding for Australian athletes.

“Only stubborn pride has stood in the way of the Prime Minister’s refusal to reinstate those policies and Australians are paying the price.
“Julia Gillard has the worst record in our history on border protection, which combined with her other failures makes her a strong candidate for our worst Prime Minister on record,” Mr Morrison said.

Mr Keenan said: “This latest boat arrival has made 2012 the biggest year for people arriving illegally by boat ever – and it is only July.

“We have another shameful record broken by this incompetent Labor Government who have now allowed over 1,600 people to cross our borders illegally this month alone.

“These unprecedented numbers have exposed the gaping holes that Labor have created in our border protection system and have made the job of our Border Protection Command all the more difficult.

“Until there is a change in Canberra and an end to the Labor-Greens governing alliance, the boats will keep coming and the records will keep breaking,” Mr Keenan said.

Andrew Bolt and Scott Morrison and a warning that Australian's refused to heed in 2010

How it's done ...............It's so easy 

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