A twenty year old female student awakes at 3 am in her University dormitory to find a half naked man standing over her, she screams and fights for her life and thankfully the offender runs away.
The Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government and their media arm "Their ABC" have not said a word about it,and have to be dragged screaming and kicking to provide any information about this near RAPE near DEATH event.
The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government has placed
80 illegal immigrant males next door to teenage female students.
2GB 's Ray Hadley breaks the story below
and asks some uncomfortable questions of the Illegal Immigrant Industry facilitators namely the
The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government.
The Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government and their media arm "Their ABC" have not said a word about it,and have to be dragged screaming and kicking to provide any information about this near RAPE near DEATH event.
The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government has placed
80 illegal immigrant males next door to teenage female students.
2GB 's Ray Hadley breaks the story below
and asks some uncomfortable questions of the Illegal Immigrant Industry facilitators namely the
The Union/ GetUp funded Federal Labor Green Loon Independent minority Co Party Government.
Sydney Australia, Labor's Malmo in the Pacific?
Sleeping University Student Assaulted
Chris Maher,
Updated February 22, 2013, 6:30 pm
A Macquarie University student who lives on campus has been indecently assaulted in her bed by an intruder.
The attack has left her traumatised, and other female students living in fear.
While the intruder hasn't been identified, they want asylum seekers moved out of their student accommodation.
Police forensics show where the intruder forced his way into campus accomodation in the early hours yesterday, and enterred the woman's room.
Friends at Macquarie University, who did not wish to be identified, said she woke to find the man at the end of her bed.
"She was screaming at him to get out, she she fought back and chased him," one friend said.
Police are investigating an indecent assault and have issued a description for a man aged 20 to 25.
The man has dark skin, dark hair, is of slim build and was only wearing grey tracksuit pants.
But the incident has sparked student complaints, with about up to 80 Sri Lankan refugees housed temporarily on campus.
The University says it could have been anyone.
"You just got to look around you its an open campus, part of embracing the community is that people come and go."
The Federal Opposition says there are up to 10,000 asylum seekers waiting for approval to stay. It questions whether university's are the right place.
"That question about its appropriateness is not even asked by the Government," Shadow Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said.
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